Saturday Movie Matinee: #CPAC2014


Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) addressed an excited crowd of conservative activists at CPAC 2014 – a celebration of 50 years of the ACU and America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists.

Senator Cruz said, “God Bless CPAC. By virtue of you being here today, each and every one of you will be audited by the IRS.” He went on to say, “I appreciate the courage of your convictions.”

Cruz delivered a message of how conservatives can win. He said, “Liberty is under assuage…We can stand for principles.” He went on to address the need win young people “because that’s how we win elections.”

“Change, real change is changing the corrupt and broken system that is here in Washington, D.C.” Cruz excited the crowd by sharing how Ronald Reagan and Ron Paul painted a vision of America that young people can stand behind. He said, “How do we inspire young people? We tell the truth.”


Chairman of the House Budget Committee and former Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan (WI-01), addressed an excited crowd of conservative activists at CPAC 2014 – a celebration of 50 years of the ACU and America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists.
Below is an excerpt of his speech as prepared for delivery:
“Once again, the GOP is where the action is—just as it was in Jack Kemp’s day—at the beginning of the Reagan Revolution. People forget that cutting taxes was once controversial, even in our own party. Senator Bob Dole used to make fun of supply-siders like Jack. He used to say: ‘The good news is . . . a bus load of supply-siders went over a cliff. The bad news is . . . a couple of seats were empty.’ But over time, he warmed to the idea. And when he ran for president, he promised to cut tax rates across the board.
“This is what we call the ‘the battle of ideas.’ I saw it with my budget. When I introduced it in 2008, I had just eight co-sponsors. The political pros told everyone to stay away. Then the Tea Party members got elected, and now the House has passed it three years in a row. That’s how it always is: you fight it out. You figure out what works. You come together. Then you win. It’s messy and noisy and even a little bit uncomfortable. But the center of gravity is shifting. We’re not just opposing a President. We’re developing an agenda—a modern, pro-growth, principled agenda for our party. We are going to show the country there’s a better way.
“The way I see it, let the other side be the party of personalities. We’ll be the party of ideas.

CPAC 2014 – U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

The Honorable Mitch McConnell, United States Senator for Kentucky, Senate Republican Leader, speaking at CPAC 2014 on March 6, 2014.


 Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) addressed an excited crowd of conservative activists at CPAC 2014 – a celebration of 50 years of the ACU and America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists.

Senator Scott received a warm welcome and discussed part of his new Opportunity Agenda. He spoke with fervor about the issues of school choice. He addressed school by saying, “They should be free to choose home school, public school, charter schools, parochial schools. It should be the parents’ choice. When the parents have a choice, the kids have a chance.”

“I believe the best is yet to come. We will remain focused on the American people,” Scott closed.

The Honorable Tim Scott is a U.S. Senator from South Carolina. Since his election in 2012, he has launched his Opportunity Agenda, a new way forward including robust initiatives that give our students and workers the greatest chance to succeed. His agenda will empower Americans through economic freedom and high-quality education. This includes tax reform to increase economic freedom and expanding school choice so every child has a chance at a quality education. Senator Scott is also working to find ways to help redevelop our poorest areas without pushing current residents out, to bring down energy costs that consume a quarter of after-tax income for families making $30,000 or less, and to ensure that those who want to attend college can do so without incurring debilitating debt. Senator Scott also continues his work to get our national spending under control. In his first hundred days, he worked with colleagues to introduce a Balanced Budget Amendment.

CPAC is taking place March 6-8, 2014 at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, offering three days of blockbuster speeches, policy discussions and networking opportunities – all celebrating the shared principles of smaller government, a strong national defense and traditional American values.

CPAC 2014 – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)

The Honorable Marco Rubio, United States Senator for Florida and former Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, speaking at CPAC 2014 on March 6th, 2014.

CPAC 2014 – U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT)

The Honorable Mike Lee, United States Senator for Utah, speaking at CPAC 2014 on March 6th, 2014.

CPAC 2014 – Dan Bongino, former U.S. Secret Service Agent and Author

Dan Bongino, former U.S. Secret Service Agent, author of “Life Inside the Bubble”, and Republican candidate for Maryland’s 6th Congressional District speaks at CPAC 2014 on March 6, 2014.

Dinesh D’Souza Official CPAC Speech 2014 [Full Speech]


Former Ambassador John Bolton addressed an excited crowd of conservative activists at CPAC 2014 – a celebration of 50 years of the ACU and America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists.

