Rasmussen Poll of Likely Caucus-Goers Has Cain Leading in Iowa

This isn’t supposed to be happening. All I’ve been hearing for the past two weeks is how “unserious” Cain is because he has no organization in Iowa, “where turnout models and organization matter more than anything.”

Republicans in the state say the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO has been completely absent since the Ames Straw Poll in mid-August and while the other candidates have focused on infrastructure and identifying their supporters, Cain has not done any of the things necessary to win the caucuses.

“He’s not locking up any primary support. Polls are just a number,” said Robinson. “He needs to have identified supporters he can communicate with. He has nothing; he has no idea who his supporters are.”

Well, ha. He may not have any idea who his supporters are, but they know who he is, and that’s really all that matters, isn’t it?:

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Iowa caucus-goers shows that Cain is in front with 28% followed by former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney at 21%. Congressman Ron Paul is a distant third at 10% followed by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich at 9%, Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann at 8%, and Texas Governor Rick Perry at 7%. The sixth place finish for Perry is a sharp decline from early September when Perry was the frontrunner both nationally and in Iowa. (To see survey question wording, click here).

Former Senator Rick Santorum picks up 4% of the vote and former Governor Jon Huntsman is at 2%. Another 4% would prefer some other candidate and 8% are not sure.


The Politco: Herman Cain lands Steve Grubbs in Iowa

Herman Cain has spent minimal time in Iowa and other early states in recent months, as we’ve noted, but he has vowed to step up his efforts – and he’s sending a signal with a major hire in the Hawkeye State today.

 Cain has hired Steve Grubbs, a veteran operative and former Republican Party of Iowa chairman, to lead his state effort there.

“We tried a community organizer as president, maybe it’s time we put a CEO in the White House,” said Grubbs in a statement. “I’ve had the good fortune to work with Bob Dole, Steve Forbes and Tommy Thompson and I can honestly say that I’ve never quite seen the groundswell of excitement that I’m seeing for Herman Cain.”

Katrina Trinko, NRO: Cain: The Restaurant Years:

In 1995, Cain held a joint press conference on welfare reform with one of his current primary rivals, Newt Gingrich. Cain, representing the NRA, pledged that the group would work to help provide jobs for former welfare recipients. Also present at the press conference was a Domino’s executive: “When Herman Cain can come to Washington and say the word ‘Domino’s,’ we are clearly on the road to reconciliation,” cracked Gingrich, according to the Omaha World-Herald. It was not a one-time flirtation with the matter for Cain. In 1997, in a Birmingham News piece headlined “Pizza CEO: Restaurants Willing to Hire the Homeless,” Cain was quoted on the reality of hiring former welfare recipients. “It takes them longer than typical employees. We as companies must do all we can to help. If that means training them or whatever it takes to bridge the gap, so be it,” he said.

All American Blogger: 10 Reasons You Should Vote For Herman Cain


Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!

Hat tip: Charles B.


4 thoughts on “Rasmussen Poll of Likely Caucus-Goers Has Cain Leading in Iowa

  1. He doesn’t need a political consultant to find his supporters. The tea party supports him, and no paid party staffer is going to out organize them. They don’t have to be told what to do, they are just going to do it. Just like they have been doing for the last two years.


  2. Pingback: Yes He Cain! Herman Cain Is Leading In Iowa

  3. Pingback: Food For Thought « The Fifth Column

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