Newt Gingrich On The NK Missile Launch,

As Obama spoke dreamily of a world without nuclear weapons, in Prague, Kim Jong Il  thought it would be funny to launch a missile through Japanese airspace, as if to say to Obama and the Euroweenies at the G-20 Summit, “What are you going to do about it, chumps?”

We can forget about Obama taking any kind of leadership role to thwart North Korea’s  nuclear ambitions. He will  follow whatever the U.N. deems appropriate, which will tend to be little or nothing.

The days of “cowboy diplomacy” are over, folks. We’ve gone from “preemptive strikes” to “first responders”…in other words, threats will be allowed to become attacks…..and it will be okay, because we’ll have highly trained professionals to deal with the situation, and the world will love us…..except for the ones who don’t, and won’t ever.

Nonetheless, according to Obama, the goal of total nuclear disarmament is a worthy goal that civilized nations should be working toward.

This YouTube video, that Obama made for the 2008 Presidential election should have disqualified him from the Presidency. The best that realists could hope for, was that this was just a cynical bid for support from the nutroots. But alas, it turns out, he was really serious.:

Ed Morrissey puts the lie such naive thinking:

There has never been a weapon in human history that all people simply decided to stop using, unless a bigger weapon superceded it.  Science does not go backward.  Nuclear weapons will not simply disappear, and it’s childish to believe they will.  What we need is better leadership on how to live in a nuclear world, better commitment to non-proliferation, including the will to force rogue nations into compliance.  Sitting around wishing for the world to forget established science will only make those tasks harder.

Here’s Gingrich on Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace, saying he would have taken the missile out:

As I’m sure Newt knows, Obama would never follow his advice. Precisely nothing effective will be done to thwart our enemy’s plans.

As Joe Biden might say, “Gird your loins”.

5 thoughts on “Newt Gingrich On The NK Missile Launch,

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