Santorum Blasts Romney Camp For “Outright Lies and Hypocrisy” (Video)

Rick Santorum appearing on  The Laura Ingraham Show, this morning, had some tough words for Mitt Romney re his latest attack ads. He stopped short of calling him an out and out liar, preferring instead, to say he has “perpetrated lies”.

On the Restoring our Future titled “Four Things Obama knows about Santorum”:
@6:38 Santorum: These are the kinds of outright lies and hypocrisy that Governor Romney has engaged in not just with Newt Gingrich now, but with anybody who stands in his way and this is, you can get away with it, obviously if you have millions of dollars to spend and you go out there and lie and people don’t hold you accountable, well we are.

Video via Gateway Pundit:

Via Legal Insurrection, The Santorum campaign is fighting back with this ad comparing Romney to *gasp*….

The horror…


The Other McCain: How Low Will They Go? This Low.

I just got through covering Rick Santorum’s speech to the Faith and Freedom Coalition event here. Afterwards, Senator Santorum, his wife Karen and their four oldest children — Elizabeth, John, Daniel and Sarah — greeted supporters here for tonight’s debate. The senator’s wife was kind enough to say a few words to my son Jefferson. who came along on this trip as my assistant.

So I came back to sit down and upload photos and video and check my e-mail, and there was an e-mail informing me that the Daily Beast has done a story about Mrs. Santorum’s ex-boyfriend from nearly 30 years ago, before she met her husband.

Liberals must be morally and/or spiritually stunted people. Morally and spiritually frozen in time. Apparently, they are the same at age at 50, they were at age 22.  So it is a shock to them that someone who is pro-life at age 30-40-50 may once have held a different point a view.   The ideas of conversion, redemption, a change of heart – are so foreign to them – all they can do is accuse such people of being “hypocrites.”

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!

3 thoughts on “Santorum Blasts Romney Camp For “Outright Lies and Hypocrisy” (Video)

  1. Pingback: Gingrich’s Delusional Politics « The Fifth Column

  2. “The ideas of conversion, redemption, a change of heart – are so foreign to them…”

    That is liberalism in a nutshell, ND. Nothing new to explore, no ideas to flesh out in reality, no nothing, just empty rejoinders of “HYPOCRITE!!!” when confronted with an actual, living, breathing example of a changed person.

    Now, if she were to leave Rick and rejoin “the cause,” THAT would be real hypocrisy!


  3. For any “moderate” (i.e. – unfinished socialist) or lib, “How low will they go?” can only be answered “As low as it takes to win.”


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