ObamaCare Still Failing – Still Unpopular – Still An Albatross Around The Necks Of Democrats (Video)


Image via the Senate Conservatives Fund

You may have heard some Democrat strategists crow that Republicans have given up on fighting ObamaCare and have changed the subject to other Obama failures like Benghazi and the IRS scandal because ObamaCare is such a raging success with its 8 million sign-ups or something.

But upon closer examination, those numbers are nothing to brag about. 74% of  new sign-ups were previously insured. And of the previously insured that signed up, only 22% have paid up.

Avik Roy of Forbes, does the math.

Combining all of this data: of the 8 million sign-ups on the exchange, we can only be confident that around 1.7 million are previously uninsured and enrolled. We can add another 865,000 or so for those purchasing coverage off the exchange, for a total of 2.6 million previously uninsured individual-market enrollees.

The American people haven’t been fooled by the false bravado coming from Democrats. A recent poll showed that only 12% of Americans believe that ObamaCare is a success. TWELVE PERCENT, people. More people believe the moon is made out of cheese.

According to a new CNN/ORC International Poll, only 12 percent of Americans call Obamacare a success, compared to 39 percent that believe it is a failure. Forty-nine percent say it’s too soon to tell.

The poll found that 38 percent want the Affordable Care Act repealed. Only 12 percent want the law to stay as is, while 49 percent would like to see some changes made to Obamacare.. Despite a barrage of negative attack on

Not surprisingly then, ObamaCare continues to haunt vulnerable Democrats. The latest poll in New Hampshire shows Scott Brown and Jeanne Shaheen statistically tied  despite a barrage of negative attack ads on Brown.
 Obamacare’s favorability in New Hampshire is  34% Fav/58 Unfav which is pretty much in line with the rest of the country which continues to revile the ill-gotten law.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb appeared with Neil Cavuto on Fox to discuss the Obamacare numbers.

“Most of the people who were uninsured and got insurance as a result of ObamaCare actually ended up on Medicaid,” Gottlieb said, “and most of the people who got private coverage on the exchanges were people who were dropped from their existing private coverage, or they’re people who self-selected – they dropped their coverage and went into ObamaCAre to take advantage of the subsidies. “


The Blaze: These States Could See Huge Insurance Rate Hikes Because of Obamacare


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