Monday Linkage: Herman Cain Edition

There’s lots of Herman Cain buzz, today, and the rising GOP star deserves it. After observing Texas Governor Rick Perry in action for the past few weeks, people are finally taking notice of Florida straw-poll winner,  Herman Cain.

Everyone but the Politico, that is: GOP field scrambles in fall cash dash:

With the third-quarter fundraising deadline looming Friday, all eyes will be on what the two top GOP presidential contenders have raised. The big question: Can Rick Perry, after entering the race in mid-August, haul in more than Mitt Romney, who already tapped many of his top supporters in the previous quarter?

Among Republican insiders, the assumption is that both will clear $10 million – but few have a feel for by just how much.

Blablabla, who cares? What about Herman Cain?

Here’s the picture that goes with the story. See if you if notice anyone is missing:

In case you’re wondering, Cain gets 0 mention in the four page story. John Huntsman who has wavered between 1 and 2% in the polls is featured prominently. Uh – huh.

Well, Cain has Dick Morris’ attention, at least: HERMAN CAIN RISING:

Insiders and political pros never recognize a superstar when they see one. Herman Cain is just such a star. Now that Rick Perry has been unmasked as a weak debater and an even weaker opponent of illegal immigration, conservatives are turning their lonely eyes to Cain. A stellar debate performance on Fox News led to a smashing victory in the President5 straw poll in Florida and a strong third place finish — behind Romney and Perry — in the Michigan straw poll. Both Michigan and Florida are likely among the seven states that will hold primaries or caucuses in February (and they are the two biggest of the seven).

Here is a man who offers an alternative to Obama’s class warfare. His life story shows that Obama’s route to the top — through affirmative action, community organizing, and a climb up the political ladder — is not the only one available to minorities. His combination of hard work in the private sector, entrepreneurial initiative, and managerial skill can also get you there. He embraces the successful as role models not as objects of envy. He does not hate rich people. He wants us all to become rich.


R.S. McCain in The American Spectator calls this: Herman Cain’s Magic Moment:

Perry’s Thursday debate debacle created a dilemma for many of the 3,500 delegates credentialed for the straw-poll who had come to Orlando planning to cast their ballots for the front-runner from Texas. Among those was state Rep. Scott Plakon, a popular conservative from a district north of Orlando. “Like a lot of people, he showed up expecting to vote for Perry,” said Republican activist Sarah Rumpf, who was sitting with Plakon and his wife Susie — all supporters of GOP Senate hopeful Adam Hasner — at a candidate forum Friday afternoon when Plakon mentioned he was thinking about endorsing Cain. Rumpf immediately contacted Cain’s campaign staff and, a few hours later, the Plakons met privately with Cain and found they had much in common. Like Cain, Plakon is a businessman and a strong foe of Obamacare, and was recently named Florida Legislator of the Year by Americans for Prosperity, an activist group deeply involved in the Tea Party movement. Plakon’s endorsement lent important prestige to Cain’s candidacy and, when it was announced at a gathering of Cain’s supporters Friday night in a packed ballroom at the Rosen Centre Hotel, the atmosphere was “electric,” Rumpf said.

Gateway Pundit: Herman Cain on Obama’s Economic Plan: “It’s a Lie… Bullsh*t”:

Conservative presidential candidate called Barack Obama’s latest stimulus plan – bullsh*t and told reporters Obama’s latest “math” was a lie.
He must be racist.
The Ticketreported:

After a few caffeine-heavy refills at our corner table, I asked him about President Obama’s new effort to raise taxes on the wealthy, and Cain just about blew a blood vessel–especially when I mentioned the part where Obama says it’s about “math” not “class warfare.”

“Can I be blunt? That’s a lie,” Cain said, before the sound of his voice began to rise noticeably higher. “You’re not supposed to call the president a liar. Well if you’re not supposed to call the president a liar, he shouldn’t tell a lie. If it’s not class warfare, it’s highway robbery. He wants us to believe it’s not class warfare, oh okay, it’s not class warfare. Pick my pockets, because that’s what he’s doing!”

Cain paused, took a breath and looked at me.

“I’m not mad at you, I just get passionate about this stuff,” he said. “I have to tell people because I get so worked up . . . . I’m listening to all this bullshit that he’s talking about, ‘fairness’ and ‘balanced approach’ to get this economy going.”

