NY’s Ed Koch Backs Repub In Weiner Race: “Vote for GOPer a vote for Israel”

Pic via NY Daily News

The NY  Post calls it “a blow against O”:

In “a shot across President Obama’s bow,” Democratic former Mayor Ed Koch yesterday urged voters in Queens and Brooklyn to make “history” by voting for the Republican candidate to replace randy ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner in the Sept. 13 special election — as a protest against the White House’s policy on Israel.

Koch — a staunch ally of Israel — said he would “vote for Bob Turner” if the Republican-Conservative candidate backs Israel and opposes cutbacks to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

“If Jewish New Yorkers and others who support Israel were to turn away from the Democratic Party in that congressional election and elect the Republican candidate to Congress in 2011, it might very well cause President Obama to change his hostile position on the state of Israel and to re-establish the special relationship presidents before him had supported,” Koch said in his weekly commentary.


“I want to put a shot across Obama’s bow,” Koch said in an interview.

He is furious with Obama over the president’s public push to get Israel to use its 1967 borders as a starting point for negotiations over a Palestinian state.


Koch’s comments are an early headache for Assemblyman David Weprin, the Democratic candidate handpicked to replace Weiner, who resigned in disgrace amid a sexting scandal.

As expected, Weprin yesterday received the endorsement of the union-backed *Working Families Party. He got the backing of the Independence Party over the weekend.

*The Working Families Party is an ACORN front group, previously co-chaired by Bertha Lewis while she was the Executive Director of New York ACORN.

Hat tip: Charles B.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!

2 thoughts on “NY’s Ed Koch Backs Repub In Weiner Race: “Vote for GOPer a vote for Israel”

  1. While I am thrilled Ed Koch is supporting the GOP candidate I am less than thrilled with his reason. Although I fully support Israel I think he should be more concerned with the state of America and vote for who can best help our own nation. Is Koch American first or Israeli?


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