Final Tally In Iowa May Show That Santorum Won

We all know that Iowa was close – a virtual tie. The final numbers announced in the wee hours of January 4th, had Romney leading by eight points.

But as Byron York of the Washington Examiner reports, that outcome may change:

Even though there is no provision for a recount in the party caucuses, state GOP rules do require that the results be certified, which is nearly the same thing. That certification process began the day after the caucuses and is expected to wrap up this week, yielding a final, official vote tally.

In the past two weeks, party employees have been working nearly nonstop to certify the results from each of Iowa’s 1,774 precincts. During that time, they have regularly briefed campaign representatives on what’s going on. In the next few days, they are expected to finish tallying and certifying the last Form Es and come up with official certified results. The final numbers will be different from those released on caucus night. One campaign source says the vote count as of midday Monday showed Santorum ahead by 80-something votes. If that number holds through certification of the last precincts, Santorum will win. Of course, there is always the possibility that some of the final precincts will contain discrepancies that put Romney back on top. It’s just not clear.

As York notes the certification process has changed the vote totals in the past and in a result this close, it could change the outcome.

The narrative that has emerged in recent weeks is that Mitt is inevitable –  his early wins in Iowa and New Hampshire have played into that. But is that a fair perception if he really didn’t win Iowa?

Linked Michelle Malkin in Buizzworthy, thanks!

Hat tip: Charles B.

Santorum Blasts Romney Camp For “Outright Lies and Hypocrisy” (Video)

Rick Santorum appearing on  The Laura Ingraham Show, this morning, had some tough words for Mitt Romney re his latest attack ads. He stopped short of calling him an out and out liar, preferring instead, to say he has “perpetrated lies”.

On the Restoring our Future titled “Four Things Obama knows about Santorum”:
@6:38 Santorum: These are the kinds of outright lies and hypocrisy that Governor Romney has engaged in not just with Newt Gingrich now, but with anybody who stands in his way and this is, you can get away with it, obviously if you have millions of dollars to spend and you go out there and lie and people don’t hold you accountable, well we are.

Video via Gateway Pundit:

Via Legal Insurrection, The Santorum campaign is fighting back with this ad comparing Romney to *gasp*….

The horror…


The Other McCain: How Low Will They Go? This Low.

I just got through covering Rick Santorum’s speech to the Faith and Freedom Coalition event here. Afterwards, Senator Santorum, his wife Karen and their four oldest children — Elizabeth, John, Daniel and Sarah — greeted supporters here for tonight’s debate. The senator’s wife was kind enough to say a few words to my son Jefferson. who came along on this trip as my assistant.

So I came back to sit down and upload photos and video and check my e-mail, and there was an e-mail informing me that the Daily Beast has done a story about Mrs. Santorum’s ex-boyfriend from nearly 30 years ago, before she met her husband.

Liberals must be morally and/or spiritually stunted people. Morally and spiritually frozen in time. Apparently, they are the same at age at 50, they were at age 22.  So it is a shock to them that someone who is pro-life at age 30-40-50 may once have held a different point a view.   The ideas of conversion, redemption, a change of heart – are so foreign to them – all they can do is accuse such people of being “hypocrites.”

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!

Jarrett and Holder Politicize MLK Day

I know. Not exactly a surprise, huh?

Valerie Jarrett and the current Pastor of MLK’s Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta should be very proud that their sermons brought to mind a black leader who has influenced many. Unfortunately, that leader wasn’t Martin Luther King.

We haven’t seen political propaganda this obnoxious, spoken from the pulpit, since Jeremiah Wright. It’s feeling like 2008 all over again.

The CBS Atlanta reporter said, at times, it sounded like a political rally. Disgusting:

On the Sunday before the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett visited Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta to give a political speech, in support of her boss (Barack Obama) and congressional Democrats:

“Teachers, and firefighters, and policemen, whose jobs are now in jeopardy because Congress–well let me be specific–because the Republicans in Congress,” Jarrett told the crowd. According to the CBS affiliate in Atlanta, at this point, “Before she could finish her sentence, people in the congregation were laughing, and applauding.”

Video via Weasel Zippers:

Whenever you hear a racialist Democrat yapping about “the Southern strategy” your hair should stand on end. Republicans like Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, who spent their entire  political careers fighting Democrats to end racial discrimination were spitefully accused of  having a “Southern Strategy” because Democrats were witnessing their political domination in the South, end.  The reason the South flipped to Republican was not because Republicans with proud civil rights records were reaching out to racists. It was a reaction to how the Democrat endorsed 60’s hippy, drippy, (occupyish) “worst generation”  was polluting everything it touched.

In an  interview with Human Events’ Jason Mattera, Ann Coulter talked about this and more from the Civil Rights chapter of her outstanding book, Demonic, (which you really need to read, if you haven’t already.)

 Ann Coulter in  Demonic tackling the popular myth that Democrats are the party of civil rights.  It’s the exact opposite, she states, noting, “It was Republicans who overwhelmingly introduced, promoted and passed every civil rights act from the end of the Civil War right up to and including the 1964 Civil Rights Act.”

