Video: Krauthammer Corrects The Record On David Brooks

The Daily Caller reports:

Earlier this week, New York Times columnist David Brooks offered a scathing rebuke of congressional Republicans’ stand on the debt ceiling, saying the GOP is undermining their its position by not budging on raising taxes.

Later in the week, Brooks got accolades from those on the left, including a mention from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the Senate floor, for being a reasonable “conservative.”

Last weekend’s broadcast of “Inside Washington” highlighted Dingy Harry’s Senate floor citation of “Conservative columnist” David Brooks’ latest brain farts musings.

“Well, forgive me but” —- Krauthammer demurred, ” I have to correct your copy, again – – – conservative columnist?”

Thank you Charles Krauthammer.

This is why I get annoyed when people call Sir Charles, (such a valuable asset to the conservative cause), a RINO. If Charles Krauthammer is a RINO, I’m a RINO, and let me tell you – I ain’t no RINO.


4 thoughts on “Video: Krauthammer Corrects The Record On David Brooks

  1. He’s no RINO. The term is bandied about far too much as an all-purpose GOP insult. Kraut is the very definition of elitist, and yet is quite conservative in many ways. He wants people to have the right accent and speech patterns and still believes liberal spending programs are ruining this country. These are not mutually exclusive arguments.


  2. I like Dr. K…when he isn’t busy being an elitist prig, but he really does give the “distortions” in the tax code short shrift.

    While it is true that some “loopholes” are the result of lobbying Congress for a benefit, many of them are also the direct result of Congress deliberately encouraging or discouraging various economic behaviors.

    These also “distort” the economy, and while you could have a discussion about whether or not this is a good thing, its disingenuous to pretend that “loopholes” are not part of fiscal policy.


  3. My hubby and I were having that exact discussion, this morning, BiC. It’s hard for me to tell the incentives from the crony capitalism. I for one would be happy to see some of the loopholes go, if that means GE gets to pay taxes like the rest of us. If they don’t raise taxes, I don’t have a problem with this.


  4. I don’t mind GE not paying taxes nearly as much as taking billions from We, the People, to theoretically create all those “green” jobs, not creating one single new job that wasn’t an exchange for an existing job, and STILL not paying taxes.

    Now THAT gets my goat big time.

    As far as Brooks goes, he is at least as conservative as, say, Mitt. Or Juan McCain. Or any other establishment elitist Republican who wants the same thing as the nazi/socialist Democraps, only a little slower.


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