Obama: Health Care Is On ‘5 Yard Line’ And ‘We’ve’ Got To Punch It Through’

Oh yeah, uh huh. This thing is definitely gonna happen…if we all hold hands,  think positively,  chant, mmm mmm mmm, and call our members of Congress like the President says we should!

Is it unseemly for a President of the United States to tell its citizens to lobby on behalf of his policies? Has this ever been done before? Did Bush tell people to call their Congressmen to pass Social Security Reform?

Why can’t Obama just stay in the White House for a few days, instead of constantly traveling and being on a non stop political campaign to pass Obamacare?

Mary-Katherine Ham blogged at the Weekly Standard about the specific strategies the WH is using to get us there:

Mark Knoller of CBS News asked whether that was a new deadline, and if the president had specific dates and plans. Bill Burton:

“I think the urgency of getting health care done because of the impact that the cost has on our fed deficit, that it has on small and large businesses, and that it has on individuals, didn’t go away and the president wants to get it done as soon as possible.

We don’t have a specific deadline for what the next phase of this is, though.”

Knoller also asked whether the president had said how he envisioned it might be passed this year, through reconciliation, etc.

“The president hasn’t said that, no.”

There’s no deadline, and no plan. No wonder Democrats don’t buy his sunny outlook and football metaphors.

Oh well, let’s not rub it in. Besides, they may still have a few tricks up their sleeves.

At least according to the  Speaker:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., insisted that progress was being made.

“We are on track to have comprehensive health care reform for our country … and there are several paths to that goal,” Pelosi said.


Democrats: What’s The Plan? Obama: A Rousing Speech!

At a recent meeting with Democrats, Obama took pre-selected questions, but after he left the room, Senators  pressed White House officials about healthcare reform, The Hill reports.

Democrats expressed their frustration with the lack of a clear plan for passing healthcare reform, according to one person in the room.

One Democratic senator even grew heated in his remarks, according to the source.

“It wasn’t a discussion about how to get from Point A to Point B; it was a discussion about the lack of a plan to get from Point A to Point B,” said a person who attended the meeting. “Many of the members were frustrated, but one person really expressed his frustration.”

Senators did not want to press Obama on healthcare reform in front of television cameras for fear of putting him in an awkward spot.

“There was a vigorous discussion about that afterward with some of his top advisers and others,” Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.) said regarding the healthcare discussion.

“I think people were probably aware that there was no easy answer and this is being broadcast on live national television and didn’t want to put him on the spot,” Bayh said.


As far as Obama’s comments to Democrats went, it was basically-  just keep doing what you’re doing:  overplay your hands, be “honest” (aka lie through your teeth), and blame Republicans, (because all that has been working out so well for them):

In a blunt election prescription for his own skittish party, President Barack Obama on Wednesday implored Democratic leaders to swing big, be honest with an angry public and expose any obstructionism by Republicans.

“We still have to lead,” Obama told Democratic senators in a pep talk that unfolded on live TV.

That line alone revealed how much the political dynamic has changed in just two weeks, as Senate Democrats watched their voting numbers slip from 60 to 59 in a special Massachusetts election that sent shudders through the party. That one vote cost them the muscle to overcome Republican stalling tactics, forcing the Democratic president to adapt in hopes of salvaging this year and his agenda.

They’re “leading” us off a cliff. I’m counting on Republicans to obstruct their deadly path.

Video via Weasel Zippers

5 thoughts on “Obama: Health Care Is On ‘5 Yard Line’ And ‘We’ve’ Got To Punch It Through’

  1. It is on the 5 yard line for everyone who has not been keeping tabs on where it is really at these days.

    The spin also helps them believe their own hype. A real stroking unto themselves, yet a real admission of their inept and malicious methods to the knowing.


  2. Pingback: Obama to Senate DEMs: Baby come back, I can’t live without you « VotingFemale

  3. Pingback: Obama’s Football Analogy on Health Care Doesn’t Make Sense, Even if Super Bowl Is Coming Up (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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  5. Pingback: For Cryin’ Out Loud… Democrats in Congress Pass Pay-As-You-Go Law, Then Work Like the Dickens to Work Around & Bypass It « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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