Saturday Movie Matinee: Obama’s Worst Week Ever?

Via the RNC:

Companion reads: 

CDN: 1001 Reasons to Vote Against Barack Obama

David Bossie at Big Government: Obama’s Atrocities

Thomas Lifson, The American Thinker: The Awful Truth about Obama begins to break through the liberal bubble

On Special Report Thursday night, Charles Krauthammer called Obama’s ridiculous claim that he has been fiscally responsible, “the whopper of the year”.

Politifact agrees, via WA Free Beacon: WaPo Confirms: WH’s Favorite Report is ‘BS’

So does the AP Fact Checker: Oh, my: even the Associated Press mocks Obama’s deficit hawk claims

 But Krauthammer wasn’t through slamming Obama. After Special Report, he went on the O’Reilly Factor to school O’Reilly on the multitude of ways Obama has failed on foreign policy.

The clueless O’Reilly actually gave SCOAMF a solid B on foreign policy.  Krauthammer begged to differ:

Shorter Krauthammer via The Washington Free Beacon: BEASTMODE: Krauthammer Goes Nuclear on Obama’s Iran Policy

I didn’t hear Charles give Obama a letter grade, but I’m guessing it would be somewhere around an F-.

 Trifecta:Rewriting Presidential History: Obama Changes Course of History By Simply Rewriting It:

Mark Levin: Question For The Utopian Statists: Where The Hell Is Paradise?

Mark Levin: Obama’s War On Energy: The 2015 Price Hikes Due To New EPA Regulations

A timely primer on Cloward Piven Strategy:

Donald Trump interviewed by Newsmax. La Donald says he’s “seriously considering” launching a SuperPAC dedicated to defeating Obama.

Via Democrat Dewhurst in Texas has been caught lying about Ted Cruz on immigration:

Via Bob McCarty: The Clapper Memo Trailer:

Today, McCarty released the trailer for “The CLAPPER MEMO,” in which he connected the dots between the deaths of dozens of Americans at the hands of our so-called “allies” in Afghanistan and a memo signed by James R. Clapper Jr, the man now serving as our nation’s top intelligence official.

In “The Clapper Memo,” I take readers deep inside the bowels of the Pentagon and expose details of a no-holds-barred turf war that began more than 40 years ago and shows no signs of letting up.

I provide details of how the leading non-polygraph technology is being used successfully as a crime-fighting tool by investigators at some 2,000 law enforcement agencies across the United States.

I expose intimate details of how federal government agencies funnel millions of taxpayer dollars to academics at some of the nation’s best-known universities who appear willing to accept handsome compensation in exchange for producing pro-polygraph studies many describe as being flawed.

I share the findings of a study NOT funded by taxpayers that analyzed the outcomes of some 2,100 criminal investigations over a period of 18 years.

Most importantly, I connect the dots between two events — the signing of a memo that effectively ended the use of non-polygraph technology by our nation’s combat warriors and the deaths of dozens of American soldiers in Afghanistan at the hands of their so-called “allies” in the Afghan National Security Force. The link is solid.

The information I share was obtained through official and unofficial channels.

Much of it came from people inside government and academia while the rest came from people with decades of law enforcement, military and intelligence experience.

It came from people across the United States and Mexico and from as far away as Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.

“The Clapper Memo” will leave you with the understanding that, as long as it continues unabated, this unnecessary conflict between advocates of competing interrogation technologies significantly increases the odds of American soldiers and citizens becoming victims in the Global War on Terror or whatever the political spin doctors are calling the war against Islamic extremists these days.

Via Western Center for Journalism: Obama literary agent claims Obama was Kenyan-born ~ Now DOZENS more articles confirm the same!

The Soros Files: Brandon Darby’s Story, pt 1 of 3:


The Daily Caller: Johnson: Every member of Wisc. legislature received death threats [VIDEO]


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