Friday Free-For-All: Don’t Tread On My ObamaCare?

Screen-Shot-2014-03-21-at-81416-AMpngYou gotta be kidding me.

Twitchy: ‘Oh the irony’: Pelosi daughter shares Obamacare sticker that would make Gadsden gag [pic]:

Unbelievably shameless.

Joel Pollack, the Conversation: Democrats Steal Tea Party Symbol to Promote Obamacare:

Matt Welch of has a nice roundup of past Democrat statements about the Gadsden flag. The irony is compounded by the fact that the Gadsden became popular at Tea Party rallies in 2009-10 partly because Obamacare is so damaging to liberty.

Me, the Conversation: ‘Don’t Tread On My ObamaCare?’ Tell That to the 5-6 Million Americans Who Already Lost Theirs:

“Don’t tread on my government-controlled healthcare?” Seriously? Do these fools not know more government control over our lives  = less independence and freedom? To be a Democrat in 2014 means to wake up every day in Opposite Land.

I know of  5-6 million Americans who would love to adopt the “don’t tread on my health care” motto, but unfortunately, it’s too late for them. Thanks to ObamaCare, their old health care plans have the government’s tread marks all over them.

What a sick, profoundly unfunny joke.

The left’s Koch brothers obsession, however, continues to be an unintentionally hilarious joke:

The Hayride: VIDEO: Vitter To Lefty Moonbat Heckler – ‘God Bless The Koch Brothers’:

This is almost too good to be real, but it is.

At a town hall on Tuesday in Broussard, Vitter was accosted by a left-wing questioner who harangued him over the influence of lobbyists, and quickly regurgitated the typical left-wing hate for Charles and David Koch, the owners of Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Industries. The Koch brothers, or most specifically their company Koch Industries, rank as the No. 45 political contributor in the current political cycle, despite the breathless hype on the left making them out to be right-wing kingmakers.

In fact, Koch Industries isn’t even in the top five of corporate contributors to primarily Republican candidates in this cycle.

Caleb Howe, the Right Scoop: Brad Woodhouse TOTALLY BUSTS David Vitter In Tawdry Love Affair:

DNC Communications Director Brad Woodhouse is outraged, OUTRAGED I SAY. He has proven that Harry Reid is right about everything. For the smoking gun has at last been revealed. Sen. David Vitter says God Bless the Koch brothers.

You know, I used to think I was a Republican. I too drank the conservative Flavor Aid. But then I saw this video and IT CHANGED EVERYTHING. Now I realize that Democrats like Brad have been right all along. People like George Soros the Koch Brothers are ruining everything. I mean, obviously. They support conservative causes with money and everything!! They’re as bad as the Unions Hollywood Al Gore Tom Steyer the Unions Tim Gill Time-Warner China also the Unions Satan … um … Santa Claus?! Totally.

At least Louisianans now know that their Senator is pro Oil and Gas. Goodness knows the voters there HATE those industries!

AoSHQ:  Shockingly, Left-Wing Report Makes It Into Washington Post With Little Fact-Checking, and Rife With Errors:

@johnekdahl sends this along, noting that it’s one of my pet peeves. While, for example, that Pennsylvania AG case will be ignored by the national press (as the Gosnell case was ignored as a “local crime story”), all the left has to do is get one of its many house organs to type up a largely false and misleading report, send it over to one of the country’s allegedly “mainstream” media outfits, and wait for its claims to be endlessly retransmitted throughout the country.

Powerline notes that a left-wing organization wrote up a report claiming that the Koch Brothers stood to benefit greatly from their operation of tar-sands operations in Alberta.

There are numerous problems with the claims made. The report claims, falsely, that the Koch Brothers are the largest leaseholders of Canada’s tar sands. That’s simply false. Apparently the article compares their holdings to Exxon and Conoco and Chevron but fails to check for other leaseholders — other companies own more.

They then assume that companies with the most acreage of leaseholds must be producing the most oil — which is false. The Koch Brothers’ holdings are in fact largely non-productive. Despite their acreage of leaseholds, they’re a “negligible” producer as far as actual extraction of oil.

