Wednesday’s Hero: Pvt. William Long


Pvt. William Long
23 years old from Conway, Arkansas
D Company, 2nd Battalion, 58th Infantry
June 1, 2009


“My brother taught me valuable lessons and made me the man I am today,” said Pfc. Triston Long, brother of Pvt. William Long. “My commander said, ‘Make your brother one of us.’ I will miss my brother with all that I am, and I serve in honor of him.”

Pvt. William Long had just completed basic training and was set to ship out on June 8 to his first duty station in Korea when he and Private Second Class Quinton Ezeagwula were shot outside a Little Rock, Arkansas Army-Navy Recruiting Center by Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad. They were in Little Rock to speak to with potential recruits about their experiences.

Pvt. Long’s father, Daris Long, a former Marine, wrote a letter to give to him when he shipped out for South Korea. In that letter he wrote, “Your day only ends when you’ve done your duty. You and your brother … are both heroes for having the moral courage to stand up when your country needs you most. You are in my hopes and my thoughts and my prayers. You are my son, you are my hero. I love you. Semper fidelis.”

Along with his father and brother, Pvt. William Long is survived by his mother, Janet, who had served in the Navy herself.

All Information Was Found On And Copied From RedState, Sipsey Street Irregulars & Army Times with help from Kathi

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived

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Video: IG Walpin Responds To Obama’s Smear:

Inspector General Gerald Walpin appeared on The Glenn Beck Show, today to respond to allegations that he had appeared confused and disoriented at a key meeting. Beck proceeds to administer a senility test to Walpin, hoping that someone in the Obama administration is watching:

Key quote:

“I think for them to say that I was disoriented was an amazing, amazing slinging of mud…Frankly what they’re saying, anybody who knows me and everybody who knows me and those people who’ve heard me on television, those people who’ve heard me on radio, know that this is the most incredible smear that has ever occurred to someone only because he’s standing up to the most powerful machine on earth.”

But that’s the Chicago way.


FBI Investigating Obama Friend Kevin Johnson’s Mess

Despite Obama’s Caution, Iran Government Accuses US Of Intolerable “Meddling”

After Obama made clear that he did not want to be seen as “meddling” in Iranian affairs…

Iran accuses US of meddling

Iran accused the United States on Wednesday of “intolerable” meddling in its internal affairs, alleging for the first time that Washington has fueled a bitter postelection dispute. Opposition supporters marched in huge numbers through Tehran’s streets for a third straight day to protest the outcome of the balloting.

The Iranian government summoned the Swiss ambassador, who represents U.S. interests in Iran, to complain about American interference, state-run Press TV reported.

The English-language channel said the government called Western interference “intolerable.”

Tipster Jackstraw, says: I guess we can dispense with the Obama excuse that he didn’t want to be seen as “meddling” in the Iranian electoral process now. Everyone does understand that we are dealing with a regime that denies the Holocaust and says the hidden Imam is right around the corner, right?

“The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.” – MLK


Pamela Geller makes an excellent point over at Atlas Shrugs:

The President of United States does not want to “meddle” in Iranian affairs but has no compunction telling the Jews where they can or can’t live, telling the Jews they can’t have babies and telling the Jews they can’t build on their land.

Her take is unforgiving…

But he can’t meddle in these outrageous crimes against humanity But Obama is big and tough when he bullies the Jews. If you are not going to meddle then be consistent, anti-semite. And keep your nose out of the Jewish tent.
Obama is not ashamed to do the mullah’s bidding. Shameful.

Jackstraw also sends this article from the BBC about the election earlier this year in Iraq:

For the Iraqi people, it has been a real eye-opener.
They learned, for the first time, that they could hold those they elected to account, and change them if they failed to meet expectations.
“People are really happy,” said one Baghdad resident after the election was over.
“They think this is how elections should be. The message is that those who are elected and don’t deliver, will be removed, peacefully.”

Read this article and tell me that what has been going on in Iraq, a country that is most visible to Iran and one where Iran has sought to impose it’s will, has not deeply affected the electoral process in Iraq.


Iranian who leaked election results may have been assassinated

How To Counter ABC’s Health Care Propaganda On June 24

As everyone should know by now, on June 24, State run ABC (AKA the All Barack Channel) intends to air a special for ObamaCare in which opposing voices will be exempt.

Rush is making some suggestions on his show right now on how to counter the ObamaCare propaganda extravaganza. A couple of his ideas: For a movie channel – play The Manchurian Candidate all night long. For Fox News – Nothing but opposition to ObamaCare all night long on all the shows.

I have a suggestion for the blogs… an anti-ObamaCare Blogburst: Nothing but posts opposing ObamaCare, all night long.

If you don’t have time to write a post, this video will suffice:

Let’s see which side gets the most exposure


Obama needs this assist from the All Barack Channel. Momentum seems to going in the anti-ObamaCare direction:

See Patterico’s Pontifications for the more on that score:

The wheels of the Congressional clown car started coming off when Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad admitted not only that the Left’s beloved “public plan” option doesn’t have the votes, but also that trying to railroad Obamacare through as part of the budget reconciliation process was not a viable option. The AMA opposition to any “strong” public plan was also a big red flag.


