Herman Cain Suspends Campaign (Video)

Via Atlanta AP:

Herman Cain announced today that he is  suspending his bid for the Republican presidential nomination to avoid news coverage that is hurtful to his family.

Cain’s announcement came five days after an Atlanta-area woman claimed she and Cain had an affair for more than a decade, a claim that followed several allegations of sexual harassment against the Georgia businessman. Cain, whose wife stood behind him on the stage, made the announcement before several hundred supporters gathered at what was to have been the opening of his national campaign headquarters.

Say he reassessed the impact the allegations (which he repeatedly denied) have had on his family and this was best for them. He wouldn’t be able to raise enough funds.

He says he won’t be “silenced and won’t be going away”.

Video via Newzar

RS McCain provides further analysis:

Cain will still be on the ballot in several states. He could, if he chose, resume the campaign at some future point, but in general, “suspend = quit.”

The good news? J.D. Gordon is now unemployed.

More good news? My “sources close to the campaign” can now speak on the record about who was responsible for screwing up.

Frankly, I think Cain himself, screwed up.

7 thoughts on “Herman Cain Suspends Campaign (Video)


  2. Pingback: Herman Cain Suspends Campaign, Moving on to Plan B – Updated With Video | The Lonely Conservative

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  4. He did screw up, and did so royally.

    That being said, the entire episode of tying Cain to sexual misconduct has David Axelturf’s fingerprints all over it, and one has to realize now that it’s not the “quality” of the complainant (because from what I can tell, none of the women was in the least bit credible), it’s that the American values voter will make decisions based upon the number of complaints no matter what.

    Again, that being said, Cain has admitted to giving the latest of the women money over a period of years, and not telling his wife. That in itself speaks to character. In light of this, IMHO, he deserves to drop out. We don’t need anyone in our house that has such a sneaky, lying (by omission) character trait.


  5. Pingback: Cain Suspends his Campaign | The Sexy Politico's Blog

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