Drill Drill Drill!!! Online Petition

Yep, it’s time to start beating the drum, because most of our elected leaders don’t seem to get it, and when the Republican nominee for President doesn’t get something that most other Republicans get, that spells disaster at the ballot box. No if, ands or buts…McCain will LOSE if he looks like the average environmental whacko on this issue. Drastic measures are in order…

Powerline has offered this advice to McCain:

The smartest thing John McCain could do right now is take two weeks off from the campaign trail to study the scientific data on the earth’s climate. He could familiarize himself with the latest scientific work, which has decisively refuted the global warming alarmists. He could meet with distinguished scientists on all sides of the issue. After two weeks, he could announce that his study of the issue has convinced him that the effect of CO2 on the earth’s climate has been grossly exaggerated, and as a result, he is tweaking his own energy policy in the direction of greater support for domestic oil and gas production. The benefits are obvious: high-paying jobs for Americans, not Saudis; enhanced national security; and above all, a recharged economy fueled by declining gas prices.

And, if anyone challenges McCain with the silly canard that we can’t drill our way out of the present gas shortage, he can reply: “Yes we can!”

Do that, and Obama will be lucky to carry the District of Columbia.

Not that the Maverick has a history of listening to conservative advice. Then again, if he picks Sarah Palin for VP, maybe she could talk some sense into him.

In the meantime here’s an online petition offered by Newt Gingrich on his website (with over 620,000 signatures already) to send to congress:

We, therefore, the undersigned citizens of the United States, petition the U.S. Congress to act immediately to lower gasoline prices (and diesel and other fuel prices)* by authorizing the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries.

Sign, and send the petition to everyone you know. A movement has started.

4 thoughts on “Drill Drill Drill!!! Online Petition

  1. Romney also wants to drill in ANWR. At least Maverick wants to lift the ban on off shore drilling. It’s a start. But, he’s got to quit the “ANWR is the Grand Canyon” talk and let us drill! And he better have a VP that wants to drill!! If not, he risks losing the Conservative voters and that will cost him the election. Gotta keep the pressure on Maverick.


  2. Drilling everywhere may provide more oil, create jobs, and even temporaily help the economy, but will certainly do nothing to lower the price of gas. Just like stamps, gas will never cost less, ever.


  3. Any backward politition who does not know we need to be exploring ,drilling and refining more oil does not deserve another vote. I hope you dunderhead polititions wake up before you destroy our economy and turn this country into a communist nation.


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