Former Occidental College Student Remembers Fellow Marxist, Obama

This interview with former Marxist student, John C. Drew, on his meeting at Occidental College with fellow Marxist Barack Obama is long, but well worth your time.

Dr. Drew gave up his Marxist philosophy in 1984. I don’t get the impression our President ever did.

Here’s a short version of his story, I found on YouTube:

“I met the young Barack Obama during the fall of 1980. I got a chance to see how his mind worked from my conversations with him. He was already an ardent Marxist socialist by the time he was a sophomore at Occidental College. I would be curious to know how and why his beliefs changed…if, indeed, they have changed”.

See Bob McCarty for the full B-Cast interview.


13 thoughts on “Former Occidental College Student Remembers Fellow Marxist, Obama

  1. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  2. “Dr. Drew gave up his Marxist philosophy in 1984. I don’t get the impression our President ever did.” Then you clearly have no idea what Marxist philosophy is, Nicedeb. Try reading some – you might actually begin to understand that your president is no marxist. But why bother – that might interfere with your dearly beloved ignorance.


  3. Ah yes. We ignorant critics never know what we’re talking about, do we Mal? We’ve never taken the time to look into Marxist philosophy and made connections with what the President thinks/says/does.

    If only we would educate ourselves, we would know the truth – Obama is a devoted capitalist and champion of the small businessman.


  4. 1) Are you suggesting that he’s Marxist-Leninist? Eurocommunist (following Gramsci’s model)? Maoist? What model exactly? Any fool can see he’s none of the above. My reading is that you might be able to (only in the US) categorise him as left-leaning – very mildly liberal (in the proper sense of the meaning, not the dopey muddle you people make of it). No, he isn’t a 19th century uber-capitalist – but what modern Western leader is? More importantly, what intelligent modern Western leader is?
    2) You need educating – you seem to be incapable of conducting a rational argument, or of understanding basic political theory.
    3) You assume that I am some kind Obama fan politically – while I applaud his election over the last turkey you had for a president- like many people who aren’t American, I’m not overly impressed by your politicians in general.


  5. While I do not know what economic model or political philosophy Obama actually subscribes to, it really doesn’t matter. The important question is what has he actually done and what will he do in the future. A continuation of the Bush policy, Bailing out the Banks had to be done to stop a run on the banks which would have resulted in a quick return to the Great Depression. Indeed, it is still quite possible. And so far, despite his rhetoric, he has not dismantled what Bush/Chaney did abroad in Iraq or Afghanistan, nor has he closed Gitmo, stopped drone strikes or government suvelliance of communications traffic.
    But he has spent us into oblivian without result and promises only more of the same. He does one thing while saying another and flip flops all around showing very clearly that he doesn’t know what he is doing. And the whole world is watching to see what he will do next.


  6. Pingback: Get a life, Professors’ Ogletree and Obama; a person’s race imparts immunity? lol « VotingFemale

  7. The important question is what has he actually done and what will he do in the future.

    A more relevant question is what he has tried to do. The fact that he has been stymied on several fronts, and had to scale back some of his more ambitious proposals, does not make him less socialist.

    I’ve got to reread that great old article on Gramsci by John Fund, I think it was? My recollection is that yeah, the President’s proposals fall exactly into line with Gramsci’s strategy.

    Oops – looks like it was John Fonte.


  8. Obama the Marxist?
    1. Grow the Federal Government
    2. Take over private companies
    3. take from the wealthy, give it to…who knows?
    4. Insert government into everything including, but not limited to; housing, health, education, employment, media
    5. Do all of this, disregarding the “peoples will”. Ram all of this down our throats.
    Yes, Obama is a Marxist and a Tyrant


  9. Sparky Says:
    February, 14, 2010 at 2:42 pm
    Obama the Marxist?
    It sure looks that way Sparky, let’s hope not. If he were, (and it looks like it) he’d be doing a great job on us all. But I get the impression that guy has been lying for so long about who he is, that he really has only a vague notion of what he stands for. Except for a few pet projects, he appears to be completely lost as to how to proceed on the rest. As Bill Clinton admitted after leaving office, once they were elected they looked at each other and said: what do we do now? They had been on a perpetual campaign for so long that they really had clue as to what to do next? And it showed very quickly. Hopefully, that is what we have now.


  10. Pingback: Socialist Global Warming Hoaxsters – the Village of the Damned « VotingFemale

  11. Pingback: Obama’s Marxist Roots « The Republican Heretic

  12. It’s interesting to me to read these comments. I’m glad my take on the ideology of the young Barack Obama is now part of the historical record. My gut feeling is that he was basically a European style Marxist Leninist at the time I met him. The main point I would make is that we definitely considered our selves to be revolutionaries face-to-face confronting an evil capitalist system.


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