Att. Sheriff Joe: Here’s What Some Of Us Thought Of The Stimulus Back In February

In trying to explain why the jobless rate was getting worse, instead of better,  as predicted by the Obama administration before the stimulus package was passed, our esteemed Vice President, Joe Biden explained: “everyone guessed wrong” .

Nothing could be further from the truth. Last February, I had to start a new category for my blog – “Teaparty”, because they were springing up all over the country in response to the outrageous spending by the Obama administration. We knew, as every sane person knew, that the massive expansion of government that was in the Stimulus and Omni spending bills, would not stimulate private business.

Here are some hardy Kansas Citians who came out during a friggin’ snow storm, last Feb 28, to express their disapproval, only to be labeled, right wing extremists, later by Janet Napolitano’s DHS.






We knew, Sheriff Joe. We tried to tell you.

Now we all have to live with this:                                                                  And this:

obama bush debtstimulus-vs-unemployment-may-corrected1

And perhaps soon, something like this:


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