But as the fable goes, conservative hero Barry Goldwater opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act in order to appeal to racists in the South, and for that reason, the GOP started to lose the black vote.  The reality is that Goldwater didn’t have a racist bone in his body.  As Ann Coulter tells HUMAN EVENTS in our sit-down interview, Goldwater founded the NAACP chapter in Arizona, integrated the Arizona National Guard and ended racial segregation in his family-owned department stores.  In other words, Goldwater was a vociferous foe of race discrimination, and actively fought to abolish all the Jim Crow laws that Democrat politicians adopted.

So what gave rise to the “Southern Strategy” tale and how did it gain momentum? Take it away, Ms. Coulter:

Not to be outdone, Eric Holder also used MLK Day as a pretense to blast Republicans.

Specifically, Republican  backed voter ID laws:

(Politico) — Attorney General Eric Holder used Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy on the anniversary of the civil rights leader’s birthday Monday to emphasize the Obama administration’s dedication to protecting the American people from discriminatory voting practices.

“Despite our nation’s record of progress, and long tradition of extending voting rights – today, a growing number of citizens are worried about the same disparities, divisions, and problems that Dr. King fought throughout his life to address and overcome,” Holder said at an MLK Day event in Columbia, S.C.

Holder’s remarks in the Palmetto State come just weeks after the Justice Department blocked the state’s new voter ID law from taking effect, citing an unfair burden on minority voters.

What kind of mental gymnastics does it take to turn a simple ID requirement into “a discriminatory voting practice”?  Why isn’t the TSA racist for requiring a photo ID to get on a plane?

It seems racist to me to think that minorities are somehow not mentally competent enough to procure picture IDs, (even when provided free by the state!) in order to vote.

Of course, in Holder’s case, it’s not the “soft racism of low expectations” – it’s a blatant attempt to circumvent legitimate new laws in order to facilitate voter fraud.

What it obviously isn’t –  is a “civil rights” issue. If being made to show an ID in order to vote is a violation of our rights, than we are all victims. But I don’t have a problem showing ID to vote, nor do I have problem showing ID to get on a plane.

Now would be a good time to promote a new movie that seeks to correct decades of dishonest liberal spin on civil rights.

Pastor C.L. Bryant was once a “black radical, and member of the NAACP. Now, he’s a “Runaway Slave”.

Blog Critics reviewed his new movie, which debuted in theaters, Friday:

He points out that the Black community has 40 percent of its population on welfare, 72 percent of its children born out of wedlock and a 48 percent abortion rate, and asks “Is this what the black community has to show for its 95% support of the Democratic Party?”


But, filling in the blanks and shattering myths is what this film is all about.

He also fills in some of the history of the civil rights movement and the Democratic and Republican Parties that is not generally known. Even as a college history major, I didn’t realize that it was Republican President Eisenhower who desegregated the American military and introduced the first civil rights act since reconstruction – The Civil Rights Act of 1957.

But, filling in the blanks and shattering myths is what this film is all about. According to Bryant, who had a front row seat to the civil rights movement in the South, “There is a 50-year-old lie that has caused an entire people to become harlots to the political idea that government knows what is best.”

Bryant is not alone in supporting this belief. The film’s theme reveals itself as Bryant travels the country interviewing people from every economic and social background. Dr. Alveda King, Economist Thomas Sowell, Florida Congressman Allen West, Presidential Candidate Herman Cain, commentator and activist Star Parker and talk show host David Webb are a few of the people Bryant encounters on his trek along the new Underground Railroad.

Find out where the film is playing at the Runaway Slave website.


Human Events: Why Martin Luther King Was Republican

Pj Media: Eric Holder, Voter ID, and the Chicago Way

Linked by The Foxhole , and Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!

Video: Charmaine Yoest debates Nancy Keenan on Texas sonogram law

After opponents had challenged the measure, an appeals court has ruled that a Texas abortion law passed last year that requires doctors to perform sonograms to pregnant patients, can be enforced.

Americans United For Life President & CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest appeared on Fox News Channel & debated the Texas sonogram law with Nancy Keenan of NARAL.

A key point that seems to be lost in media stories about the ruling is the fact that women can opt out of viewing the sonogram if they so choose.

Watch to the end to the mild mannered Yoest’ slam PP’s blood curdling hypocrisy…”I think it’s fascinating that you would bring up the relationship between the woman and her doctor, *cough*…”


In case you missed it…

Another huge story from last week with special appeal to religious conservatives: Maggie Gallagher, Townhall: Court Unanimously Slaps Down Obama’s Anti-Religion Doctrine:

Lost in the political shuffle in New Hampshire was an epic U.S. Supreme Court decision this week in Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

By an astounding, unanimous 9-0 margin, the usually ideologically divided Supreme Court slapped down President Obama’s radical doctrine that the federal government can tell a church who it must employ as a minister if the church violates anti-discrimination employment provisions.

The Obama administration’s claim that there is no special protection for clergy in our Constitution, the majority ruled, “is hard to square with the text of the First Amendment itself, which gives special solicitude to the rights of religious organizations. We cannot accept the remarkable view that the Religion Clauses have nothing to say about a religious organization’s freedom to select its own ministers.”

This was an epic defeat for Obama’s ongoing war on religion as described by Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler:

Socialism needs to undermine the church, allowing the state’s deity (in whatever evil form it takes) exclusive control over the conscience of the people. The socialists know well that the morals and world view taught by the church are in direct conflict with establishing the state as the supreme influence for the populace. In modern times the socialists, keeping with their PC bullshit, wage war against any theology except Islam.