A leading foreign policy expert, Bolton said, “The biggest threat to our national security is Barack Obama.The Democrat Party no longer has a national security plan…ignoring threats to our national security is the Obama Doctrine.”

He reviewed the various threats around our globe, including nuclear proliferation in Iran and North Korea. “We’re not going to get peace through weakness,” he said, in regards to the Russia situation.

He encouraged the audience to remember the conservative policies and victories of Ronald Reagan.

CPAC 2014 – Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ)

Washington, D.C. – Today, Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey addressed an excited crowd of conservative activists at CPAC 2014 – a celebration of 50 years of the ACU and America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists.

“We’ve got to start talking about what we’re for and not what we’re against. The reason for that is very simple…our ideas are better than their ideas.”

“Governors are about getting things done, about making government work and about keeping government out of peoples lives.” He highlighted the work of fellow Republican governors Scott Walker of Wisconsin, John Kasich of Ohio, Rick Synder of Michigan, and Rick Scott of Florida, stating “Republican governors have stood up and done things, not just talked about them.”

“The most dangerous ten feet in Washington is between anyone who wants to start talking and a camera,” he said in reference to a Washington full of talk and little action.

Addressing the joblessness and frustration with President Obama, he exclaimed, “If that’s your attitude Mr. President, then what the hell are we paying you for…Leadership is about getting in and getting something done, not to just stand on the sidelines.”

“So when we say that we’re pro-life, that doesn’t mean we are pro-life when they’re in the womb, but pro-life all their life.”


Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana addressed an excited crowd of conservative activists at CPAC 2014 – a celebration of 50 years of the ACU and America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists.

“Essential to the American dream is to ensure every student has a good education,” said Governor Jindal. “We have to make the dollars follow the child instead of the child follow the dollars.”

He went on to talk about how parents make the best decisions. “Who can be against giving parents choices? Eric Holder and President Obama.”

Jindal went on to speak out against the expansive federal government and declared the President’s assault on the American Dream as wrong.

“We’ve got a government so big it is infringing on our religious freedoms,” in which he highlighted the Hobby Lobby case and the Robertson family of the hit TV show Duck Dynasty.

“This great country didn’t create religious liberty and freedom. Religious liberty and freedom created this great country,” he said.

“I’m absolutely convinced our best days are ahead of us, not behind us. The genius of the founding fathers was to trust the people,” he stated in his closing remarks.


 Governor Rick Perry of Texas helped the American Conservative Union (ACU) kick off their second day of events by addressing an enthusiastic audience at CPAC 2014 – a celebration of 50 years of the ACU and America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists.
Governor Perry energized the crowd saying, “Conservative governors trust the people more than the machinery of government.” He continued, “The contrast with blue states is crystal clear.”
In discussing the state of Texas, Governor Perry said, “We have created almost 30% of the nations jobs, while keeping taxes among the nation’s lowest.” He continued, “We have demonstrated that no state can tax and spend its way to prosperity.”
Concluding with a standing ovation, Perry declared, “You have the power to change America!”   The Honorable Rick Perry is the Governor of Texas. He has defended Texans’ conservative values, fought for principled solutions to tough challenges and worked to implement a clear vision for better schools, more jobs, safer communities, and a brighter future. With low taxes and government spending, predictable regulations, a fair legal system, and increasingly accountable schools, Texas has led the nation in job creation with more jobs gained than any other state in 2010 and over the past ten years. Texans are safer because Governor Perry has pursued an aggressive border security strategy that is putting more boots on the ground, more helicopters in the sky, and more resources into the hands of Texas peace officers standing between Texans and the exploding drug-related violence across the border. He refused to raise taxes when Texas faced a record $10 billion budget shortfall in 2003. Instead, Governor Perry was the first Texas governor since World War II to sign a budget that lowered state spending.


Former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania and a former Presidential candidate Rick Santorum addressed an enthusiastic crowd of conservative activists at CPAC 2014 – a celebration of 50 years of the ACU and America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists.
Santorum offered the following words, “I’m here to see America win…We are the party who has the polices that will work best. We are the party that will create growth and opportunity.
He declared, “The first economy is the home. When the home breaks down the economy breaks down!”
Santorum continued, “I think we need to talk a lesson from someone who is, maybe, the most popular person in the world right now, Pope Francis…he’s going out there what the Christian faith is against, but what we’re for for. He’ll go out there and talk about the good news to a hurting world…What we need to do is talk about the good ideas we have.”
He ended, “Let’s talk about how we can build a great America again.”


Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky addressed an enthusiastic crowd of conservative activists at CPAC 2014 – a celebration of 50 years of the ACU and America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists.
An advocate for limited government in the Senate, Paul brought the crowd to their feet multiple times with his message on standing for liberty.
Senator Paul started by saying, “Imagine a time when liberty is again spread from coast to coast.” He continued, “Imagine a time where the White House is once again occupied by a friend of liberty…I’m talking about electing lovers of liberty.”
“The question is will we be bold and proclaim our message with passion or will we be sunshine patriots retreating in the face of adversity?”
Bringing the crowd to their feet he asked, “Will you, America’s next generation of liberty lovers, stand and be heard?”
Referring to President Obama’s actions while in office, Paul said, “History will record his timid defense of liberty.” He declared, “We must stop this President from shredding the Constitution!”
“Your job is to maximize your liberty. Let’s do it together. Let’s take a stand!”
He concluded, “It’s a time for boldness and action. Stand with me and let us stand together for liberty.”

Saturday CPAC:

CPAC 2014  – Jenny Beth Martin & Michele Bachmann:

Jenny Beth Martin (President & Co-Founder, Tea Party Patriots) and The Honorable Michele Bachmann, United States Representative for Minnesota, speak at CPAC 2014 on March 8, 2014.

CPAC 2014 – The Hon. Dan Hannan, Member of the European Parliament:

The Honorable Daniel Hannan, Member of the European Parliament for South East England, Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists, journalist, and author of “The New Road to Serfdom: A Letter of Warning to America” (2010), speaks at CPAC 2014 on March 8, 2014.


 Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich addressed an enthusiastic crowd of conservative activists Saturday morning at CPAC 2014 – a celebration of 50 years of the ACU and America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists.
Gingrich opened by saying, “I wanted to echo Governor Perry when he said ‘It’s time for a little rebellion in the battlefield of ideas’ and build on that and say it’s time for a big rebellion in the battlefield of ideas.
“I also came to issue a warning,” he said and warned the audience about the dangers of being negative. “We must stop being the opposition, but become the alternative movement that will help make the lives of Americans better.
“I think we can break out if we combine American Exceptionalism, science and technology, and entrepreneurship!” Gingrich declared. “We can be in favor of the kind of changes that dramatically improve the future of American lives.”


Dr. Ben Carson addressed an enthusiastic crowd of conservative activists Saturday morning at CPAC 2014 – a celebration of 50 years of the ACU and America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists.
A crowd favorite and a strong conservative voice, Dr. Carson said, “America is the land of dreams and it has fulfilled the dream of so many people from some many places.
“It’s time for people to stand up and proclaim what they believe and stop being bullied.”
“We need to make sure that [health care] stays in their hands and not in the hands of the government,” Dr. Carson said. “What happens with ObamaCare, is that we, the American people, with that program have shifted the power given to us by the Constitution and the Founding Fathers to the government…We need to redo it and put the power back in the hands of the people and make sure it stays that way…The most important person when it comes to your future is you.”

3 thoughts on “Saturday Movie Matinee: #CPAC2014

  1. Listening to Paul Ryan is exactly like listening to Jack Kemp and like his idol he has become a big disappointment. I was always a Jack Kemp fan, however he was the biggest disappointment ever when he ran with Dole. He became a one issue guy and never got off the bandwagon beating that drum.

    When Ryan made nicey, nicey with the likes of Gutierrez he was done as far as I’m concerned. He can never recover from it in my eyes. Then he sold his soul to cut a deal with the likes of Patty Cakes on the budget giving up everything. A huge bi-partisian deal it was touted as. Now a few weeks later they took all of his cuts and then added billions in new entitlement spending. Add him to the same box as Rubio.

    Crisco can prove to the world how much Governors can accomplish, by staying in Jersey. He is bad on Guns, Immigration, obozoKare and just loves sticking knives into the backs of other republicans. Crisco got the reception he did because if it comes down to him or the msm, that crowd will always choose him. Crisco’s next big news is if he ever turns up along side of Jimmy Hoffer at Giants Stadium. D-O-N-E !

    Surprise. . . . surprise no Johnnie Boner @ CPAC? How can it be? Another traitor.


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