Andrew McCarthy On Islam

He appeared on Hannity and Colmes to promote his book, Willful Blindness, which I need to read because it deals with some important questions that most people are too shy to ask, like this one from Hannity: “What percentage of people (practitioners of Islam) buy into the radical views?”

Notice how indignant Colmes gets at McCartnety’s answer to Hannity’s question. Notice the strawman that pops up (“So everyone who’s a practicing Muslim wants to kill us?)”. And note the extreme condescension in Colmes’s voice as he patiently informs McCartney that there are millions and millions of Muslims living in the United States, (as if that’s some kind of revelation).

Colmes can’t match the faux outrage theatrics of fellow libtard, Keith Olbermann, but he manages to be just as annoying in my book.

Hat tip: Hyscience


Mosquewatch has come up with 7 questions to ask of Muslims who profess to oppose terrorism. An answer of yes to any of these questions puts the lie to their claims of moderation.

Via: Infidels Are Cool

One thought on “Andrew McCarthy On Islam

  1. Once again, Hannity is dooming America to our death. Islam has not been hijacked by anyone. Good Muslims fight and die in the name of islam. Bad Muslims don’t. Mr.Hannity and all those with this mindset, are dangerous too the USA. Colmes is the usual idiot he always is.


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