Finally! 2 Years Too Late, “We Will Not Be Silenced” Documentary Of Obama Campaign’s Voter Fraud and Intimidation in ’08 Given Airtime On Fox

Two. years. too. late.

I am beyond annoyed and disgusted with Fox… Why was the documentary, “We will Not Be Silenced” not worthy of play in ’08, when it mattered… even at Fox News ? I posted the videos, here, (link fixed) in October ’08, as did many PUMA sites, and others in the right-wing blogosphere,  but the MSM, including Fox, in their infinite wisdom, chose to ignore it…just one of too many to count stories that were vitally important, but ignored. How’s that working out for us now?

“The Clinton campaign at that time tried to get the press’s attention, tried to get the DNC’s attention and they couldn’t”.

Well, the MSM and the DNC were colluding with the Obama campaign. What was Fox’s excuse? For the silence?

We’ve got another election coming up soon, and the people who orchestrated the travesty of  ’08 are even more powerful, now. Are we ready for this fight?


Doug Ross:

Referring to the controversial 2008 Democrat presidential primary, Carolyn Tackett asks, “Was Barack Obama selected rather than elected?.”


2 thoughts on “Finally! 2 Years Too Late, “We Will Not Be Silenced” Documentary Of Obama Campaign’s Voter Fraud and Intimidation in ’08 Given Airtime On Fox

  1. When Are the people in this country understand what is going on with this man Obama. He steals the election. Commits fraud, violates any law he wants among all the rest of his lies and violations of law, business, voter fraud, and the Constitution and no one complains. Look at the cry that was in the press during the Bush/Gore election! If my memory serves me right, one young black was interviewed on the street after the election who admitted he had voted 75 times. When asked if he knew it was illegal his answer was yes but he was told to so he just did it. Seems that this is the first election that was decided by illiterate voters. Not just blacks either. I forsee a problem in the near future of this nation where it will become a one party system. It’s why the Democrats are pursuing the policies they are to extend the entitlements to more minorities and the drive to get as many people dependant on the government as possible. It’s clear to me what, how, and why the administration is pursuing the agenda they are. Bottom line I believe he wants to become King of this nation but not before he has destroyed the nation and it’s people (of all races and colors). He just doesn’t understand a country without a strong economy, justice system, and a military cannot and will not survive. Socialism/communism will not survive. Capitalism has sure been good to him and his wife. I wonder who balances his checkbook for them. Oh, I forgot you and I are his endless source of money.
    I will still and forever stick to my premise he is a devout Muslim. One leader a long time ago said that the only way to defeat this nation was to infiltrate the political system and destroy it from within. The only reason the proressive and leftist came to this country is because it was the only nation in the world that would allow it to be spread and flourish!
    This nation is in a crisis so deep and so profound it will be a long time to recover, if ever!

    I pray the citizens in this country are strong enough.


  2. Pingback: Democrat Voter Fraud? Sen. Al Franken in Minnesota May Have Benefited from Voter Fraud, Findings Show Convicted Felons Voted in Election « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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