A Horrifying Thought That Crossed My Mind, Too

Here’s what we know: Through Operation Fast and Furious, and Operation Castaway, the Obama administration has been arming drug cartels with AK 47s and other high powered weapons. The drug gangs have in turn been wreaking havoc all along the border – we’ve been  hearing alarming tales of death and destruction for the past two  years: Stories that include daytime shootings on busy streets, massacres inside bars, grisly mutilations and beheadings.


Enter Hamas and Hezbollah who have been coordinating with the drug cartels in what some have taken to calling Mexghanistan.

In May, 10 News.com out of San Diego reported on something that has been going on for over a decade:

SAN DIEGO — A terrorist organization whose home base is in the Middle East has established another home base across the border in Mexico.”They are recognized by many experts as the ‘A’ team of Muslim terrorist organizations,” a former U.S. intelligence agent told 10News.The former agent, referring to Shi’a Muslim terrorist group Hezbollah, added, “They certainly have had successes in big-ticket bombings.”

Some of the group’s bombings include the U.S. embassy in Beirut and Israeli embassy in Argentina. However, the group is now active much closer to San Diego.

Ann Barnhardt has developed the horrifying thought  further:

There have been numerous, and I mean NUMEROUS, muslim plots to wage Mumbai-style attacks against churches and synagogues that have been foiled and thwarted in the U.S. within the last several years. By “Mumbai-style” I mean muslims walking into churches heavily armed with AK-47s and open-firing on the congregation. This is what they did in Mumbai, India, except that they focused on stations, hospitals, hotels and other public areas. In Mumbai, there were ten discrete attack locations carried out simultaneously. 164 people were killed with 308 wounded. Churches and synagogues have people much more tightly packed than the hotels, hospitals and offices targeted in Mumbai.

A few weeks ago, the “American Al Qaeda”, Adam Gadahn, released a video calling and urging muslims in the U.S. to carry out attacks against “their religion and sacred places”.


Finally, we have the fact of Central and South American Marxists embracing and actively allying themselves with muslim states, led by Hugo Chavez’ strong alliance with Iran. Did you know that Iran has TROOPS stationed in Venezuela, and has promised to arm Chavez, or at least park a nuclear device in Venezuela as soon as possible?

Read it and weep.

So, the Obama-Clinton criminal machine has been sending thousands – and probably tens of thousands – of AK-platform weapons not only into the hands of the narco-terror gangs in Mexico and Central America, but also into the hands of their muslim allies who have been and will continue to plot Mumbai-style attacks against the U.S.

It’s increasingly looking like Holder will not survive this scandal. Issa has been signalling that the Atty Gen is going down…

Newsmax: Issa, ATF Agent Warn of ATF Cover-up:

Issa said that if Holder did not know about the schemes, Operation Fast & Furious and Project Gunrunner, which saw thousands of automatic weapons end up in the hands of violent Mexican drug lords, he should have done.

“It is almost impossible to believe that everyone, including CBS News and many newspapers and Fox, had reported on Fast and Furious yet Eric Holder still didn’t know anything about it.”

He added, “If Eric Holder knew any significant time before he said he knew – just a couple weeks before he testified before the Judiciary Committee – then he’s in very serious trouble.

If Obama knew about this….he would seem to be in very serious trouble, too.
Not much consolation considering the pain and suffering he’s caused with his abominable policies.


9 thoughts on “A Horrifying Thought That Crossed My Mind, Too

  1. Yep. I remember reading an article about Hezbollah (I thought it was Hamas, but whatever) stationed in Mexico. One little article. Not a chirp from the lame-stream media.


  2. Pingback: A Horrifying Idea That Crossed My Mind, Too (via Nice Deb) | My Blog

  3. You can’t possibly believe Obhammud knew about “Fast and Furious.” If you say so, you are a RAAACIIIIST of the worst kind.

    How do I know? It’s what they (Obhammud, Holder, the LSM, any pinko) say any time anyone questions anything about him.

    For instance: Can you (Obhammud) prove you’re a citizen? Answer: RAAACIIIIST!

    Will you show us your college transcripts? Answer: RAAAACIIIIST!

    Are you aware, sir, that many believe your policies are marxist? Answer: RAAACIIIST!

    How could you sit in a church listening for twenty years and not know the reverend there was hateful toward America? Answer: RAAAAACIIIIIST!

    You get the idea. Any, and I do mean ANY, voice raised against him HAS to be racist because, doggone it, they just wouldn’t be raised against some old white guy who was doing the same things. Would they?


  4. My husband and I shared a table at the dinner theater, last night with an old guy who said, “I never believed I would live to see the day that we’d have a communist in the White House”.

    Obviously a RAAAACIST.


  5. Holder is going down ?
    When is our Traitor in Chief, barry, going down ?
    It Should be NOW, not in the 2012 election.


  6. All indications would be that Obama did in fact know about and sanction “fast and furious.”

    Check out this clip from C-Span on March 24, 2009.


  7. In that video he’s talking about Gunrunner – not Gunwalker/aka Fast and Furious which sprung from Gunrunner. Gunrunner dates back to the the Bush administration which was started as a pilot program in 2005 and expanded as a national initiative in 2006. As far as we know it was an above board program until it morphed into Fast and Furious at some point in the late summer/early fall of ’09 under Obama.
    So that video doesn’t really prove that they knew about Fast and Furious, but it is interesting, because the plan may have been in place, with the stimulus $$$ intending to go toward the criminal Fast and Furious operation.


  8. Pingback: Video: ATF Official in Mexico Says Heads of ATF and DOJ Knew About Fast and Furious « Nice Deb

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