NRO: Cain Speaks After Straw-Poll Victory:

Cain views his surprise win as a pushback against the media’s narrative about the GOP primary.

“The voice of the people is more powerful than the voice of the media. The media has been trying to turn this into a two-person race,” Cain says, noting that coverage prior to the straw poll had been fixated on Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.

“When the media’s not happy with who are the supposed frontrunners,” Cain adds, “they keep trying to recruit somebody else. So now they’re saying ‘Well, it’s wide open, Governor Christie, why don’t you get in the race?’” Cain thinks the media doesn’t represent what Republicans are thinking. “The people in Florida said, ‘the voice of the people is going to make that determination.’”

Gateway Pundit: Dennis Miller Endorses Herman Cain:

On the heels of presidential candidate Herman Cain’s win in the Florida straw poll last weekend, the radio host Dennis Miller announced Monday that he’s endorsing Cain for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

In Other News:

Zero Hedge: Here Comes FIATtackWatch: Ben “Big Brother” Bernanke Goes Watergate, Prepares To Eavesdrop On Everything Mentioning The Fed

Two weeks ago, the media’s heart went aflutter when it learned that the president had borrowed a page right out of ole’ Joe McCarthy’s communist witch hunt book with the launch of Attack Watch. The response by everyone, even fans of Obama, was immediate and brutal. Yet where Obama took about 24 hours to crash and burn, someone else has stepped in with a far stealthier method of ferreting out the traitors amongst us: none other than our old friends, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, which in a Request for Proposals filed to companies that are Fed vendors, is requesting the creation of a “Social Listening Platformwhose function is to “gather data from various social media outlets and news sources.” It will “monitor billions of conversations and generate text analytics based on predefined criteria.” The Fed’s desired product should be able to “determine the sentiment [ED:LOL] of a speaker or writer with respect to some topic or document”… “The solution must be able to gather data from the primary social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Forums and YouTube. It should also be able to aggregate data from various media outlets such as: CNN, WSJ, Factiva etc.” Most importantly, the “Listening Platform” should be able to “Handle crisis situations, Continuously monitor conversations, and Identify and reach out to key bloggers and influencers.” Said otherwise, the Fed has just entered the counterespionage era and will be monitoring everything written about it anywhere in the world. After all, why ask others to snitch for you and anger everyone as Obama found out the hard way, when you can pay others to create the supreme FIATtack WatchTM using money you yourself can print in unlimited amounts. And once the Internet is completely “transparent”, the Fed will next focus on telephone conversations, and finally will simply bug each and every otherwise “private” location in the world. Because very soon saying that “printing money is treason” will be treason, and such terrorist thoughts must be pre-crimed before they even occur.

Have you signed yet? Act Fast: Petition the White House to Repeal ObamaCare! Petition is now on the front page of White House website. Go vote! We need 5000 signatures by October 22.

An important read on entitlement reform: Andrew McCarthy: Can We Tell The Truth?

Want to make a cable-news Democratic party-strategist squirm? Ask her what she means by the “fair share” that must be paid by the rich. (No point further tarrying over what she means by “the rich,” since we already know they are billionaires and millionaires who jump about in corporate jets while somehow making only $200,000 a year.) In response to the “fair share” question, you will hear how Bush single-handedly destroyed the economy. You will hear about the diabolical Republican plan to desert the elderly, starve the young, and exploit everyone in between. You will hear a vague concession that “the rich” must be allowed to keep some semblance of their wealth — enough, at least, to keep them in the game of “paying it forward” to future generations of government wards. But what you won’t hear is a number.

This week, I had the pleasure of watching the Fox Business Channel’s Stuart Varney expertly press the Obama Left’s glib evaders on the subject. How much is a “fair share,” he doggedly inquired? A quarter? A third? Should the rich have to split their take 50-50 with Leviathan? Or is their success such a blight on social justice that the government (and the Teamsters, and the teachers’ unions, and the basket-case blue states) should get something much closer to all of it?

No answer. They cannot answer it.

