Tsk: Poor Jimmah Gets No Respect

(Cartoon by: Michael Ramirez, Townhall)

Jimmy Carter is turning into the Rodney Dangerfield of ex-Presidents.

First the Palestinians said that the Carter/Hamas meeting achieved nothing:

Last week’s meeting between former US president Jimmy Carter and the exiled leader of Hamas militants did not produce any results, Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Malki said here Wednesday.

“President Carter came to the region thinking he could achieve something. Unfortunately president Carter left without anything concrete,” he told a conference in the Spanish capital.

“The only thing he achieved was permission on the part of Khaled Meshaal of Hamas to deliver a letter from a detained Israeli soldier to his family. Nothing else,” he said.

“Hamas offered nothing to president Carter. They reiterated the same positions. There was no change on the part of Hamas,” Malki added.

There was one teeny tiny effect, though:

Hamas officials said Wednesday that Jimmy Carter’s meetings with leaders of the Palestinian militant group will boost its legitimacy despite criticism by Israel and the U.S. government of the former president’s personal peace mission.

And now this:

Israel’s UN Ambassador Calls Jimmy Carter A Bigot:

Carter, “went to the region with soiled hands and came back with bloody hands after shaking the hand of Khaled Mashaal, the leader of Hamas,” Ambassador Dan Gillerman told reporters at a luncheon briefing.

The ambassador’s harsh words for Carter came days after the ex-president met with Mashaal for seven hours in Damascus to negotiate a cease-fire with Gaza’s Hamas rulers. Carter then called Mashaal on Monday to try to get him to agree to a one-month truce without conditions, but the Hamas leader rejected the idea.

The ambassador called last weekend’s encounter “a very sad episode in American history.”

He said it was “a shame” to see Carter, who had done “good things” as a former president, “turn into what I believe to be a bigot.”

Meanwhile Sue Myrick is going ahead with her proposal to have Carter’s passport revoked.

He’s getting hammered on all sides. Does anyone like what Carter did?

Oh…maybe one.

Thank God For Sue Myrick

Somebody in Government needs to be looking out for “the folks”. And when I say looking out for the folks, I don’t mean what liberals do when they say that: providing jobs, programs, regulations, or government assistance in any way. I mean keeping us safe:

Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., says the Pentagon has failed to vet properly the Muslim chaplains ministering to U.S forces since it first set up its Muslim chaplain corps 15 years ago.

The military chaplains were approved by a convicted terrorism supporter who at the time headed the American Muslim Council. Abdurahman Alamoudi is now serving a 23-year prison sentence on federal terrorism charges.

The U.S. Department of Treasury in 2005 announced in a statement that “Alamoudi had a close relationship with al-Qaida and had raised money for al-Qaida in the United States.”

According to Myrick, the chaplains he sponsored have not been re-screened since his sentencing.

Alamoudi placed Muslim chaplains throughout the military. He is now in jail on charges of terrorism,” she said. “The chaplains to my knowledge are still in their current positions.”

It’s been three years since this became known about Alamoudi, and nothing has been done about it, yet?

In January 2007, Myrick founded the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus. The bipartisan group, with more than 120 members and headed by Myrick and Reps. Bud Cramer, D-Ala., and Jane Harman, D-Calif., was formed to allow members to meet with terrorism experts and become educated about the dangers radical Islamists pose to America.

Some other projects she’s working on:

*writing letters to the Department of Justice and FBI taking issue with their outreach to radical groups, as well as looking into similar issues at the Pentagon.

*the release of an ambitious 10-point legislative agenda, dubbed “Wake Up America.” She says Washington is not doing enough to protect the nation from the threat from radical Islam, and the public as a consequence has grown complacent.

*the congresswoman will ask the Government Accountability Office to investigate the selection process of Arabic translators hired by the FBI and Department of Defense.Since 9/11, several federal translators have been charged with espionage-related crimes, according to Paul Sperry, author of “Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington.”

*Myrick also plans to ask the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ non-profit status, which restricts lobbying on behalf of foreign governments.

*Myrick says she will also introduce a bill making it an act of sedition or treason to preach or publish materials that call for violent jihad and the death of Americans or the destruction of American property.

About time!

CAIR’s Ibrahim Hooper responds:

It sounds like your usual laundry list of talking points you can see on anti-Muslim hate sites on the Internet.”

Yep, objecting to the spread of radical Islam in your own country sure is hateful.

Official Obama Blogger: Hardcore Marxist

No that is not hyperbole. Meet Sam Graham-Felsen, official Obama blogger, and writer for The Nation, and The Socialist Viewpoint.

The Socialist Viewpoint? Sounds kind of left-wing, doesn’t it? Let’s visit the ‘About Us’ page and find out more:

The Socialist Workers Organization was formed to advance the revolutionary Marxist political program in the United States. Our members are long time active participants in the socialist and labor movements. We agree with Karl Marx that society is divided into social classes whose interests are irreconcilable.

The capitalist ruling class of the United States exercises a virtual dictatorship not only over American society, but also over the entire world. This capitalist class rule is the basic cause of the poverty, wars, and the degradation of the natural environment.

We advocate workers’ power to solve the pressing problems that plague our society—homelessness, hunger, AIDS, the lack of health care for those who can’t afford it, the poor quality and lack of resources for public education and other public institutions, and the destruction of the environment.

We believe that people have the human right to freedom, justice, and sharing of all the resources available for the makings of a good life. This means the right to jobs, decent housing, food and health care, and every aspect of education, clean water, air, and earth.

Workers power is the answer!

Working people are the overwhelming majority of the population and the ruling capitalist class is only a handful. They hold a monopoly over the media and the institutions of culture that create “public opinion”—the printed and electronic mass media, as well as all public and private educational institutions. In the final analysis, however, capitalists rule by military and police force and violence.

To break the stranglehold of the capitalist minority over all of society, workers need their own political institutions. Workers and their unions need to break definitively with Democrats, Republicans, and other capitalist parties, all of which are dedicated to preserving and advancing the capitalist system of social, economic and political injustice.

Socialism, the ownership and democratic control of the means of production by the working class, and the removal of profit from the system of production, is the aim of Socialist Viewpoint, which reflects the political views of the Socialist Workers Organization. Socialism is the prerequisite for the next stage in human development that will end class oppression and exploitation for all time.

The Common Ills has much more on Graham-Felsen (what’s with the 2-part name? He’s a dude!).

What more do people need to know about Obama? Have the super-delegates figured out that he’s unelectable yet? Should we just hush up about all this and save it for later… I mean…MY GOSH!

Hat tip: Moonbattery


Oh wow, why does this not surprise me:

Real or hoax? I can’t decide.

The Communist Party USA definitely seems to like him.