More On The SC Pipe Bombers

The two men, Yousef Megahed, 21 and Ahmed Mohamed, 24 appeared at the bond hearing yesterday, where the bonds were set at $300,000, and 500,000 respectively.

The ABC News Charleston affiliate reports:

During the bond hearing, Megahed appeared calm while Mohamed seemed agitated and was seen chanting. One unanswered question, what were the pair doing in Goose Creek?

Dan Riehl takes issue with some of the findings reported in The Blotter concerning the chemical, potassium chlorate, that was found in the van.

Riehl also notes that potassium chlorate was used by the Scotland car bombers.

The bomb-making tips could have been gleaned from Arabic websites which gave details of how to make gas cylinders explode.

Sources told The Daily Telegraph that potassium chlorate from household matches formed a key ingredient of the detonators.

Emphasis mine.

Check out Riehl’s comment section for more information courtesy of The Purple Avenger on “homemade ammo”

The FBI is still investigating whether or not there is a terrorist link to the incident.

It’s looking less and less like innocent hijinks, to me.


Dan Riehl has a video from Tampa’s Channel 10 of the suspects’ neighbor, being interviewed by a reporter. Sherri Jackson, the neighbor, says the FBI visited her on Sunday. She claims the agents told her they were terrorists. That seems a bit odd.

She also says that the men never seemed settled in, instead they looked like “they could be gone in five minutes”. She said she saw lots of traffic at the house; people going back and forth. And deliveries. Lots of them, UPS, Fed Ex, and oxygen tanks.

Very interesting. Did they have oxygen tanks in the van, too?

Debbie Schlussel has the whole scoop.

One more thing about Potassium Chlorate, the chemical that was found in the van….

Homeland Security and the FBI posted a Joint Homeland Security Assessment on improvised explosives on the internet. I would link to it, but it says, Unclassified/for official use only numerous times throughout the document.

But I can tell you that the FBI knows very well that potassium chlorate is a very common terrorist bomb making ingredient, with how to’s and pictures posted on terrorist websites, and in handbooks. One picture from a terrorist website showed tubes filled with explosives to be used as detonators. Potassium chlorate is one of the ingredients.

The document says strict laws in the US, UK, and several other countries have made it difficult for terrorists and other criminals to acquire commercial and military blasting caps, which has led to the popularity of these improvised explosives.

UPDATE: (Wed. morning)

Well, it appears a full fledged terror investigation is underway.

Dan Riehl and The Jawa Report are both reporting that the FBI has seized the men’s home computer.

Meanwhile, an unidentified roommate has fled the country.

12 thoughts on “More On The SC Pipe Bombers

  1. It drives me NUTS the way the media use the word “terrorist” as “specifically masterminded by Osama bin Laden.” Like a lone Muslim going spare and shooting up a Jewish daycare center or getting in his SUV and mowing down college students isn’t a terrorist act because it doesn’t have the AQ brand.

    If there’s something about Islam that makes people come unstrung at a higher rate than other religions…well, I don’t care what you call that, it’s what we’re at war with.


  2. lutefisk casserole terrorists.

    Deb, I dunno. I find it frustrating that law enforcement and other officials are so quick to bury details on stuff like this out of one side of their mouths, and out of the other side they admonish us to “stay vigilant”, i.e. that dumb shit at OU two years ago that blew himself up outside the stadium. Ruling: suicide.


  3. “dumb shit at OU two years ago that blew himself up outside the stadium”

    You mean that dumb shit who had a stone paver momument placed in his honor by other student dumb shits on campus


  4. I don’t follow or access mainstream news sources – are newspapers and news sources reporting on this or are they (as I suspect) keeping mum?

    On the one hand, keeping quiet prevents copy-cat attacks or simply giving people ideas. On the other hand, people need to be aware of what is going on, that Islamist militants are still plotting to carry out attacks. I wonder how many attempts have been foiled about which we know nothing. Agencies responsible for foiling such attacks (at home or abroad) as a matter of policy do not brag about their successes as doing so could be a national security risk (what with the inevitable leak of sources and methods).

    I really liked what Mr. Weasel said. We are not at war with a person or group or movement or even network of entities but, rather, with an ideology, an ideology that produces and legitimizes terrorists. And so this includes not only militants and terrorists and wannabe-terrorists but also all those who support them in any way (such as CAIR and money-funneling mosques and charities and so on). That many in The United States fail to realize this frustrates me.

    Speaking of Mr. Weasel (who is so wise), where is Mr. Straw? Haven’t read him lately.


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