3 thoughts on “Video: The Negotiator, Starring Barack Obama

  1. Pingback: Video: The Negotiator, Starring Barack Obama (via Nice Deb) | YOU DECIDE

  2. Duh-1 “negotiates” like Dirty Harry: “Go ahead, make my day!”

    We’ve been hearing an awful lot lately about how the Republicans just won’t compromise. They (the jackasses) need a lesson on what “compromise” is, and it certainly isn’t saying “My way or the highway” like they always do.

    BTW, speaking of such, some scumbag jackass congresscritter from NY was on the floor yesterday bemoaning how far to the right Republicans have moved. That’s strange, because the way I see it is Republicans have moved a little to the center but the lopsided drive to the left extreme by the Democraps has skewed the political spectrum so much it has moved what they perceive as “the center”. Someone needs to wise the voting public up to those Nazi socialists!


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