Judge Jeanine: It’s Time For The Pope To Start Protecting His Christian Flock

It’s usually Barack Obama who is taken out to the woodshed every weekend on Justice with Jeanine Pirro, but this Saturday night, it was the Pope’s turn.

In her opening statement, tonight, Judge Jeanine more than ever – spoke for me, a Catholic who has been repeatedly disappointed by this particular pope.

“I mean no disrespect,” Pirro – a Catholic herself – said, “but it is time for the papacy – and Pope Francis in particular – to start protecting his Christian flock.”

She continued, “this month, Pope Francis preached that immigrant children in facilities around the United States should be welcomed and protected.”

She argued that the immigrant children are being protected and fed, here – “No children are being killed in the United States. But Christian children are being killed in the Middle East!” She went on to argue that the pope’s prayers for the Middle East are not enough because Christian culture and artifacts are in the process of being destroyed.

“They are taking crosses off churches and turning them into mosques with loudspeakers. Priceless relics are being destroyed or sold. And for the first time in 1,600 years, Mass will not be held in the ancient city of Mosul, Iraq. The language of Jesus – Aramaic – could be lost as well as Christians who speak it are murdered.”

“Your holiness – you are the leader of the flock – you control one of the wealthiest organizations in the world. And with wealth – comes power. Your recent trips and your planned trips do not reflect the urgent concern necessary for Christians in Iraq and Syria and Egypt,” Pirro said.

“Every church in the world should be repeating a strong, urgent message from the papacy –  condemning this slaughter and calling for the world to stop the annihilation of innocents instead of worrying about immigrant children already protected by America.”

“You must act!” Pirro declared. “It is time for the papacy to get out in front of this Christian massacre!”

“The Vatican is a country with Ambassadors and a Secret Service. You can put political pressure on nations. You can provide sanctuary. You have resources for humanitarian aid. But most of all, you have the power of the pulpit, you have the power to change the world.”

“Turn the other cheek doers not mean that you cannot respond. It does not mean that you cannot provide humanitarian aid. Turn the other cheek does not mean, that the most you can offer is a prayer,” Pirro protested..

I keep waiting for a statement from the Bishops or the Vatican – or at least a prayer offered by my own church for suffering Christians throughout the Middle East during the general intercessions – and I haven’t heard it. What is the matter with us?

Pirro had former UN Ambassador, John Bolton on to discuss the danger Christians are in worldwide because of radical Islam.

She also had on Father Anthony Hanna, a Coptic Christian Pries, to discuss the plight of his people in the Middle East.

The Anchoress reports that the USCCB,  sent a letter to the Regime requesting aid for Iraq. It just released a pdf of Bishop Pates’ letter to White House national security adviser Susan Rice.

Last month I wrote to you about the escalating violence in Iraq that targets Christians and otherreligious communities. I asked that the U.S. government urge Iraqi political leaders to form an inclusive government representative of all ethnic and religious groups, thus reversing the exclusion that has been exploited by extremists. Only in this way can the rule of law be restored and the common good of all be served.

Sadly the situation in Iraq has only deteriorated in the past month.


While the bishop was writing to Rice, requesting humanitarian assistance for Iraq, Rice (who always seems to get the worst jobs) was writing a letter to Congress on behalf of the administration, seeking to insure that no US Troops ever go to Iraq again:

The Obama administration is calling on Congress to fully repeal the war authorization in Iraq to ensure that no U.S. troops return to the country, which is under siege by the extremist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS).

White House national security adviser Susan Rice petitioned Speaker of the House John Boehner (R., Ohio) in a letter Friday (pdf) to completely repeal the war authorization, officially known as the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq, or AUMF.

Rice’s letter was sent as Congress just hours before it approved a resolution opposing U.S. military intervention in Iraq, where the terrorist group ISIL claims to have established an Islamic caliphate.

“We believe a more appropriate and timely action for Congress to take is the repeal of the outdated 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq,” Rice wrote, according to a copy of her letter obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

“With American combat troops having completed their withdrawal from Iraq on December 18, 2011, the Iraq AUMF is no longer used for any U.S. government activities and the administration fully supports its repeal,” Rice wrote. “Such a repeal would go much further in giving the American people confidence that ground forces will not be sent into combat in Iraq.”

Walid Shoebat: Pope Francis And The Vatican Fight Against The Islamic Persecution Of Christians, And Rescue A Christian From Being Killed By Muslims: