10-Buck Friday Winner Announced: Congratulations Anna Little!

Anna Little? Who dat?

Exactly. Like I said at the beginning of the week; the candidates with the least name recognition need the money bombs the most, and Anna Little, running in NJ’s 6th district,  has a well funded opponent:

Little announced early that she would now try to raise funds from other conservative groups in Washington, DC. She knows that Frank Pallone, the Democratic incumbent, has an even greater funding advantage: a $4 million war chest, according to the Associated Press. Pallone is still the heavy favorite–but then again, Little has shown that money and endorsements alone are not sufficient.

Right Klik reports:

Anna Little reached out to Ten Buck Fridays supporters for support, and she surely got it. Running away with 42% of the vote in a ten-way race, Little is the hands-down victor in this week’s Ten Buck Fridays fundraising poll.
TBF bloggers and supporters can be very proud of their support for this phenomenal candidate.
This week, we had a great lineup of conservative candidates, but I want to encourage everyone who voted in the TBF poll this week to rally behind the winner with a $10 donation. Some have an expressed a desire to give to multiple candidates, and that, of course, is strongly encouraged. (And don’t forget, every week brings another winner.)

You can donate to Anna Little, here.

Please encourage friends, family, readers, and fellow tweeters donate generously this 4th of July weekend. The Anna Little campaign will be providing feedback on total donations received under the TBF banner so let’s show them what we can do!

And don’t forget to put “Ten Buck Fridays” in the field where it asks for your occupation… That’s how they know who we are!

If you have any suggestions for next week’s 10 buck Friday nominee, contact Right Klik. The new poll will be going up on Sunday.

Blogroll of 10-Buck Friday participants:

Conservative Candidates for Congress who like TBF:

13 thoughts on “10-Buck Friday Winner Announced: Congratulations Anna Little!

  1. Pingback: Anna Little Wins Ten Buck Fridays Poll

  2. Thanks Deb. We’re working like dogs here in NJ6 to make this happen and rid the Country of uber-progressive and self-proclaimed author of HR 3200 and cap-and-trade, Frank “Francis” Pallone. With the help of the Right Ether and things like TBF, we’re gonna damn well do it.


  3. At the risk of looking a little spammy, I’ve been posting this message on the blogs that have announced Anna’s win:

    Please encourage friends, family, readers, and fellow tweeters donate generously this 4th of July weekend. The Anna Little campaign will be providing feedback on total donations received under the TBF banner so let’s show them what we can do!

    And don’t forget to put “Ten Buck Fridays” in the field where it asks for your occupation… That’s how they know who we are!


  4. you are often used by ace, maybe pixie can help you set it up.

    If not, I’m confident there are some others who can come to your aid if you ask.


  5. I have been trying for two days to donate to Ms. Little via the PayPal link on her site. PayPal keeps coming up with lame rejection messages like…Unable to process payment. Please contact the merchant as the shipping address provided by the merchant is invalid, and the merchant has requested that your order must be shipped to that address.
    There have been four or five other rejection messages. I have contacted her campaign and they are working on it, yet as of today, well that was the rejection message I got a half hour ago.
    I have e-mailed again and will try to contribute again tomorrow.
    In light of PayPal’s recent Atlas Shrugged shenanigans this situation worries me.


  6. Thanks for the heads up.

    I had a little trouble at first, but managed to get through.

    Make sure there are no apostrophes in your address. Paypal doesn’t like that.


  7. I have contacted PayPal and they told me that they cannot accept credit card payments for donations to Anna C. Little for Congress. Donations have to be either a green dot payment or drawn on a bank account. PayPal is now verifying my bank account so in 2-3 days I should be able make my TBF donation. First time I’ve ever run in to a situation like this. TBF Friday’s are a good idea. Thanks.


  8. Pingback: 10-Buck Friday Winner Announced: Congratulations Anna Little … | Health Care Bill Facts

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