Washington Free Beacon: WaPo Defends Decision to Report on Anti-Koch Allegations It Admits Are Baseless:

In defending its initial story, the Post noted that it explained why IFG’s allegations were baseless, but still opted to relay those allegations to its readers.

[W]e make clear that many of Koch’s leases pre-date the pipeline plan, that Koch has not bid for space in the pipeline, and that Koch would not be a customer. Third, if Koch’s lease holdings are 1.1 million acres, that would make it one of the region’s largest, rivaled only by Shell (1 million net acres through an Athabasca joint venture and perhaps 1.3 million net acres altogether), Cenovus Energy (1.5 million net acres), and perhaps Canadian Natural Resources (717,000 net undeveloped acres plus an undetermined number of developed acres). Shell declined to release its total acreage figures. If Koch’s lease holdings are “closer to two million,” as has been said by industry sources we consider highly authoritative, then Koch is indeed the largest lease holder in the province.

IFG itself has backed away from the 2 million acre figure, opting in its most recent report to go with 1.1 million.

The Post’s initial story continues to claim, without qualification, that Koch is “the biggest lease owner in Canada’s oil sands.”

According to TransCanada spokesman Shawn Howard, the company “continue[s] to be puzzled” by efforts to tie Koch to the Keystone pipeline.

Oh come now. We’re talking about Democrats, here – there’s no need to be puzzled. Without lies – they’ve got nothing.


The People’s Cube: Obamacare Art Appreciation Lesson #1: What’s Art?


“We see it as an entrepreneurial bill,” Pelosi said in May 2010. “A bill that says to someone, if you want to be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passion, your aspirations because you will have health care.”

Last year, while marking the second anniversary of the health care law, Pelosi used a similar line, saying Obamacare allows you to quit your job and become “whatever.”

We made the above visual aid for a new government program helping workers who have lost their jobs due to Obamacare, in their transitioning from shovels to paintbrushes.

Twitchy: ‘They’re starting to get serious’: Obamacare #GetCovered desperation hilariously lampooned [pic]

Weasel Zippers: Reid Asks For Computer Examination In CIA-Senate Spying Dispute:

two faced-feinstein

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has instructed the Senate’s chief law enforcement officer to examine the Intelligence Committee’s computers amid an escalating fight between the CIA and lawmakers over access to secret documents about the agency’s interrogation tactics during the Bush administration.

In a letter dated Wednesday to CIA Director John Brennan, Reid challenged the spy agency head’s complaints that committee staff improperly accessed the agency’s computers to obtain the documents, calling the allegation “patently absurd.”

Last week, the head of the committee, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, questioned whether the agency broke the law and violated the Constitution in searching a computer network exclusively established for the committee.

Brennan has dismissed Feinstein’s complaints.

Reason: “Go Fruve Yourself!”; Sad-Sack Govt Attempt at Nutritional Advice Just May Start Revolution:

The USDA has given $5 million in your tax dollars to a University of Tennessee campaign that tells kids to “Get Fruved.” Part of that grant is on display above in a 30-second that implores an unsuspecting college student (who I really hope is calling out a campus SWAT team) to “get fruved – grape style!” Where are ultra-restrictive campus speech zones when you need them?

Fruved is a portmanteau of fruits and vegetables and the campaign – like so many of these things – around awful videos and activites (such as “Join Team Banana“).

God help us.

The Conversation: Reporter Suggests Press Sec Gets Questions From Press In Advance – Carney, WH Reporters Deny:

Video here.

Carney denied the story, telling a reporter on Twitter, “briefings would be a lot easier if this were true! Rest assured, it is not.”

Reporters Jonathan Karl (ABC) and Ed Henry (Fox) also denied the claim.  Henry on Twitter said that the story is “dead wrong.”

When I asked Karl if the story was true, his response, was “uh, no.” He suggested that the CBS reporter was referring to the questions Carney’s staff supplies him in anticipation for what will be asked.

White House Dossier: AZ Reporter Retracts Carney-Press Collusion Charge:

Yesterday, I noted in reporting this that she seemed like a lousy journalist and her charges were suspect, and that it was not possible that all – as she said – or even most reporters provide their questions in advance.

But I didn’t rule out that some might do this, and I still don’t.

To start with, I can tell you one thing that surely happened yesterday. The full, expletive-filled wrath of the White House press operation came down on Anaya and her bosses to make them change their story. We’re used to this garbage in Washington, but I’m sure they’re not.

And, assuming she is not prone to hallucinating and didn’t bring her lithium with her to Washington, her new explanation also sounds suspect, since she was very specific about her charge Thursday:

(Carney) also mentioned that a lot of times, unless it’s something breaking, the questions that the reporters actually ask — the correspondents — they are provided to him in advance. So then he knows what he’s going to be answering and sometimes those correspondents and reporters also have those answers printed in front of them, because of course it helps when they’re producing their reports for later on. So that was very interesting.

So it’s also not clear to me that Carney didn’t say something along these lines, even if it was misinterpreted.

Townhall Cartoon of the Day by Glenn McCoy:


Gabriel Malor at Hot Air: Pennsylvania Attorney General Kane lawyers up:

The decision of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane to drop the investigation and potential prosecution of Philadelphia Democrats who were recorded accepting cash, money orders, or jewelry certainly seems suspicious. According to news reports, investigators collected over 400 hours of audio and video of five Democrats, including four state lawmakers, before Kane, also a Democrat, secretly killed the investigation last fall. When confronted with this troubling story by the Philadelphia Inquirer, Kane cited racism and mismanagement in the investigation, but the detailed descriptions of the recordings certainly seem to indicate that the payments were made.

Kane’s reaction to reports about her decision went from bad to worse. At first, she complained that white men were attacking her:

In the statement, Kane provided only one quote, dismissing those who questioned her decisions as “nothing more than the Good Ol’ Boys club playing political games to discredit me in order to fulfill their own selfish and improper agenda.”

The statement cited Kane’s pursuit of political-corruption cases, including the pay-to-play scandal involving Democrats tied to the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and the corruption charges brought last week against Democratic State Sen. LeAnna Washington.

The Daily Caller: Obamacare architect: Law will cause ‘the end of employer-sponsored insurance’

No way….

Obamacare architect Zeke Emanuel claims in his new book that the health care reform law will result in “the end of employer-sponsored insurance.”

Despite President Barack Obama’s claim that “if you like your plan, you can keep it” — a talking point developed in his first 100 days in office by a tiny but influential left-wing messaging group called the Herndon Alliance — his administration has long planned to disassemble the current U.S. insurance industry as well as alter health care reform.


James Delingpole, Breitbart London: American Physical: First Major Scientific Institution to Reject Global Warming ‘Consensus’?

The American Physical Society (APS) has signalled a dramatic turnabout in its position on “climate change” by appointing three notorious climate skeptics to its panel on public affairs (POPA).

They are:

Professor Richard Lindzen, formerly Alfred P Sloan Professor of Meteorology at Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a highly regarded physicist who once described climate change alarmism on The Larry King Show as “mainly just like little kids locking themselves in dark closets to see how much they can scare each other and themselves.”

John Christy, Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, who has written: “I’m sure the majority (but not all) of my IPCC colleagues cringe when I say this, but I see neither the developing catastrophe nor the smoking gun proving that human activity is to blame for most of the warming we see.”

Judith Curry, Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech, a former Warmist (and still a self-described “luke warmer”) who has infuriated many of her more extremist colleagues by defending skeptics and by testifying to the US House Subcommittee on the Environment that the uncertainties in forecasting climate science are much greater than the alarmists will admit.

As Anthony Watts has noted, this is news guaranteed to make a Warmist’s head explode.

I’ll let Senator Ted Cruz have the final word, today…

My Latest at the Conversation:

Court Rules in Favor of Kansas, Arizona in Voter I.D. Suit

A federal court ruled Wednesday that the two states can demand that the federal voter registration form contain citizenship proof, removing the loophole that would have curtailed enforcement of their proof-of-citizenship requirements. This is not only a big win for Arizona and Kansas on election integrity – it paves the way for other states to follow suit.Mar 19, 2014 1:13 PM PT 132

All Aboard the Republican Party Train (Video)

According to Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post, there are now at least 11 Democratic-held seats in red or purple states that are in trouble – 12 if you count the Virginia seat held by Sen. Mark Warner. 14 if you count Oregon and Minnesota, which Republicans hope to flip as well. Mar 18, 2014 9:54 AM PT

The Council Has Spoken!! This Weeks’ Watcher’s Council Results


Alea iacta est…the Council has spoken, the votes have been cast, and we have the results  for this week’s Watcher’s Council match up.

