Video: The White House Cleanses Israel from Its Website

Another video by Granny Jan, but this one isn’t funny.

Yesterday, Weekly Standard Reporter, Daniel Halper noticed that The White House had scrubbed the word Israel, from their website after  having posted a photo of Vice President Joe Biden and Shimon Peres, with an accompanying caption that indicated it had been taken last year in Jerusalem, Israel.

Within two hours of posting, the White House has apparently gone through its website, cleansing any reference to Jerusalem as being in Israel.


Nov. 2012 needs to get here at warp speed…


The Blaze looked into this, further:

Upon a cursory search on the site, The Blaze uncovered only one reference to “Jerusalem, Israel” (see the screen shot below). Interestingly, this reference is present in a State Department official’s biography and it highlights a location (Jerusalem, Israel, of course) at which the individual (Adrienne Fagler) plans to serve the U.S. government.


If the government did, indeed, remove the references as stated, the action is bizarre. However, it’s not unexplainable. As mentioned, at least one reference still places Jerusalem in Israel (a fact the government, itself, has officially disputed pending Middle East negotiations). Either way, messages seem to be crossing, criss-crossing and, quite potentially, getting purposefully removed from the record.

Perhaps the White House is afraid that any mentions it makes of the city’s placement within Israel will contradict its policies and rhetoric. At the end of July, The Blaze covered the ongoing debate surrounding Israeli-American passports.

Despite a 2002 law requiring it to do so, thus far the federal government has refused to allow those born in Jerusalem to have “Israel” printed on their travel documentation. Now, the case is headed for court and it could have a profound impact on how the U.S. government officially recognizes Jerusalem moving forward.

The perfect motivation to remove the connection between city and nation from its web site? Quite possibly.


7 thoughts on “Video: The White House Cleanses Israel from Its Website

  1. Pingback: Video: The White House Cleanses Israel from Its Website (via Nice Deb) | My Blog

  2. And we really, really need to cleanse this administration from the White House in 2012…

    Can’t happen soon enough.


  3. This is appalling.
    You just can’t make this sh*t up.
    Yes, the White House needs to be cleansed of everything obama…..yesterday.


  4. Thanks Deb, I didn’t know about the Blaze piece. I tried searching for Jerusalem Israel on the WH Blog but couldn’t find it.
    The fact that they found it in a different context doesn’t change the story for me. They describe my video as dramatic. Whut they talkin’ bout? lol



  5. Hey ND – I have a question on the tea party I posted over at IB that you’d have a lot of answers for. If you get a chance, please come by and help me out.

    Cathy already gave a great answer, but I could use some more sources.


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