Mark Levin: Obama Administration is Preparing for Economic and Social Collapse (Audio)

This topic has been right-wing blog-fodder for many months, but when the well respected Andrew Malcolm of Investor’s Business Daily finally asked, Why are the feds loading up on so much ammo? on Feb 8, syndicated radio talk show host, Mark Levin took notice. On last Friday’s broadcast, he answered Malcolm’s question:

Transcript via Joe Miller:

“I’m going to tell you what I think is going on,” Levin said. “I don’t think insurrection. Law enforcement and national security agencies — they play out multiple scenarios. They simulate multiple scenarios. I’ll tell you what I think they’re simulating: the collapse of our financial system, the collapse of our society and the potential for widespread violence, looting, killing in the streets, because that’s what happens when an economy collapses.”

“I’m not talking about a recession,” Levin continued. “I’m talking about a collapse when people are desperate, when they can’t food and clothing, when they have no way of going from place to place, when they can’t protective themselves. There aren’t enough police officers on the face of the Earth to adequately handle a situation like that.”

Now, who exactly are these “people in the streets looting and rioting” going to be? Are they going to be self sufficient folks who have quietly prepared themselves for such a scenario by arming up, and storing food? Or will they be the folks who rely on the government for their sustenance? When the welfare checks stop coming, when those EBT cards stop working, when the ObamaPhones turn off – what are those people going to do? They are going to do what they always do. Loot and riot in the streets.

If Levin’s theory is correct – and it’s a good one – what the Obama administration is preparing to do is put down Obama’s own desperate and out of control voters when the financial system collapses.

Former Navy Seal Matt Bracken described just such a scenario in his much linked piece at the Western Rifle Shooters Association: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence:
It’s estimated that the average American home has less than two weeks of food on hand. In poor minority areas, it may be much less. What if a cascading economic crisis, even a temporary one, leads to millions of EBT (electronic benefit transfer) cards flashing nothing but ERROR? This could also be the result of deliberate sabotage by hackers, or other technical system failures. Alternatively, the government might pump endless digits into the cards in a hopeless attempt to outpace future hyperinflation. The government can order the supermarkets to honor the cards, and it can even set price controls, but history’s verdict is clear: If suppliers are paid only with worthless scrip or blinking digits, the food will stop.STEP ONE: FLASH MOB LOOTINGIn my scenario, the initial riots begin spontaneously across affected urban areas, as SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program) and other government welfare recipients learn that their EBT cards no longer function. This sudden revelation will cause widespread anger, which will quickly lead to the flash-mob looting of local supermarkets and other businesses. The media will initially portray these “food riots” as at least partly justifiable. Sadly, millions of Americans have been made largely, or even entirely, dependent on government wealth transfer payments to put food on their tables.A new social contract has been created, where bread and circuses buy a measure of peace in our minority-populated urban zones. In the era of ubiquitous big-screen cable television, the internet and smart phones, the circus part of the equation is never in doubt as long as the electricity flows. But the bread is highly problematic. Food must be delivered the old-fashioned way: physically. Any disruption in the normal functioning of the EBT system will lead to food riots with a speed that is astonishing. This will inevitably happen when our unsustainable, debt-fueled binge party finally stops, and the music is over. Now that the delivery of free or heavily subsidized food is perceived by tens of millions of Americans to be a basic human right, the cutoff of “their” food money will cause an immediate explosion of rage. When the hunger begins to bite, supermarkets, shops and restaurants will be looted, and initially the media will not condemn the looting. Unfortunately, this initial violence will only be the start of a dangerous escalation.The ransacked supermarkets, convenience stores, ATMs and gas stations will not be restocked during this period due to the precarious security situation. A single truck loaded with food or gasoline would be perceived to be a Fort Knox on wheels and subject to immediate attack unless heavily protected by powerfully armed security forces, but such forces will not be available during this chaotic period. Under those conditions, resupply to the urban areas cannot and will not take place. The downward spiral of social and economic dysfunction will therefore both accelerate and spread from city to city. These delays, in turn, will lead to more riots with the constant underlying demand that hungry people be fed, one way or another.

In the meantime, the Obama administration is working to pass laws that would disarm law-abiding Americans. They say that isn’t the objective – but they know that their “assault weapons” ban would only be effective with mandatory gun confiscation, as an internal DOJ memo admitted.

Note also, that this economic collapse for which the Obama administration is preparing, will have been caused by the same administration’s big spending policies.


The American Thinker: President Obama has set in motion forces that he can’t handle

For example, Occupy Wall Street’s demands for social justice dovetailed perfectly with the president’s fairness campaign. Was that coincidence or was it by design?  The answer should be obvious, but whatever the case may be, the OWS crowd eventually ran amuck in cities across the fruited plain until government officials finally took action to shut them down.

That’s the way it is with unruly mobs. Once agitators get them started, you never know what will happen. But we do know this: President Obama is their champion, and they are still among us waiting in the wings for another opportunity to vent their frustrations. Will the next version of OWS be more malevolent than the first? Only time will tell, but I wouldn’t rule it out.

OWS types aren’t alone. In the United States today, large and growing numbers of people believe that their mere existence is their contribution to society. They think that those of us who have worked hard all of our lives owe them a living, and not just a living, but a very good living.  The takers among us are easy pickings for a man with exceptional community organizing skills, and as I said, the forces that the president has unleashed will prove to be impossible to control.  If they explode, there will be hell to pay.


Hat tip: Brian B.

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!

2 thoughts on “Mark Levin: Obama Administration is Preparing for Economic and Social Collapse (Audio)

  1. Like Satan himself — to whom their “Rules for Radicals” handbook was dedicated — Obama, Soros & Co. HATE human beings. Yes I’ll say it: They actually get their kicks out of watching other humans suffer. They despise us.

    Such twisted misanthropes have always been around. What stuns me is that so many of my fellow Americans’ natural inborn “radar” seems to have been disabled. A healthy, properly functioning human being can SENSE a predator and run the other way. My intuition about Obama’s malevolence was triggered very early on. And I’m not even all that perceptive of a person. But it would seem that a huge percentage of our fellow Americans have no perspicacity left at all.


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