Deroy Murdock, NRO: Obama Lies about the ‘Do-Nothing Congress:

This Congress, they are accustomed to doing nothing, and they’re comfortable with doing nothing, and they keep on doing nothing,” President Obama whined at a September 15 Democratic National Committee gathering in a private Washington residence.

Now that his “Blame Bush” hobby horse finally has retired to the glue factory, Obama resorts to pinning America’s woes on the “Do-Nothing Congress.” If only these parliamentarians would stop taking endless lunches, sipping cocktails at Capitol Hill happy hours, and napping at their desks, America might have some chance of returning to normal.

Obama speaks as if the entire Congress were in lock-step Republican opposition to his every initiative. Damn those pesky elephants!

Of course, Obama’s rhetoric cynically turns things upside down.

Congress consists of a do-something House of Representatives, run by Republicans, and a do-nothing Senate controlled by Obama’s very own Democrats. Obama evidently believes that if he can keep spouting clever lies and distortions, no one will call him on it. Well, it’s time to do so.

The 112th Congress has been characterized by a very active legislative pace in the Republican House, featuring the passage of many measures designed to revive America’s exhausted economy.

The Democratic Senate, meanwhile, is a much lazier place, where House Republicans’ measures go to die.

It’s about time someone said it -Steve McCann at The American Thinker: Obama’s Fascist Economy:

ObamaCare is not about health care, per se; rather, it is intended to dictate to business and the individual what insurance they must buy, what health care they are allowed to access, and ultimately what behavior is acceptable — all at the whim of a centralized bureaucracy.  The Dodd-Frank Bill firmly establishes the concept of “too big to fail” for certain financial institutions, thereby subjecting them to the absolute control of the state while allowing, and in many cases forcing, others to cease doing business, as well as instituting lending and operating policies determined by government regulators.

The Obama regime has thrown out the rule of law when it comes to the rights of private investors by their actions against the bondholders of Chrysler and General Motors, as well as forcefully taking over and operating both companies and others as quasi-private entities.  They have chosen which businesses will succeed or fail by the taxpayer financing of companies such a Solyndra among a score of others, others of which have failed.  The Obama appointees to the National Labor Relations Board are now dictating to companies where they can locate and are attempting to force their workers into unions without secret ballots.

The mantra of public-works spending is alive and well and constantly being used to justify massive government spending.  The demonization of the rich has taken on a new role in the Obama era, as the rich are now being singled out as responsible for all the problems created by the Obama policies and are a potential target for retaliation.  The current proposal to raise taxes on the wealthy and the so-called “Buffett Tax” are solely an attempt to rally the people into a unified anger over the need to punish a perceived foe — in order to shift the spotlight off the failure of the current government.

A key characteristic of the reality of fascist thinking is rampant cronyism and corruption.  Certain capitalists, wishing to ingratiate themselves with the state, are willing to fund the election of those in power in exchange for favorable government contracts and avoidance of regulatory wrath.  Recently, much of Wall Street, Hollywood, the unions, major companies such as General Electric, and the super-wealthy such as Warren Buffett are willing to sleep with those in power and be used as props in any propaganda campaign initiated by the Obama regime.

The Obama administration has, through the Justice Department and other agencies, behaved exactly as many quasi-fascist regimes in the past — almost all of whom have been governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect themselves and their friends from accountability.

Political Vel Craft: Wyoming Sheriffs Told Federal BATF & IRS Agents To Abide By The Constitution Or Face Immediate Arrest. UPDATED!

Here’s one the mainstream media isn’t going to tell you: County sheriffs in Wyoming are demanding that federal agents actually abide by the Constitution, or face arrest. Even better, a U.S. Federal District Court agreed.

The court decision was the result of a suit against both the BATF and the IRS by Mattis and other members of the Wyoming Sheriff’s Association. The suit in the Wyoming federal court district sought restoration of the protections enshrined in the United States Constitution and the Wyoming Constitution.

Guess what? The District Court ruled in favor of the sheriffs. In fact, they stated, Wyoming is a sovereign state and the duly elected sheriff of a county is the highest law enforcement official within a county and has law enforcement powers exceeding that of any other state or federal official.” Go back and re-read this quote.

The court confirms and asserts that “the duly elected sheriff of a county is the highest law enforcement official within a county and has law enforcement powers EXCEEDING that of any other state OR federal official.” And you thought the 10th Amendment was dead and buried — not in Wyoming, not yet.


