Obama To Turkey: “We Do Not Consider Ourselves A Christian Nation”…

Yes we do. At least  65% of us do consider America to be a Christian nation:

The First Amendment Center’s report in 2007 found that:

Sixty-five percent of Americans believe that the nation’s founders intended the U.S. to be a Christian nation and 55% believe that the Constitution establishes a Christian nation.

(I believe respondents were thinking in broad terms –  not that a Christian theocracy was intended or desired.).

Obama made waves last summer when he made a similar comment in an interview with CBN News:

Whatever we once were, we’re no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.

There’s nothing wrong with celebrating our diversity. But the fact remains that the U.S. was built on strong Judeo-Christian principles, and there’s nothing wrong with acknowledging that.

At any rate, when he makes pronouncements like this, maybe he should make it  clear that he’s speaking for himself, instead of using the royal, “we”, because there are plenty of Americans who disagree with him.


See Gateway Pundit for the video of Hannity’s show, last night, which dealt with this issue.

Still MORE:

An epic rant from the dramatic and notorious man-lesbian, Rosetta, at The Hostages.

7 thoughts on “Obama To Turkey: “We Do Not Consider Ourselves A Christian Nation”…

  1. As seen from abroad, however, it looks as if you had a Christian base, yes, but much or all of the higher strata agnostic or mason. Hemingway? Melville? Mark Twain ? Frost? Steinbeck? Whitman? And we won’t mention that dollar bill with its little icons of witchcraft. —


  2. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, FDR, Trueman..etc All stated this was a nation built on Christian/Judeo beliefs. Obama says he’s a Christian, but look at the church he attended for 20 years. This man makes me sick to my stomach. Bow to a muslim king, and then tell the world we are not a Christian nation.


  3. The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion. – The Treaty of Tripoli

    Signed by President John Adams
    Ratified by Congress in 1797

    Seems like the Founding Fathers had a very clear on what they wanted.

    So 65% of Americans believe that it was founded as Christian Nation, doesn’t make it actually true.


  4. Seems like the Founding Fathers had a very clear on what they wanted.

    Depends on what you mean by “nation.” Of course the government isn’t founded on Christianity – that would violate the Establishment Clause, which was President Adams’ point. If you use “nation” to mean “government,” then what Obama said was true. But if you mean it as “country,” comprised by people, culture, and government, then what he said is woefully ignorant.

    So which way did he mean it? If you look at the quote from the CBN interview, it’s clear that he’s not referring to government.


  5. True, a nation is a collection of people with the same language and culture, so the nation of America can be very different from the state of the USA. But due to the after effects of the nationalism movement of the 19th century, people now tend to equate country with nation. That is why polls like this are very loaded. I would say nation of America is Christian, but the government is clearly not; Obama made the common mistake of equating the two.


  6. Pingback: Obama Lauds The Russians For Ending The Cold War « Nice Deb

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