Liberal Compassion at 20 Weeks



Yesterday, something very “special” happened in Texas, according to our own president.

He was showing his support for Texas state senator Wendy Davis, who Yesterday, executed a one-woman filibuster to block a GOP-led effort to ban women from aborting their babies at 20 weeks.

Commentary’s Bethany Mandel refuted the moral bankruptcy of #StandWithWendy with one devastating tweet:

But the pro aborts are shameless and soon #StandWithWendy morphed into #TexasSpring (Which should be read #LateTermAbortionSpring or #GosnellSpring)

Because by now, we all know that anything with #Spring attached to it is not going to end well, right? Obama’s “Special” forces accomplished just what the Community Organizer in Chief had in mind.

Via Twitchy: Midnight chaos: Screaming pro-abortion mob disrupts Texas state legislature vote on SB 5 [video, photos]

#TexasSpring: Morally bankrupt mob declares abortion screamfest the new Arab Spring:

The unruly pro-abortion mob that supported Texas lawmaker Wendy Davis’s filibuster of S.B. 5 with out-of-control, screaming tantrums? Just kicking off the new Arab Spring.

Shameless pro-aborts took to Twitter to celebrate the #TexasSpring ushered in by undemocratic mob rule that disrupted the Texas Senate session and delayed the vote until after the midnight deadline. Late-term abortion on demand, more Kermit Gosnells, unsafe abortion facilities? A victory for human rights (unless you’re an unborn human, natch).

These are the oh-so-brave freedom fighters dead set on preventing the legislature from placing restrictions on abortions after 20 weeks.

dead set”. No pun intended, I’m sure.


A pro-life group responds.

Americans United for Life Says Texas Women Less Safe as a Result of Anti-Life Filibuster:

“Though pro-life leaders were not successful early this morning, we know that abortion harms women and girls, as well as unborn infants, and we see a growing consensus across the country that abortions late in pregnancy are especially harmful to women,” said AUL’s Dr. Charmaine Yoest.

WASHINGTON, D.C. (06-26-13) – Americans United for Life President and CEO, Dr. Charmaine Yoest, commended members of the Texas Senate “for attempting to protect the lives and health of women and girls routinely victimized by a profit-hungry abortion industry, but sadly a large, well-funded, and powerful anti-woman coalition worked to block these much needed legal protections.”

While the Texas House passed the measure, Texas Senators were unsuccessful in overcoming a Democrat Party-led filibuster of Senate Bill 5 that would have limited abortions after 20 weeks, required that abortions take place in facilities regulated like other out-patient surgical facilities, and by physicians who had admitting privileges at local hospitals. The bill also included AUL model legislation regulating the provision of abortion-inducing drugs such as RU-486, requiring that FDA-approved protocols be followed. At this point, the measure cannot be reconsidered in Texas until 2015 when the legislature reconvenes.

“Governor Rick Perry, members of the Texas House, and GOP leaders in the Senate should be commended for advancing this cutting-edge, protective legislation,” said Dr. Yoest.  “Though pro-life leaders were not successful early this morning, we know that abortion harms women and girls, as well as unborn infants, and we see a growing consensus across the country that abortions late in pregnancy are especially harmful to women.”

“Since the trial of ‘house of horrors’ Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, the nation has focused on what all too often takes place behind the closed doors of abortion clinics across America,” said Dr. Yoest. “The time is now to save lives and protect women from an unregulated, unmonitored, and unaccountable abortion industry.”

For more information on the health risks of abortion, click here.

5 thoughts on “Liberal Compassion at 20 Weeks

  1. Texas spring. Perfect.
    The Senate Sargent at Arms should have cleared the gallery so the business of the Senate could continue.
    A vocal minority stopping a vote that would protect women and babies.
    Why do they hate women?
    Why are they making war on women?


  2. Pingback: ConMom

  3. I found this comment over at LI and found it informative as to what really happened in Austin.

    retire05 | June 26, 2013 at 7:30 pm

    Let me be very clear here (for anyone who wants to believe the AP) what happened in Austin last night.

    Starting early Sunday morning, buses were bringing in a group that more resembled the Occupy crowd than anyone found in Texas. These were braless, ring in the nose, stinking people who obviously support abortion at any stage of pregnancy, but have an aversion to soap and water. These anarchists stood in line for 2 1/2 days, in the Texas heat, for entry into the gallery.

    Once Davis started, she was encouraged by the anarchists at every step of the way. Toward the end, and only after signals were given by Kirk Watson (D), former mayor of Austin, did the gallery crowd start chanting. When Davis’ filibuster was put to an end, Kirk Watson and Rodney Ellis (D) tried to take over for her. They are the ones who tried to run out the clock.

    The AP reports:

    “The sweeping abortion rules would close nearly all abortion clinics and impose other widespread restrictions on the procedure across the nation’s second-largest state.”

    This quote was taken directly from Cecile Richards, daughter of former Tx governor, Ann Richards, and president of Planned Parenthood. Who lied.

    what the bill would do, is require all clinics to meet the same state medical standards as any out-patient clinic that does surgery. It would also require the doctor performing the abortion to be certified to perform abortions and to hold hospital privileges, so that their patients could be treated by them, not another doctor, should their patient experience a problem due to the abortion.

    The vote started prior to midnight, and there are those who think that Robert’s Rules apply here and that as long as the vote started prior to midnight, it holds. The Democrats, wanting to make sure that Planned Parenthood can kill as many black babies as it can in Sheila Jackson-Lee’s district, disagreed.

    Instead of fighting over the rules, Governor Perry will recall the Senate in a special session starting July 2. And S. 5 will be readdressed, only this time, there will be enough Tx DPS officers to arrest any of the crowd that doesn’t understand they have a right to assemble, peacefully. Last night was far from peaceful, and there were too many anarchists and not enough DPS.

    The whole fiasco in Austin last night was planned by the Democrat Party. Both Barack Obama (who couldn’t remember to send sympathy to Chris Kyle’s widow) and Nancy Pelosi, devout Catholic, so she says, tweeted #Stand With Wendy. The plan was always to shout down the Senate to the point where the vote could not be heard, even in the well of the Senate.

    What the Democrats did in Austin is going to backfire on them badly. Texans like their politics wild, but not that wild where pro-life proponents were actually threatened, physically, by the anarchists that showed up.


  4. We are quickly turning into a third world nation, thanks to the dimoCrap party and their hired thugs. Anytime they disagree with what is going on they send in the unruly mob to take over. They did it in Wisconsin and now in Texas. It’s disgraceful and they are allowed to get away with it time and time again.

    [off topic here]
    Mark Levin last night was nothing short of brilliant it would be worth everybody going over to his website and listen to the audio. He methodically laid out the case that the Judiciary has now become tyrannical and the sole arbiter of all the issues in the Country. Their ruling yesterday voided the poll results of the people of California, not once but twice. Twice they passed by a good majority a Proposition Ballot Initiative, that the Courts have now nullified. They [and most likely all of us] have in effect lost our Constitutional Right to redress our government with yesterday’s ruling by the Supreme Court.


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