Nashville Tea Party Convention News Round-up

UPDATE: Live Sarracuda coverage here.

Did I ever mention that I was planning to go to the Nashville Tea Party? In fact My husband and I had reservations, and were planning to take a couple of kids, until I found out there was a $500.00 price tag to attend, and started hearing  words, like “scammy” to describe  the event. I decided to stick with CPAC, and skip, the first annual Tea Party Convention in Nashville. But I’m paying close attention to see if anything positive comes out of the gathering. So far, I’ve been I’m hearing both good things, and not so good things.

Pajamas Media is covering the event with live streaming, here.

Here’s a report with Bill Whittle, from yesterday:

And here’s a report from Carl Cameron at Fox News:

We may just go next year.


Hot Air: Breitbart, Farah argue Birtherism at Tea Party convention

Founding Bloggers: (PICTURES) Can You Hear Me Now?

‘Countdown to no ratings’ weighs in:

Weasel Zippers: Olbermann On The Tea Party. ‘These Are Not Political Insurrectionaries, Nor Real Americans, These Are Men And Women Who Hate’

O the humanity!

Ooooh, now this may have been worth the price of the ticket:
Andrew Breitbart: “It’s not your business model that sucks, it’s you that sucks.”

Nobody flings redmeat like Breitbart.

Big Government: Popular conservative Erick Erickson has a change of heart at National Tea Party Convention.

Now he tells us.

Erick Erickson, Red State: Thoughts on the Nashville Tea Party Convention and Sarah Palin

RCP: Tea Party with Palin and My 7th Grade Girlfriend

Christian Science Monitor: As counter-media fuels tea party movement, main stream media catches on

Big Government: The media reported that a group of a National Tea Party Convention counter-protesters were going to flock to the Opryland Hotel for a showdown.


In case you missed the live coverage, here’s Sarah Palin slamming Obama’s foreign policy:

Entire speech, here.

Dan Riehl asks: Who Did Palin Remind You Of?


13 thoughts on “Nashville Tea Party Convention News Round-up

  1. Pingback: “Thoughts on the Nashville Tea Party Convention and Sarah Palin” and related posts « Twitter

  2. Pingback: Freedom News- An American Blog » Blog Archive » National Tea Party Convention- Sarah Palin’s Bad Move, Judson Phillips greed, more

  3. I watched Sarah, at the convention… I thought the tea party was going to be a grass roots effort not a lead effort.. and believe me Sarah has been trying all to hard to lead the Tea Party. I agreed with everything she had to say.. the difference is she had it all written down and just like during the election season she seems so rehearsed and thought out.. It just does not seem to come from her heart.
    If she meant it, then why the hell did she endorse McCain. She is just trying to Use the tea partiers. I guess I should not be so hard on her. I like Palin. What turned me off of Palin is she is fake. I know she is fake becuase she has been so quick to throw People under the bus.. and she is always using her family as political tools.. Rahm Emanuel says Retard and she throws her poor baby into the mix, Rush says Retard and she says nothing. Nothing Maverick about this Politician. She needs to go home and take care of her kids. I am a Tea Party Goer., but I guess normal people have no say with this movement accourding to the 500 dollar fee, or Sarahs Speaking fee of 100k. Huckabee Was against all the bail outs unlike her., He would be more Tea Partyest than this so called “Maverick” She is not more qualified than Obama to be pres. She didnt even finish her commitment to the people of Alaska, instead opting to further her political career and pocket book.

    That was a campaign speech, and not very well delivered. “Run Sarah Run”…..Where have I heard that before?…Wait…oh yeah, “run Forrest run”.

    She just seems to be contradict herself Just a few weeks ago on Hannity she told him that the tea party shouldn’t “splinter” the republican vote. But tonight she sent a mixed message by saying Todd was no longer a Republican… which sends a contradictive message of what she said on Hannity. I see through Sarah. Just like I saw through Obama.


  4. Yeah, I think you’re being a little hard on her. I like Sarah. I liked her speech, thought it was well delivered.

    She condemned Rush, too, but not as pointedly than she did with Emanuel. I rather relished watching Emanuel’s political correctness get hoisted with his own petard.

    I didn’t go to the tea party either because of the exorbitant fees, but I’m not bitter about it. I’m hoping that the next convention is handled differently so that more of the grassroots who actually make up the movement can afford going.


  5. Pingback: Sarah Palin to Barack: How’s that hopey changey thing working out for you? « VotingFemale

  6. Pingback: Progressive Exploding Head Parade: re: Sarah Palin Tea Party Address « VotingFemale

  7. I did not attend this event, but I was at 9.12 in DC, and Michele Bachmann’s protest, and Code Red, and my two local Tea Party events. They are all great, and the fact that the Tea Party movement is multi-faceted and mult-headed is wonderful. Perfect.

    The Tea Parties helped Scott Brown to victory in MA. We need Tea Party help in Virginia to oust a freshman socialist Democrat from a traditionally conservative seat. Michael McPadden is the best man to take the Tea Party spirit to Washington. Please check out his video “WE THE PEOPLE” Pass it on. We need to spread the word.

    McPadden’s website is


  8. Pingback: Andrew Breitbart Dead at 43 « Nice Deb

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