No Really – Hillary’s Toast


In case you doubted me when I said it last week – Hillary is toast. She’s not the preferred candidate, and a giant hook is in the process of dragging her off the stage.

Via Ace of Spades HQ:

Politico: White House Sources Now Distancing From Clinton
Actually Saying It’s Too Bad Hillary Didn’t Learn to Be Ethical and Transparent, Like We Are

At the least it means ValJar or Kerry, that level.

They thought she’d changed. They thought maybe she’d picked up a little bit from them about how people respond to awkward secret arrangements and contrived ways of not telling the full story.This has been a surprising two weeks for aides in President Barack Obama’s orbit as they’ve watched Hillary Clinton’s email mess unfold.

With so much on the line, with so much time to prepare, she’s back to classic Clinton?

She’s flubbing a campaign kickoff eight years in the making because she somehow thought that no one would ever care that she set up a secret email server? That anyone would then accept her word that it was OK that she deleted 30,000 emails even though the State Department had been asking for some of them? And then go silent again?

Oh sure – she and her loyal minions will try to deflect their way out of this using the time-honored techniques that have worked for them in the past. But the fix is in. She’s out.

Hillary will not be elected president in November of 2016. Some other despicable Dem will be. That fix is still in.


“Stunning”: Media rips Hillary Clinton over email scandal

What Did I Tell You?: Valerie Jarrett Offered Chance to Defend Hillary Clinton, Declines

Iranian Hardliner Finds Common Cause With Obama – Blasts Republicans, Insults Netanyahu

The Iranian hardliner being “the Supreme Leader” himself –  the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Khamenei, like Obama and Kerry, denounced the letter by US Republican senators, which threatens to undo any nuclear deal between Washington and Tehran. Khamenei also called allegations of Iranian involvement with terrorism “risible” and called the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “Zionist clown.”

Via the Jerusalem Post:

Mehr quoted Khamenei as saying: “Of course I am worried, because the other side is known for opacity, deceit and backstabbing.”

“Every time we reach a stage where the end of the negotiations is in sight, the tone of the other side, specifically the Americans, becomes harsher, coarser and tougher. This is the nature of their tricks and deceptions.”

The negotiations, which resume in Lausanne, Switzerland, next week, are at a critical juncture as the sides try to meet an end of March target for an interim deal, with a final deal in June.

Khamenei added that US accusations of Iranian involvement in terrorism were risible. He also criticized a speech to Congress by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this month that warned the United States it was negotiating a bad deal with Iran that could spark a nuclear nightmare.

“When this Zionist clown spoke at Congress, members of the US government made remarks to deny any role in this event,” a message on Khamenei’s Twitter account read following his meeting with the clerics.

“Zionist clown”, huh? Harsh. But then – a senior Obama official reportedly called Netanyahu, “chickenshit” a few months ago, which may actually be worse.

But yeah – those treasonous Republicans sure have a lot more in common with the Iranian hardliners because they want to prevent them from getting nukes – than our Dear Leader who seems to have the same goals and the same enemies as the Iranian Dear Leader.

Common cause.

Our Weasel Of The Week!!

Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all truly slime-worthy and disgusting,but in the end the unanimous winner was….the envelope please..

Mistress 0f E-Mails, Serial Liar, Benghazi Babe And A Law Unto Herself Hillary Clinton!!

The Noisy Room :My nomination this week is Hillary Clinton for her illegal email escapades. Hypocrisy, thy name is Hillary Clinton.

On June 20, 2007, Hillary Clinton whined and bloviated shrilly about Bush officials shredding the US Constitution by having secret email accounts. Not even two years later, as Secretary of State, Clinton set up a secret email account and secret servers in her basement for all of her official business to skirt federal law. The computer server that transmitted and received Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails traced back to an Internet service registered to her family’s home in Chappaqua, New York.

The Washington Post points out that this would give Clinton: (1) “impressive control over
limiting access to her message archives and (2) secretive email practices far more sophisticated than some politicians.€ Hillary is keeping mum on all of this and her silence is damning.

Hillary is a crafty weasel, she figures since she asked the State Department to release the 55,000 pages of emails she provided to the agency, that everything will quiet down. In fact, that is now her team’s strategy, to do nothing. It is a time-tested Clintonian approach: take a concrete step to ease the pressure, then sit back and wait it out.

You watch, she’ll pooh pooh this as a non-issue. That it is irrelevant – you know, like breaking the law always is for the Clintons. Unfortunately, for Hillary, this has legs and isn’t going away and won’t just fade off the radar either. Rumor has it, those email accounts that she has so carefully hid and labeled with pseudonyms, have been hacked. Huma Abedin is caught up in this as well. Those emails should finish the Hildebeast off if there is any justice in the universe. She is an accomplished weasel.

