Pro-Obama “We Support Notre Dame” Website Is Launched


Guess who’s behind it?

Tom Mattzie, the founder of the “We Support Notre Dame,” is a political activist and a key leader of George Soros funded, the radical far left smear website.

Disgusting…why am I not surprised? Obama is shameless.

Sign the Petition, to stop the scandal, here:

Join The Cardinal Newman Society & Catholic
in the petition to
Notre Dame’s President Father John Jenkins, C.S.C.
along with more than
239,020 other signers (updated at 11:11 AM)

7 thoughts on “Pro-Obama “We Support Notre Dame” Website Is Launched

  1. What else would you expect from such extreme left wing trash? Soros spends millions spreading his lies and anti-American views.


  2. Pingback: Please support the most pro-abortion President ever! | linkfeedr

  3. And what about President Bush speaking when he authorized the executions of prisoners in Texas…and later supported and started two wars. Where was the outrage then. Barack Obama is our President and has every right to speak and America and Notre Dame should be grateful to have him coming still after the ridiculous scrutiny and outlandish uproar that all this is.


  4. And what about President Bush speaking when he authorized the executions of prisoners in Texas…and later supported and started two wars? Where was the outrage then. Barack Obama is our President and has every right to speak and America and Notre Dame should be grateful to have him coming still after the ridiculous scrutiny and outlandish uproar that all this is.


  5. Where was the outrage then.

    There was no outrage from me. You’re comparing apples with oranges….and if you’re a Catholic, you’re sadly ignorant of what the Church teaches on these issues.


  6. No one is disputing Obama’s or Fr Jenkins commencement speech but what is wrong is the Honorary degree that is being given. That is a BAD decision and obviuosly ND is not paying attention to a majority rule which shows 35,000 for and 350,000 against. Fr Jenkins is now in the same category as John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi and should not be able to give or receive sacraments of the catholic faith. He might want to contact George Soros!!


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