Air Force One 2009

*Starring Barack Obama:


See Ace here, here, and here for a complete rundown of the exciting saga.

WH Wanted to Update Its File Photo of Air Force One Buzzing the Statue of Liberty: Update it. As in, they already have several. But those were from the nasty Bush Administration (or, more likely, before; I doubt Bush got the chance before 9/11).

So the NOTUS (Narcissist of the United States) decided it was about time he buzzed NYC, so he could have his pretty picture.

More at Michelle Malkin here and here.


Good lord, this is just pitiful:

Apparently, they hadn’t come up with an official story, yet.

Still More:

Allahpundit asks, “what should Obama’s next “photo op” be?”

Does Pearl Harbor still scare people?

William Teach reports that so far, only a junior mayoral aide has been reprimanded.

The Other Mccain calls the whole ordeal “The perfect storm of idiocy”.

The intrepid Jake Tapper asks Robert Gibbs some tough questions about the ordeal at TNOYF.

Now We’re Talkin’


House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) is not taking  Speaker  Pelosi’s b.s. sitting down. He’s  asking the Obama administration to release CIA notes taken during the 2002 Congressional briefing session that Pelosi is having difficulty remembering properly.

Boehner is backing efforts by Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.), the ranking member on the House intelligence committee, to release agency’s records of meetings with Congressional members from both parties.

The GOP is hoping to spotlight the fact that Pelosi and other Democrats raised few objections when told about details of the Bush administration “enhanced interrogations” of terror suspects.

“Congress and the American people deserve a full and complete set of facts about what information was yielded by CIA’s interrogation program, and they deserve to know which of their representatives in Congress were briefed about these techniques and the extent of those briefings,” says Boehner, backing Hoekstra’s letter to DNI Dennis Blair.

Pelosi’s excuse for going along with the interrogations is that she wasn’t told that they were actually going to be used. Republican House members Boehner and Hoekstra think that the airing of these memos might straighten out her confusion.

Hat tip: Weasel Zippers

Notre Dame Scandal Heating Up


One wonders if Father Jenkins is starting to regret his decision to honor Obama at Notre Dame’s Commencement next month. Because it’s becoming more and more apparent that he’s done great damage to Notre Dame’s reputation as a Catholic institution, as well as hurt it financially.

Just today, the former ambassador to the Vatican, Mary Ann Glendon, who was to give a speech as she received the prestigious Laetare Award, made public her decision to back out of the controversial affair.

Her devastating open letter to Father Jenkins can be read at Hot Air.

The university has already expressed regret, and announced that it will be replacing her with another honoree, but as Freddie Freddoso asks…”who do you suppose will want to accept the award under these circumstances — to be the second choice?”

Indeed. And you won’t like his suggestion.

And now the American Papist reports:

Organizers of, an online effort urging alumni and donors to the University of Notre Dame to withhold donations, announced Monday that they have personally confirmed over $8.2 million in withheld donations as a part of their national outreach effort.

Add that to the 47 Bishops who have issued statements denouncing Notre Dame’s decision, South Bend Bishop D’Arcy’s decision to not attend commencement, this year, a pro life march that took place at the university on April 20, and the more than 334,740 signers to the Stop the Scandal petition, so far, (which you can still sign if you haven’t already), and I’d say Father Jenkins has a mortifying debacle on his hands.

UPDATE (April 28):

Gateway Pundit reports:

But, this latest news is disturbing. The most radical pro-abortion and pro-infanticide president in history will wear the traditional Notre Dame robe with a prayer to the Virgin Mary.

Previously at Nice Deb:

Pro Life March Set For Notre Dame

Pro-Obama “We Support Notre Dame” Website Is Launched

Bishop of Phoenix sends Letter Of Rebuke to Notre Dame President

Notre Dame “Stop The Scandal” Petition Update

Stop The Scandal: Obama Invited To Notre Dame Commencement

Pakistan’s President Says Bin Laden Could Be Dead

binladen3tAssorted bloggers and military analysts have been saying this for years, but this is the first time I’ve heard it from a Pakistani leader:

Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari said on Monday that the whereabouts of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden remained a mystery and there was a suspicion that he could be dead.

Speaking to international media, Zardari said U.S. officials had told him that they had no trace of the al Qaeda chief, although they habitually say he is most likely in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s own intelligence agencies were no wiser, either, Zardari said.

“There is no news,” the president said. “They obviously feel that he does not exist anymore but that’s not confirmed, we can’t confirm that.”

Non story of the day?

Hat tip: Lucianne

You Can Still Thank President Bush For Keeping Us Safe


He deserves our thanks, now more than ever. If you haven’t already done so, please add your voice to the over 80,000 people from 76 countries who have personally thanked the former President for putting into place policies that have kept us safe since 9/11.

As we watch in horror as many of these policies are dismantled and pilloried, all we can do is pray that Obama’s charm offensive on the world keeps our enemies at bay, because contrary to what the Obama administration thinks, the war on terror is not over. Not by a long shot.

M1A, the organizers of this effort, would like to submit the letters and signatures to the GWB Presidential Library on September 11, 2011, the ten year anniversary of 9/11.