Attack Dog Mitt

Aw nuts…it’s looking more and more like Mitt is going to be McCain’s VP pick, seeing as he’s already practicing the traditional role of the VP candidate; that of attack dog. Romney told the National Journal:

“He, (Obama) in the debate, made a number of promises that he cannot possibly deliver — populist approaches that sound good to the public but that are counter to the growth and strength of our economy and the well-being of our nation.”

Referring to “Bittergate”, he also said:

“… I think what’s happening is that people are getting a better sense about Barack Obama,” Romney continued. “They didn’t know who he was… but now we’re getting a better view of Barack Obama as the — not just the liberal, but the political liberal that he is.”

Hell, yeah.

I like Mitt…don’t get me wrong…but will he be tough enough to keep this up, all the way until November? He does come off as rather stiff, and insincere at times, which was always my biggest problem with him. Still, he does project a very competent and professional image…

On the other hand, if we want someone who could really open up a can of whoop-ass if need be, (and with Barry O as his adversary, wouldn’t that be constantly?), who better than Fred?

But something tells me that’s a pipe dream.

It’s gonna be Mitt.

Just An Aside:

I had to search far and wide to find a semi goofy looking picture of Mitt. The man doesn’t take too many bad pictures.

He’s got that going for him.

8 thoughts on “Attack Dog Mitt

  1. He’d be a great choice, particularly if J-Mac wants to heal the primary rift. Talk about a move engineered to pull back the base.

    And it’d be a good setup for 2012.


  2. There are worse choices he could make for VP. Lieberman, for instance. Or Hillary.

    I’m rather hoping Fred! gets put in charge of the Department of Homeland Security, with an emphasis on securing the borders. I’m rather fond of his immigration platform. Which I’d link to, but it appears is down. A sad coincidence given we updated our server yesterday and it broke all our forms on the Colorado4Fred site. That’s the only site that broke, too.


  3. I don’t know. There seemed to be genuine antipathy between McCain and Mitt. Mitt was my guy in the primaries. I was pretty disappointed in his performance…plus, I don’t know that he ticks enough of the VP boxes. Too many liabilities, not enough advantages.

    I’d be surprised if McCain picked him.

    On the other hand, when it comes to political predictions, I’m always wrong. Always.


  4. plus, I don’t know that he ticks enough of the VP boxes. Too many liabilities, not enough advantages.

    When has McCain ever been known for his political astuteness?


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