Friday Must-Reads


I give up.  There’s some good stuff out there, but I can’t seem to focus on anything, today. It might have to do with constant interruptions from kids home from school. I think we may have to take a trip to the movies, today, unless the sun decides to come out.

Anyhoo, here’s what I found interesting today:

Glenn Beck and others have been all over this Free Press stuff  for some time -(how Orwellian is that name? They want to regulate and limit free speech ala Chavez). Now the Daily Caller’s Mike Riggs brings us: The Neomarxist who is helping to influence Obama’s media policy.

And no, he’s not red-baiting. Robert McChesney, the founder of lobbying group and think tank, “Free Press” is a self-professed “neo-Marxist”.  Not surprisingly, McChesney wields a good deal of  influence with this White House, in fact, a  couple of Free Press employees have landed jobs in the government under Obama.

“Essentially we have someone from a neomarxist media outfit setting America’s global policy on information issues at the State Department,”

Neat, huh? Gah. 2012 can. not. get here too soon.
What else?
Do you already suffer from heartburn? Then don’t read this latest from Byron York: Billions for ‘green jobs,’ whatever they are

On Capitol Hill, a staffer for Sen. Charles Grassley, ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, was poring through the Federal Register and spotted the note. Then he went to the Department of Labor Web site, where he found a number of announcements like these:

** U.S. Department of Labor Announces $100 Million in Green Jobs Training through Recovery Act

** U.S. Department of Labor Announces $150 Million in “Pathways Out of Poverty” Training Grants for Green Jobs

** U.S. Department of Labor Announces Nearly $190 Million in State Energy Sector Partnership and Training Grants for Green Jobs

In the staffer’s mind, two and two came together. The Labor Department is shoving money out the door for “green jobs,” yet at the same time is admitting it doesn’t know what a “green job” is.

Can someone please show me how these “green jobs” aren’t another worthless Dem boondoggle?

Weasel Zippers:Vid: Karl Rove on fire

Rove was commenting on his WSJ oped: Obama and the Trouble With Voting ‘Present’

Weak and radical, the president looks more like Jimmy Carter all the time.

The mainstream media and nutroots have made Sharron Angle target no. 1; that’s all I needed.

The Democrats have a strategy of crazy because their policies have been so disastrous and their rule so inept. So they will tear down people like Angle, turn them into caricatures, and do anything else necessary to avoid talking about unpopular policies which have put us on a course towards economic and political suicide.

The Blog Professor:

Video: New Hampshire Auto Dealer Forced Out of Business Publicly Blames Obama With Sign On Building

Congressmen say GM is destroying documents

According to two congressmen, GM is now destroying the paper trail behind the payback fraud. Keep in mind that GM is right now government owned, and taxpayers should have the right to all documents. From the Detroit News: Congressmen say GM is destroying documents

Baldilocks: A ConfessionNo hints. Just go read it.

Bill Kristol, The Weekly Standard: Sources: Obama Administration to Support Anti-Israel Resolution at UN Next Week

Sick. In case you missed it, Charles Krauthammer went so far as to say that‘Obama Has Shifted And Reversed American Sympathies’ in the Middle East.

The world’s going to hell in a hand-basket.

Alrighty then, next stop – Rotten Tomatoes. What’s playing for kids? Seen any good movies, lately?


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