The Right Planet : Once again, when it comes to the Clintons, we see a classic example of the old “the rules don’t apply to me” schtick. Hillary Clinton not only refused to use an official government email address for her official communications when she was serving as Secretary of State, she went as far as to set up a private email server in her own home in an obvious effort to retain complete control over her all official communications. Why? What is she trying to hide? This seems to be a pattern with this administration (see former EPA head Lisa Jackson and her “Richard Windsor” email account).

I really can’t put it any better than “Zip” over at Weasel Zippers:


“So let’s review. [Hillary Clinton] violated the rules of her Department, violated the Federal Records Act, required employees to follow the rules and kicked one out for not following them, failed to respond to prior requests for the emails, and then when she finally turned over some, there were huge gaps of months missing. Now we don’t even know where the server she exposed all kinds of info on is, and how exposed it was to attack. Let’s elect this woman President, yay!”

Hillary Rodham Clinton  is more than just a mere weasel…she’s a Weasel Legend!; From her earliest days, she’s personified Weaselness. Sandy Koufax was born to pitch baseball,Mozart to compose music, Meryl Streep was born to act and Hillary was born to be a weasel superstar!

Such heady praise for the innate talent of one so young!

And than there was Whitewater, where Hillary escaped going to jail because of while the prosecutor was able to prove she forged documents, there was no way to prove intent because Susan McDougal chose to do easy time, keep her mouth shut and sit in jail for a year and a half until she got a presidential pardon and undoubtedly a little somethin’ somethin’ for her trouble.

Need we even mention her other weasel deeds during the Clinton Administration, her fairy tales of facing danger from Bosnia to Belfast, her perfidious performance as a U.S. senator, on the campaign trail in ’08 and then as Secretary of State? Her outright lies about Benghazi, not only to congress but to the very families of the men whom were murdered there…literally at their funerals?

And now, we find out that Mrs. Clinton –again– knowingly broke federal law, used a private e-mail server during her tenure at Secretary of State, and very probably exposed classified material to espionage and hacking? Isn’t this the cherry on top of the Weasel sundae?

Why yes, a decent society might have driven her into the void like the hideous, corrupt harridan she is. But the Golden Weasel, after all, is an award for Weaselness. Mrs. Clinton is a master at of the art, one of the all time champs. So please step forward to the stage (or have Huma slither on over) to accept your Weasel.

Let us hear your hideous cackle as you revel in accepting this award. It might have been created with you in mind as its model recipient.

Well, there it is! 

Check back next Tuesday to see who next week’s nominees for Weasel of the Week are!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum, and  remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it...or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter..’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?

Paging Obama, Holder, Sharpton: Two Cops Shot in Ferguson #CopsLivesMatter


Two cops were shot in an assassination like attack in Ferguson, Missouri, last night.

Do you think it ever crosses Al Sharpton’s, Eric Holder and Barack Obama’s minds than when they demagogue racial issues, that their rhetoric might inspire violence? When they smeared the entire Ferguson Police Department as racist, did they not realize it could lead to violence against the city’s (“racist”) police force? Because there were people who predicted this would happen the moment the DOJ’s bogus report, “Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department,”  came out.

(I see they took their video down. Yeah – I’d be embarrassed, too. What follows is a description of what you can no longer see):

Did you hear that taunt from that jackass “protester” after the officers were shot – one in the shoulder and the other in the face –  one of them screaming in pain:  “Acknowledgement 9 months ago would have kept that from happening!” Huh?

And how about that moron who took the video – laughing that her friend, Carl,  who is BBQing nearby (they appear to be in the parking lot across the street from the protest), is undeterred from his culinary activities.

Let us count the ways this video appalls: The false victim mentality of the protesters with their unearned moral superiority – encouraged by the racial grievance industry and political demagogues like our president and attorney general, the white guilt (idiot taunter who joined the fray in “solidarity” with the “oppressed” blacks) the apathy of the onlookers, the abject stupidity of all of them…. It’s all there – everything that is wrong in America today captured in one awful video.

Here, via Vocativ, is a video timeline of the events in Ferguson, last night.

There are no suspects yet in custody, but don’t hold your breath waiting for Holder to send 50 FBI agents to Ferguson to investigate the shooting of these cops.

By the way – It was only yesterday evening – mere hours before the shootings that MSNBC’s Big Ed urged the Ferguson police Dept. to lay down their weapons if they want to see ” real change.”

“I’ll give you this one: What about disarming the police?” Mr. Schultz asked panelist Michael Eric Dyson, according to a video provided by The Daily Caller. “What about just having them carry nightsticks and the authority to arrest?”

Mr. Schultz then mused that there are places around the world that employ unarmed patrol men, such as in the United Kingdom and New Zealand.

“I mean, it would take a brave person to do something like that,” he noted. “I know the right wing’s gonna think I’m crazy for saying that, but if you really want change, you have to institutionally show it to the people that you want to do this. And that would be part of a big social engineering project if Ferguson’s going to turn around. That’s how I see it.”

Brilliant timing.