UGH: Hatch Says Kagan Filibuster Would Be “An Unheard Of, Dirty Thing To Do”…

Game over, man.

Unheard of and dirty? It’s true that only one Supreme Court nominee has ever been filibustered…but what about how the Dems treated Bush’s appellate Court nominees?

From June 2001 to January 2003, when the Senate was controlled by the Democrats, the most conservative appellate nominees were stalled in the Senate Judiciary Committee and never given hearings or committee votes.[10] However, after the 2002 mid-term elections in which the Republicans regained control of the Senate by a 51-49 margin, these same nominees began to be moved through the now Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee.[11]

With no other way to block confirmation, the Senate Democrats started to filibuster judicial nominees. On February 12 2003, Miguel Estrada, a nominee for the D.C. Circuit, became the first court of appeals nominee ever to be filibustered.[12] Later, nine other conservative court of appeals nominees were also filibustered. These nine were Priscilla Owen, Charles W. Pickering, Carolyn Kuhl, David W. McKeague, Henry Saad, Richard Allen Griffin, William H. Pryor, William Gerry Myers III and Janice Rogers Brown.[13] Three of the nominees (Estrada, Pickering and Kuhl) withdrew their nominations before the end of the 108th Congress.

What’s truly unheard of and dirty, is how this nominee, Kagan, has distorted and manipulated data to win cases. That should have been more than just “troubling” to Senator Hatch.

Linked by Ace, thanks!


Hypocrisy Alert II: Obama’s calls For Bipartisanship While Bashing Republicans

It doesn’t seem like an effective strategy, if he truly wants to work with Republicans.

The Hill reports:

President Barack Obama has been pleading with Capitol Hill Republicans to work in a bipartisan way on key measures such as climate change legislation and immigration reform, but many of his most likely GOP allies say the president has lost all credibility since he bashes them every time he hits the campaign trail.

Obama spent much of Tuesday pressing lawmakers to find bipartisan consensus on energy and immigration reform bills, both of which have stalled amid flagging GOP support. But less than 24 hours later, and to the chagrin of Republicans, the president was blasting House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) for being “out of touch” and framing Republicans as “the other side” during a speech in Wisconsin.

It almost looks like his occasional outreaches to Republicans are completely self-serving – just for show. Paul Ryan is no longer fooled.

“A day doesn’t go by where we don’t hear one thing and see another. The outstretched hand by the left with the clenched clock across the face by the right. … It just seems to be their method of doing things,” Budget ranking member Paul Ryan said.

The Wisconsin lawmaker, whom Obama has publicly praised for his willingness to work across party lines, said the president’s words never translated into a White House effort to work together behind the scenes.

“He would say nice things about me publicly, but there was never actual outreach,” Ryan said. “I used to think there was going to be follow-up, but now I just accept it hasn’t happened. … We have yet to see any action that suggests he’s sincere about compromise.”

Ryan also accused Obama of being “intellectually lazy” by attacking Boehner during his Wisconsin speech, which took place in Ryan’s district. The Minority Leader has come under fire for saying financial reform is akin to using a nuclear weapon on an ant.

“He was attacking our leader, taking him out of context and setting up more straw men and trying to knock them down,” Ryan said. “The straw men arguments are intellectually hollow and disingenuous, and they send a clear signal that the president is more interested in combat than compromise.”

Hat tip: @gabrielmalor on Twitter.

By the way, the President continues to get everything he wants – here are some House Republicans combating the Dems on the wretched financial bill which passed last night:

Rep. Judy Biggert (IL): I thought its purpose was to rein in Wall Street and end the abuses that precipitated the most massive financial melt-down and economic downturn since the Great Depression.  Its purpose is to make Wall Street pay for the abuses – not Main Street.

Rep. Paul Broun, M.D. (GA): …liberals spent 2,000 pages expanding the reach of the federal government, codifying bailouts, restricting access to capital, and protecting Wall Street over Main Street. Liberals refusal to end bailouts and reform these mortgage giants refutes any claims that this bill is about ‘reform.’

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO): The government has a poor record of managing hard-earned taxpayer dollars, which is why I could not support a bill that actually gives the government even more control of people’s money and continues the reckless meddling of government in our free market system.