Free speech rally:

KMBC, 6455 Winchester Ave, Kansas City, MO

When:     Wednesday, June 24th
Time:       4:30 – 6:00 pm
Bring your signs for Freedom of Speech, Free Independent Press, & for a Free Market Health Care System.
Our Health Care needs reform but it is not in CRISIS!
I will have more information in the next few days.  You can also check our website …
Check your own state’s 912 project, or tea party websites for possible protests in your own area…or start your own. Let’s make ABC aware that we are seriously displeased.

Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst #64: Iranian Election Edition

False AP report: Obama did NOT say that Iran must respect voters’ choice

Obama’s comments were mushy, yes, but at least he said the most important thing, according to AP:

He said it’s up to Iran to determine its own leaders but that the country must respect voters’ choice.

Why then have reputable people continued to pass harsh judgment? And why would AP paraphrase what would have been Obama’s key statement?

Turns out Obama said no such thing. What he actually said is that the VOICES of the Iranian people should be heard and respected, not their votes:

And particularly to the youth of Iran, I want them to know that we in the United States do not want to make any decisions for the Iranians, but we do believe that the Iranian people and their voices should be heard and respected.

This is consistent with the rest of Obama’s remarks. He never said a word about respecting votes. Obama did mention “the democratic process,” but far from saying anything about this process having to meet any standards of integrity, he instead implied strongly that he will accept whatever result the “process” followed by the Mullahs produces:

I want to start off by being very clear that it is up to Iranians to make decisions about who Iran’s leaders will be; that we respect Iranian sovereignty and want to avoid the United States being the issue inside of Iran, which sometimes the United States can be a handy political football…

Democracy means that Iranian sovereignty lies with the Iranian people and that a regime that rigs an election is NOT sovereign. Yet Obama is explicit that he will continue to treat the mullahs as the Iranian sovereign no matter how they judge the election. He even goes so far as to suggest that the only reason he is bothering to comment on the competing claim to sovereignty at all is because it would be unseemly for him not to:

We will continue to pursue a tough, direct dialogue between our two countries, and we’ll see where it takes us. But even as we do so, I think it would be wrong for me to be silent about what we’ve seen on the television over the last few days.

The only operative concerns that he mentions are for: “free speech, the ability of people to peacefully dissent.” When he talks about the “democratic process” going forward, all he urges is that the process be peaceful and that dissent be allowed. He says nothing about the process being honest:

…there appears to be a sense on the part of people who were so hopeful and so engaged and so committed to democracy who now feel betrayed. And I think it’s important that, moving forward, whatever investigations take place are done in a way that is not resulting in bloodshed and is not resulting in people being stifled in expressing their views.

It is no accident that Obama ended with the statement that AP paraphrased so egregiously (equating his call for bloodless suppression with a demand for legitimate elections). This was his theme throughout. He views the honesty of Iran’s democratic process as something to be judged by the mullahs, who he clearly accepts to be the sovereign power, regardless of the merits of competing claims.

AP covers its tracks, just like they did with the Flight 93 memorial

AP’s fraudulent report about Obama demanding respect for voters’ choice was the primary print report on Obama’s comments. Now that it has already misled millions of people, AP has covered its tracks by filing an update that overwrites the errant statement. This is what AP does when it gets caught putting out misinformation. To avoid issuing a correction, they flush the misleading story down the memory hole by using the same url for a completely different story. (Google only finds AP’s original article still posted at Fox News.)

AP did the same thing last year after it was taken to task for failing to check the most basic facts in a story about the controversy over possible Islamic symbolism in the Flight 93 memorial. Ramesh Santanam reported a number of conflicting factual assertions, like the 44 blocks:

Opponents also claim there is a plan to have 44 glass blocks, for the 40 victims and four hijackers, in the design.

“That’s an absolute, unequivocal fabrication that is being portrayed as fact,” said Edward Felt’s brother, Gordon Felt, president of Families of Flight 93. “It’s misleading and helps drive the conspiracy theory.”

When it was pointed out that Santanam could have found the four extra blocks just by opening up the design drawings and counting, AP quickly filed a completely different story (about fundraising for the memorial), under the same url.

It’s not that there is anything inherently wrong with AP using subject feeds that automatically update with their latest offering. It is that AP is systematically using this system to dodge corrections. This is actually their official policy:

For corrections on live, online stories, we overwrite the previous version. We send separate corrective stories online as warranted.

Except AP virtually never issue corrective stories, for the simple reason that AP has no established correction procedure. They just do the overwrite thing and say “too bad.”

Well this time the overwrite thing is not good enough.

Demand a corrective story about AP’s false paraphrase of Obama’s words

Associated Press obviously understands the importance of Obama saying that Iran must respect voters’ choice or they wouldn’t have bothered to pretend that he said it when he didn’t. They don’t just fail to mention Obama’s glaring omission on this crucial point, but actually tell the public via false paraphrase that he did say what he glaringly omitted. This cannot stand. Faced with our new president’s key statement on a historic crisis, AP reports a photo negative of what Obama actually said.

There may be no established procedure for AP corrections, but anyone can still send a pre-written email to AP CEO Tom Curley, Editor Kathleen Carroll, the reporters who worked on the story (the egregious Jennifer Loven, along with Anne Gearan and Robert Burns), plus a smattering of other AP editors and bureaucrats. Who knows. There may even be a limit to how disingenuous some of these people are willing to be.

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