The Latest Sheriff vs Federal Agents Showdown

Sheriffs Put Feds In Their Place.


Obama’s Federal Stooges Beginning To Understand The Power Of Sheriffs: Sheriff Warns Federal Agents They Will Be Arrested If They Interfere!


The Sheriff Has More Power In His County Than The President Of The United States: U.S. Constitution U.S. Supreme Court ~ Quashes Obama’s Claim To “Supremacy Clause”

Obama’s High Noon: Sheriff’s Eligibility ‘Posse’ Sparks Media Whirlwind.


A new bill has been introduced in the Montana State Legislature which require the County Sheriff be notified before any federal agents are allowed to enter the state with the intention of carrying out law enforcement actions. The bill provides not only for pre-notification, but the Sheriff must also give consent before federal agents may proceed.


NRO’s Jim Geraghty has heartbreaking news: Watching Attack Watch . . . Do Nothing for the Past Nine Days.

We’re afraid  it’s not coming back.


9 thoughts on “Monday Linkage: Herman Cain Edition

  1. I have met Mr. Cain on several occassions and think he is a very good down to earth man. That said, I can’t support him for POTUS. His gaffes about the consitution are too big to ignore.


  2. That first comment sounds suspiciously like a troll’s comment. Like ND said, what gaffes?

    I’m discovering the easiest way to tell who should be in the race for POTUS as a Repub is, who is the LSM dismissing as totally unelectable?
    Herman, and Sarah, and Santorum. Who else?

    Just so happens those are the three most electable conservatives, IMHO.


  3. He has made comments regarding the second ammendment, that I personally have no problem with (gun control being a state issue – 2nd ammendment is not an issue that I am well versed in, so I tend to stay away from it) that many big 2nd amendment supporters took real offense to, and him saying that communities should have the right to disallow a mosque being built. Whatever you may feel about Islam, until it not classified as a religion in this country has the same rights to build houses of worship than any other religion does. I was appalled when he said it, especially when he used a liberal talking point to do so.
    My biggest concern is that he doesn’t understand the limits of the office. We have more than enough of that over the decades. We need someone who fully understands the limits of elected office.


  4. I agree with Cain on this issue.

    Legally speaking, if they choose to build a religious facility, the local government has to approve the facility before it can be built. And during this process, local citizens do have the right to voice their concern or support for said facility.

    Mr. Cain has never said that he would do anything unconstitutional to stop a mosque. He said that he felt that a community has the right to say no to a mosque if people feel that it’s going to bring sharia law to the area.

    You can pretend that Islamic radicalization isn’t going on in any of these mosques if you want, but the truth is, it’s a huge problem, and it’s growing. Mr. Cain appears to get it.


  5. I don’t deny it is a serious issue or a threat. I just don’t fall into the every Muslim is a terrorist threat category. There is a local Muslim school that I have fought against because it seems to be a threat. The evidence of it is strong. But, without proof it shouldn’t be denied on the basis of it may be threat alone. We have to find a way to figure out where the threats really exist without demonizing an entire group of people without any tangible evidence.


  6. Did it ever occur to you, just, that it might be just a wee bit too late after one or more of their mosque-trained jihadists blows him/herself up in the process of killing dozens of people, to keep the mosque from spiraling out of control into Islamofascism?

    Or are you one who believes that what one is taught in a madrassa doesn’t really count because they all say “That’s not what Islam really means”?


  7. Carlos:
    My husband is a terrorism analyst. I have lived in Israel and I have travelled in the Middle East on many occassions. I am fully aware of the threat and in no way do I dismiss it. What I abhor is the broadbrushing of a group of people. There is no leading expert in the world that puts the number of the radicalized at higher than 15%. Most have it lower around 7-10%. It is a problem. But to say that every Muslim is radicialized is short-sighted and ignornant.

    Being vigiliant is necessary, but not denying people their rights as an American citizen based only fear. The problems with this mosque started when people who didn’t live in the community came in to say that they were trying to spread Sharia. The majority of the people who live in the community who are neighbors to the people who are building the center don’t see a problem with it.

    What is your solution? Deport them all? If we do that, are we still the land of the free?


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