Obama Supporters Deface Flags In His Honor

Don’t question their patriotism, and don’t expect Obama to say anything about it. A new day has dawned:


Flag Etiquette? Never heard of it.

More Obama Cult Products:

Obama Rhinestone Lapel Pin

Obama Soap-On-A-Rope

A New Addition To The Holy Family

Obama Soda

Obama Victory Plate

President Obama Coloring And Activity Book

Yes We Can Perfume

Obama Model Airplane And More!

Cool, huh?

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin

UPDATE (January 29):

Ugh… Even more Obama flags have been spotted in Washington.

22 thoughts on “Obama Supporters Deface Flags In His Honor

  1. Pingback: Oh. Mother. FUCKER! « Cmblake6’s Weblog

  2. It”s in the works…Our country will have a name change to…………United States of Obama. Also, it will be protocol to genuflect when ever passing by a picture of our great leader. I will probably have to attend one of the many re-education camps located throughout the United States of Obama. I will need to get into the “Liberal Lock-Step” with help from camp employees!


  3. Pingback: UrbanGrounds » Blog Archive » The Obama States of America

  4. Hopefully, they are just being self congratulatory and not unpatriotic. Blacks are good haters, not like the World Champion Palestinians, but they’re up there. They will take their cue from him and if whites squawk and he ignores them, they’ll only feel more important, “empowered”, arrogant, and ultimately militant.


  5. The psychology of violence encourages itself the more impotent the victim appears. Best to accept it let it go and save the energy for something serious that most whites can coalesce around, for a change. E plurbus unim will happen eventually when they get truly fed up enough. (Sura2:29)


  6. When I think of all who have died defending our country and flag, and in the time that the flag was proudly carried into battle and when the one carrying it was cut down, another would take it up… this display makes me ill. It is not a prop or an advertising gimmick, it’s our nations flag!

    What is wrong with these people???? I’m all for expressing pride in the moment, but don’t desicrate our flag to do it!


  7. I don’t really see a problem. He’s the president and he’s the president of america. I think they’re just proud americans.


  8. I knew an Anita once. She was an idiot, too. But, I’ll let it go, if you say you’re under 15 years of age. nicedeb lays it out nicely.


  9. Anita, if you ever knew a family that lost a loved one who DIED for that FLAG, you would understand what turning it into a political statement truly means! It does not stand for an individual person, a political party or any other propogandist tripe! It stands for ALL Americans, and especially those who gave their “last full measure” to defend it!!! This is outrage in the highest order for those who hold it sacred as a symbol of the Constitution and ALL Americans! You are simply ignorant and it shows.

    Deb, I am borrowing this pic, as obviously I have much to say about it. LOL!!!


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