Video: In Sidewalk Interview “Defiant” Weiner Again Says He’s Not Resigning, Declines To Comment On Wife’s Pregnancy

A reporter from The New York Post caught up with Weiner, today and asked two questions on everyone’s minds:

A defiant Rep. Anthony Weiner said today that he’s not resigning.

In an exclusive interview with The Post, Weiner, 46, said the sexting scandal that has plagued him for the past week is not reason enough to give up his House seat.

“I’m not,” Weiner said when asked by a Post reporter whether he planned to resign.

Asked if his wife was having a boy or girl, Weiner said, “I have no comment on that. See you soon.”

Often, couples don’t want to comment on a pregnancy when it’s still in the early weeks because the risk of miscarriage is higher. But now that the cat is essentially out of the bag, why the continued reticence?

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air, today wondered how long Weiner can stay “dug in” with so many top Democrats pressuring him to step down.

How do we know that the heat is rising on Anthony Weiner?  The New York Times reports that Democrats are not going to take no for an answer to their demands for Weiner’s resignation.  Weiner’s hometown paper notes that the demands for an end to Weiner’s presence in Congress began yesterday with a key ally of Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Allyson Schwartz, and that sent a signal to the rank and file to follow suit.

Patterico has been investigating  an aspect of Weinergate the MSM has stayed clear of – Weiner’s underage Twitter fans who went silent shortly after the scandal broke, and is reportng his findings in a series of posts:

Evidence That Weiner Was Talking Dirty to Underage Girls? Part 1

Evidence That Weiner Was Talking Dirty to Underage Girls? Part 2

In a clue that the coup de grace is imminent, he quips: “In an ideal world, I would prefer not to publish Part 3 of this series.”

In the face of all this, Huma is standing by her man:

Out of all the critics and supporters, one may be more influential. According to ABC’s Democratic source, Weiner is telling colleagues that his pregnant wife Huma Abedin “wants him to stay and fight.”

But then again, so are most New York voters:

One survey from Tuesday showed 46 percent of of the city’s residents want the congressman to step down. These numbers differ from those that Weiner cites as justification for him to stay in office. A New York 1 survey of 500 New Yorkers, also out Tuesday, found that 51 percent of New Yorkers want Weiner to stay. “It’s worth keeping in mind that New York is overwhelmingly Democratic. Partisanship can run high in this town. Moral outrage, maybe less so,” said ABC New pollster Gary Langer.


4 thoughts on “Video: In Sidewalk Interview “Defiant” Weiner Again Says He’s Not Resigning, Declines To Comment On Wife’s Pregnancy

  1. My guess would be Team Clinton has swung in behind him (in support of Huma and best laid plans). How formidable that political machine is at this point…well, I guess we’ll see.

    Meanwhile, keep talking about him. The Dems are desperate to change the subject.


  2. If the Weiner doesn’t get his ugly face out of the news…….I’m going to “mistake” him for a speed bump if I see him on foot.
    Sadly though, I don’t think he’ll be coming to Texas .


  3. Will a certain honorable Democrat Congressman from the great state of Massachusetts lead the charge and demand no more Weiner?


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