Saturday Movie Matinee: Obama’s Broken Promises

Ben Shapiro, Truth Revolt: Obama’s Broken Promises:

Newsmax TV: Malzberg | Andrew McCarthy React to President Obama’s State of the Union foreign policy:

The Best of John Boehner’s Microexpressions: State of the Union 2015:

Hilarious slo-mo video analysis of Speaker Boehner struggling to hide his contempt for the president during the SOTU speech. For all you Boehner haters – this is why I cannot dislike this man:


Andrew McCarthy NRO: There Is Only One Way to Stop Obama from Setting Jihadists Free
Short of impeachment, there is really nothing Congress can do.

PJ Media, Klavan and Whittle: The Nazis Were Socialists, Not Right-Wingers:

USA Survival: From Lenin to Obama:

Alexander G. Markovsky is a Russian émigré who holds degrees in economics and political science from the “University of Marxism-Leninism” and an MS in structural engineering from Moscow University and now lives in Houston, Texas. His recent article, “From Lenin to Obama,” argues that Obama is acting like Lenin who declared, “Our task, is to utilize every manifestation of discontent, and to collect and utilize every grain of rudimentary protest.” Markovsky is the author of “Anatomy of a Bolshevik” and his forthcoming book is titled “Liberal Bolshevism,” with the subtitle, “America Did not Defeat Bolshevism, She Adopted It.”

PJ Media, Trifecta: American Sniper Sniped: Why Hollywood Lefties Hate Eastwood’s Movie:

Bill Whittle, Truth Revolt: NUMBER ONE WITH A BULLET:

Atlas Shrugs: VIDEO Jesse Watters at the “Stand with the Prophet” Summit: “Why are stonings and beheadings tolerated?” “Because that’s what we believe, it says in the Qur’an”

Todd Starnes, Fox News: Christians rally to defend fire chief who wrote ‘anti-gay’ book

This is the front line in the American front of the war against Christianity. The left’s ideological brethren in the Middle East are throwing gays off of rooftops, but you’ll hear nary a peep about that from them.

Kelvin Cochran is a decorated firefighter. He is also a devout Christian. He’s a deacon at a Baptist church and also teaches Sunday school. By all accounts – he is a decent and honorable man. And now – he is unemployed.

Cochran, who served seven years as the chief of the Atlanta Fire Departmant lost his job over a book he wrote about biblical morality titled, “Who Told You That You Were Naked?” A small portion of the book contained what critics called homophobic language.

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed suspended Cochran last month. He was fired on Jan. 6 – the day he was supposed to return to work.

Fox News: BOOM: George Soros Gave At Least $33 Million In One Year To Ferguson Protests

Andrew Klavan, Truth Revolt: Which Black Lives Matter?

Newsmax: Malzberg | Jonathan Cahn – Messianic Jewish Rabbi & Pastor:

President of Hope of the World Ministries, and New York Times Bestselling author joins Steve to discuss his book, “Mystery of the Shemitah,” which predicts economic judgment on America later this year

Lars Andersen: a new level of archery:

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