PA 9/11 Memorial Honors Hijackers

The memorial, now called, The Flight 93 Memorial, was originally called The Crescent/Bowl of Embrace.

Embrace of what? Embrace of Islam, it seems.

This is a travesty even worse than The AZ 9/11 Memorial, (which is going ahead as planned, by the way), in that the Crescent memorial, which faces Mecca, has all the features of a giant Mosque. It’s like putting out a prayer rug/welcoming mat for terrorists to come and gloat.

And their gloating would be justified if this monstrosity is allowed to proceed. Which, apparently, it is. The final Memorial Project Planning Meeting was held last month in Somerset, PA, where the final plans were approved.

Alec Rawls, from Error Theory had been trying for a year and a half to bring this obscene travesty to the attention of the planning committee, and to the media. Here’s what happened at the final meeting:

Again and again I said to Mr. Baird (a flight 93 Memorial advisory member) that the public needed to know about the the simple geometric facts I was pointing out, to let people decide for themselves if they were okay with a geometric replica of the central feature of a mosque being used as the central feature of the Flight 93 Memorial, whether this was by coincidence or not. Would the American people be okay with the 9/11 date being placed as the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag, even if it were by coincidence? This is for them to answer, and Baird agreed. But then he would come back to why he didn’t think it really mattered, why all of this could be seen simply as less than newsworthy, rather than as a matter of suppression of crucial facts. To Baird it all came back to intent. If I can’t prove intent, then according to Mr. Baird, he is not concerned, meaning he does not consider it an issue that needs to be brought out.

Other commission members at the meeting said similar and even stranger things. As one of my compatriots was walking a reverend on the Commission through our graphical displays, the reverend said: “But so what if these are mosque features? If visitors are unaware, what difference does it make?” A lawyer on the Commission told another of my compatriots why he thought that the almost exact Mecca orientation of the giant crescent had to be a coincidence. He claimed that it couldn’t have been intended to honor Islam because the in-exactness of the the Mecca-orientation would be “disrespectful” to Islam.

Never mind the fact that a Muslim crescent doesn’t have to exactly point to Mecca.

What is it with liberals that they can’t see the inappropriateness of this?

Rawls has written a book entitled, Crescent Of Betrayal, to be published later this year. His publishing company has allowed him to put his final draft online until Sept. 1, in order to get the word out.

It appears, it might be too late.

Found via Gateway Pundit.

17 thoughts on “PA 9/11 Memorial Honors Hijackers

  1. I’ve been following this since I saw a post on it on Michelle Malkin’s site a couple of years ago. There’s a lot of good info at this link.
    I agree that it’s farcical. I also read “Crescent Of Betrayal”. I think only an absolute idiot would not see why the design is an outright betrayal. TWITS!


  2. Yeah, this has been going on for a couple years, and it pisses me off so much my head’s about to explode. I’m gonna link your post, for my 2 readers to see. The word needs to get out!


  3. Ah yes. The Crescent monument thats being funded to help memorialize the enemy. I don’t know why they have insisted on constructing this idiotic monument and only some moronic fool would do such a thing.

    Truly a Crescent of Betrayal. I shall spread the word and remind people that this travesty should not go unchallenged.


  4. Pingback: Betrayal - 9/11 monument being built to honor…the enemy? « Assaulting the Spire

  5. Disgraceful is too mild a word. If the Flight 93 family members won’t condemn this travesty then it will probably go forward as the dhimmi memorial.


  6. Total,

    This is the COMPROMISE! Imagine what it used to be, and you are still short of the clear dhimmification of the original design.

    ND is right, this is worse than the AZ memorial in that it’s an actuall site of the 9/11 grievence we have every right to hold true, only to be turned into a fucking bow to the lowlife scumbags who killed innocents, while the heroic efforts of the passengers of ’93 protected america AGAINST Islamic terroism (islamic gradschool.) are ignored in favor of “mending fences” that we never built or broke.

    ND is right, TRAVESTY!


  7. People are nuts, WP.

    The folks in Phoenix decided that the AZ memorial was fine and dandy even with all of the leftist political tripe that had nothing to do with honoring the dead Americans of 9/ll.

    And, Mr. Baird, the man who Alec Rawls was butting heads with about this even worse monstrosity, is a family member of a 9/11 victim. One of the women on the AZ 9/11 memorial commission was a family member, too.

    I just don’t understand it.


  8. It’s the politics of identity to politics and celebrity ND.

    When I was living with my father, we had a border, he was a Viet “vet” though he was a fucking admin guy, who never left stateside, meanwhile my father who was a volunteer served in theater as a Motor T tard.

    One day, all three of us were in the “front room” of the house (the room with the big TV) and the borderd didn’t know me well (I’m rarely in the same place for more than a few hours at a time unless I’m asleep) and my father asks his border if he met me.

    “Yeah, he has funny opinions about war.”
    My father, who isn’t much in terms of political thought responded something like, “he thinks we should win?”
    “HAH!” the border mocked my father, and me and finished with something like “As though we can!”
    “not with men like you” I said, “thank god we don’t have any anymore.”

    I’ve never seen my father angry to the point of physical conflict with anyone other than myself, until that moment, and he didn’t threaten the border, he said “wicked” (btw, ND you know my first name right? anyways) stand up.

    “what happens if he finishes his thought (wicked?)” my father asked me.

    “I will end up in jail.”
    “My boy won’t go to jail, you understand that john?”

    If you want to make a point, it’s important that you make a real one.


  9. Pingback: Nice Deb Flight 93 Memorial Update «

  10. Pingback: Flight 93 Memorial Honors Hijackers « A Fine Line Between Stupid And Clever

  11. Outrageous!”W”– our N.A.U. and New World Orderist doesn’t want to offend Islams at the airports and in our society—haven’t you noticed Moslems are receiving preferential treatment over Americans in schools and our society???


  12. We’re willingly playing into their hands with putting up the largest mosque by a factor of 100 in memory of the terrorists on the flight 93 crash site; literally the graves of the passengers and crew that fought them that day.

    It’s an Al Qaeda shrine; put up on 2200 acres of public park land.


  13. Most of all I would like to know who the idiot was that designed and came up with this ignoramous of an idea! He or she must have been muslim to even have the adosity of involving a mosque into the theme…


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