“Israel exists; it has a right to exist in peace behind secure and defensible borders; and it has a right to demand of its neighbors that they recognize those facts. I have personally followed and supported Israel’s heroic struggle for survival, ever since the founding of the State of Israel 34 years ago. In the pre-1967 borders Israel was barely 10 miles wide at its narrowest point. The bulk of Israel’s population lived within artillery range of hostile Arab armies. I am not about to ask Israel to live that way again.” -Ronald Reagan, 1982

“The Jews are alone in the world. If Israel survives, it will be solely because of Jewish efforts….I have a premonition that will not leave me; as it goes with Israel so will it go with all of us.Should Israel perish the holocaust will be upon us.” – Eric Hoffer, 1968

“We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps.” – Barack Obama, 2011


This week’s winner, Joshuapundit’s  ‘Nice Little Jewish State Ya Got There..Shame If Anything Were to Happen To It’ is a reaction and analysis of a widely publicized interview President Obama gave when Israeli leader Benyamin Netanyahu was en route to meet with him, and how it related to some subsequent events. Here’s a slice:

While Israeli PM Benyamin Netanyahu was already en route to the United States to discuss the Middle East peace process,  President Obama gave an interview at the beginning of last week to a friendly journalist, Jeffrey Goldberg.The shock waves from what the president had to say are still reverberating.

President Obama started by talking about the Israeli-Arab peace process.

The president, to summarize briefly, embraces the tired idea of ‘linkage’ wholeheartedly. In his view, Israel catering to the demands of the Palestinian Authority, giving up strategic territory in exchange for vague promises from Mahmoud Abbas and accepting the establishment of a hostile state on Israel’s borders will magically lead to peace in the Middle East. Israel’s Arab neighbors will all immediately become allies and friends, the Iranians will stop their quest for nuclear weapons and stop threatening to destroy Israel every two weeks or so and Hamas and Hezbollah will close up shop, disarm and go out of business.

When Goldberg prompted him, he made a few pro forma remarks about Netanyahu and about the  American ‘commitment to Israel being rock solid’. But as he made plain, he wants Israel to comply with all of the Palestinian demands, and quickly. Or else. Because, you see, there are going to be a lot more Palestinians and Israeli Arabs who will overwhelm Israel demographically, the EU and others are going to isolate Israel internationally and the U.S. is going to not be able to defend Israel diplomatically any longer. Unmentioned is that much of any diplomatic isolation Israel faces is a direct result of the animosity exhibited towards the Jewish State by President Obama and his administration.

Even Goldberg, a long time Obama supporter,  evidenced some shock in a subsequent interview with PBS’s Charlie Rose and characterized this as a threat.

The president,of course, focused exclusively on Arab rights rather than Jewish ones, and on Israeli security…which of course, he expects Israel to depend totally on the United States to oversee and handle, something that can be changed at the president’s whim. He characterizes the Palestinians as ready for peace, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, because to the president, it’s those stubborn Jews who are holding things up.

Just for the record, that demographic threat the president and Secretary Kerry keep focusing on that is supposed to doom Israel as a democratic state unless those Jews do what he wants and fast is pure fantasy. The real truth as I write this is that the trends shows a Jewish majority in Judea and Samaria of well over 60%, because the Jewish fertility rate has increased while Palestinian rates have collapsed. In fact, Jewish fertility rates in Judea and Samaria have already overtaken Arab rates at 3.04 vs. 2.91 children per woman. Israel continues to attract a high rate of immigration, with many more to come, especially from Europe, while Palestinian emigration rates have risen sharply. Time is on the side of Israel, not the Palestinians…which is the real reason for the haste to push through a deal by the White House.

President Obama’s fantasy world also includes a portrait of Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority as committed to peace.At one point, the president referred to Abbas as ‘the most moderate Palestinian leader the Israelis are ever going to get.’

This could have been the cue for Goldberg to remind the president that this is the same Mahmoud Abbas who has repeatedly said that he will not make any concessions to Israel, who insists on a Jew free reichlet and who recently signed a unity agreement with the genocidal Hamas. This is the same ‘moderate’ who wrote his thesis at Moscow University on how the Holocaust was a myth and made it a required part of the Palestinian educational curriculum, regardless of what he told a group of hand-picked Leftist Israeli students in Ramallah last week. This is the same leader supposedly  committed to peace and co-existence who sees to it that convicted murderers of Israeli civilians are honored as ‘holy martyrs’, heroes and role models and rewards them financially.

Instead, Goldberg  merely pointed out that Abbas was “also the leader of a weak, corrupt and divided Palestinian entity that is already structurally semi-powerless. Do you think he could deliver anything more than a framework agreement? Is this the guy who can lead the Palestinian people to say, “OK, no more claims against Israel, permanent peace, permanent recognition?”

And President Obama’s reply? “I think it has to be tested. The question is: What is lost by testing it?” The answer, of course is the same thing that was lost because of Oslo and the Road Map – hundreds of Jewish lives and hundreds of others maimed for life. President Obama, to be frank, didn’t seem all that put out by the idea of Jewish bloodshed, as long as a Palestinian state the way he envisions it is the result.

Israeli PM Netanyahu probably came to the U.S. prepared to accept the non-binding Kerry framework and to try once more to convince President Obama that the Iranians are committed to obtaining nuclear weapons, that they must be stopped and time is running out. Instead, he was hit with this while in mid air.

Not only did President Obama convince a lot of Israelis that his view of an Israeli/Palestinian peace accord isn’t rooted in reality and that they can no longer depend on the U.S. as any kind of honest broker, but the president’s remarks had to let Netanyahu know in advance that any attempt to get President Obama to look at reality on Iran was a waste of time.

In the interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, President Obama also did some chest thumping about Iran, saying that the Iranians were cooperating because they were afraid of him! To hear President Obama talk, because they’re so scared of what he might do, “they’ve halted their nuclear program, no centrifuges being installed; the 20 percent enriched uranium being drawn down to zero; Arak on hold.”

Absolutely none of this is true. The Iranians say flatly that enrichment is continuing, a whole new crop of advanced centrifuges is being installed , and the Iranian heavy water reactor at Arak,which has no peaceful application is not on hold at all.

In the end, instead of publicly accepting the framework, Netanyahu merely took a copy from the president privately without commenting and left for home. Among other things, this completely sandbagged Secretary of State John Kerry, who was not briefed on the interview in advance and according to one of my sources definitely in a position to know, was left scrambling to do damage control.

The latest indication of this president’s disdain for Israel occurred after Netanyahu left the White House. One of Israel’s written-in-stone conditions for any peace agreement is the formal acceptance by Abbas of Israel as a Jewish State. Israel wants this because it would signal a final end to the conflict, terminate the Palestinian fiction that Jews are just ‘colonists’ who have no connection or rights to the land of Israel and end the idea that thousands of those hostile Arabs whom represent themselves as Palestinian ‘refugees’ somehow have a right to resettle in Israel.

Abbas has always refused to do this for exactly these reasons, and once this interview was released, he repeated it once again. Not only that, but those Arabs whom represent themselves as Palestinians and whom President Obama claims are ready for peaceful coexistence refuse to accept Israel as a Jewish state either. Because like Abbas, they still cling to the dream of someday driving the Jews into the sea.


When Abbas again repeated his refusal, what was different this time is that our own State Department backed him up on it.

Much more at the link

In our non-Council category, the winner was Victor Davis Hanson with A New Obama Doctrine?submitted by Bookworm Room , which poses the question of whether President Obama will change his foreign policy direction ala’ President Carter after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

OK, here are this week’s full results. Only Rhymes With Right was unable to vote this week,but was not subject to the mandatory 2/3 vote penalty.:

Council Winners

Non-Council Winners

See you next week! Don’t forget to tune in on Monday AM for this week’s Watcher’s Forum, as the Council and their invited special guests take apart one of the provocative issues of the day with short takes and weigh in…don’t you dare miss it. And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us onTwitter…..’cause we’re cool like that!