Issa Promises a “Slew of Subpeonas” on Operation Fast and Furious

Town Hall reports that after months of stonewalling from the Obama Justice Department, Rep. Darrell Issa, Chairman of  The House Oversight Committee, isn’t playing softball in his investigation into Operation Fast and Furious:

“This is not a discovery process of what happened. We know what happened. We know that this Administration at the highest levels approved a process that allowed thousands of high powered weapons, basically AK-47s and M-16 look alikes, to go to the worst of the worst on both sides of the borders.”

“This was an operation approved in Washington.”

“We have a slew of subpeonas that we expect to be issuing for people here in Washington.”

Issa has scheduled an Operation Fast and Furious Hearing to be Held June 13th:

This hearing will examine the constitutional questions raised by both the Department of Justice’s refusal to comply with a Congressional subpoena as well as the withholding of documents from a Congressional subpoena. It is the first in a series of hearings on Operation Fast and Furious.

The following witnesses are currently slated to appear at the hearing. Testimony will be posted online as it becomes available. The hearing will be webcast live at Oversight.House.Gov.


• Professor Charles Tiefer, Commissioner, Commission on Wartime Contracting

Professor Tiefer was chief litigator for the House of Representatives and was a courtroom advocate in numerous major cases. He served in 1996 as deputy minority counsel of the U.S. House “Bosniagate” investigating sub-committee and in 1987 as the Special Deputy Chief Counsel for the House Iran-Contra Committee. Professor Tiefer has had extensive immersion in investigative processes on diverse issues, including oversight investigations of foreign affairs and government contracting. He was appointed to his current role by Senator Harry Reid.

• Mr. Morton Rosenberg, Former Specialist in American Public Law with the American Law Division of the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress.

Mr. Rosenberg specialized in the areas of constitutional law, administrative law and process, congressional practice and procedure, and labor law, and in the problems raised by the interface of Congress and the Executive which involve the scope of the congressional oversight and investigative prerogatives, the validity of claims of executive and common law privileges before committees, and issues raised by the presidential exercise of temporary and recess appointment power.

• Mr. Todd Tatelman, Legislative Attorney, Congressional Research Service’s American Law Division

Mr. Tatelman specializes and advises Members of Congress, Committees, and Staff in the areas of Congressional Laws and Procedure (oversight and investigations), Constitutional Law, Transportation Law, and International Trade Law.


Holder On The Hot-Seat For Project Gunrunner

Video: Issa Subpoenas ATF to Break Through Its Stonewalling on Project Gunrunner

“Operation Fast and Furious” Needs To Be A Bigger Story

2 thoughts on “Issa Promises a “Slew of Subpeonas” on Operation Fast and Furious

  1. Yes, this IS a big deal. It goes to whether politicians of any stripe are above the law, and it should be pursued with the same fervor used attacking the Nixon administration and the Reagan administration.

    Anything less, and this committee should itself be investigated for a cover-up along the magnitude of Nixon’s.


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