Rep. Roy Blunt (MO): This bill is another heavy-handed government intrusion which will cost jobs at the very time we should be working to create jobs,

Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ): The American people are delivering a strong message to those of us in Washington willing to listen.  They want less failed government overreach into their lives and into our economy and they want more opportunities to work and provide for their families, without pushing our country into greater debt.  Unfortunately, this bill fails on all accounts.

Rep. Ed Whitfield (KY): While we are all committed to increasing transparency on Wall Street and preventing another financial meltdown, the last thing we should be doing in the midst of an economic recession is furthering government interference in the free market.


Video: The Muslim War Council

Another production from from Caroline Glick’s Latma TV, the gang who brought us the banned “Flotilla Choir”. This week’s video:  ”The Muslim War Council”:

3 out of 5 stars.

Just between you and me, I would have preferred that they had specified radical Muslim, or terrorist, rather than the all encompassing Muslim.

Hat tip: who also shares a cute, interesting, disturbing funny cartoon.


White House Admits That More Than 85% of Stimulus Projects Were Not ‘Shovel-Ready’ in 2009

At least that’s the way I read it. From the White House web site:

  • Highway Projects: There will be six times as many highway projects underway in July 2010 as in July 2009 – projects will surge from 1,750 last summer to over 10,000 this summer.
  • Clean and Drinking Water: This summer over 2,800 clean and drinking water projects will be underway versus just over 100 last summer – more than 20 times as many.
  • Home Weatherization: This summer, 82,000 homes will be weatherized versus 3,000 last summer – 27 times as many homes this summer as last.
  • National Parks: This July, nearly 800 projects will be underway at national parks versus just over 100 last July – 8 times as many this summer.

There you have it – by their own admission, six out of seven highway projects were not ‘shovel-ready’ in 2009. 28 out of 29 clean water projects, 27 out of 28 home weatherization projects, and 8 out of 9 parks projects were not ‘shovel-ready.’ Nice sense of urgency, guys.

Let’s not get too critical, though – after all, we only had to wait another year before the “real” Stimulus kicked into gear. Another year of grinding unemployment and crushing deficit spending. But wait – wasn’t that one of the complaints that Republicans had about the Stimulus package? That it was too slow?

Looks like the White House finally agrees.

[Update: ND tells me I should include a link to my latest post on initial unemployment claims over at Innocent Bystanders, wherein I discuss the administration’s failure to notice that the unemployment situation isn’t getting any better. Hotay, Boss, you got it.]

“Tony’d Up”

During his corruption trial on Wednesday Rod Blagojevich could be heard grumbling on the FBI’s wiretap tape that Barack Obama, the newly elected president was “all take and no give.”

At another point, (former deputy governor, Doug) Scofield tells Blagojevich that he has spoken with Jerry Morrison, the political director of the Illinois Service Employees International Union, and Morrison has not been encouraging about the chances of the governor receiving a Cabinet post from Obama.

“They want to get away from Chicago politics,” Scofield quotes Morrison as saying.

Blagojevich describes that as “a euphemism.”

“They want to get away from Rezko,” he says. Tony Rezko is a former leading fundraiser and adviser to Blagojevich. He is currently awaiting sentencing for his conviction on federal charges of plotting to launch a $7 million kickback scheme based on his political clout.

Well duh. Rezko, by that time, had outlived his usefulness to Obama.  He wasn’t clinging to the bumper – he was unambiguously under the bus.

Newsbusters noticed a section of the tape that was being curiously ignored by the most of the MSM:

From an FBI tape recorded last November and appearing on Fox Chicago News’s Web site, Blagojevich spoke of president-elect Barack Obama:

BLAGOJEVICH I thin-, you know, it’s really, I get that I’m a big boy and I can handle that, but it’s really f***ing galling, this guy is more Tony’d up than I am. And it’s almost like they f***ing conspi-, made a concerted effort and they got the Chicago media to f***ing make me wear Rezko more. To f***ing dilute it from him.

Wow. Huh.Whatever could he mean by Tony’d up?
This news clip from April,  2007 shows only the tip of the iceberg:
