Introducing 10 Buck Fridays

Ten Buck Fridays, founded by Conscientiously Conservative, is a great way for grassroots conservatives to do something that can really make a difference:

Many of us get paid on Fridays… if we bring a sack lunch a couple of times a week to work, right there is an extra tenner. What if conservatives donated $10 each and every week up through November to viable candidates and/or PAC’s that are promoting a conservative agenda? If you can’t afford every week, what about twice a month? Or once a month? Conservatives need to put their money where their mouth is. Commit to Ten Buck Fridays… it WILL make a difference come November!

Ten Buck Fridays is a great idea, and I think it’s one that should really catch on.

I’d like to join with conservative bloggers and conservatives on twitter to focus attention on a different candidate each week. Each week, deserving candidates could be nominated. Polling through the next several days could determine the crowd favorite…and on Friday, a good conservative would be hit with a grassroots moneybomb!

Imagine what a thousand grassroots conservatives could accomplish in unison. Ten thousand dollars a week would grab a lot of attention and could help some candidates who really need it.

Who will join us?

Every week, names are collected of worthy candidates for an online  poll. Voting begins on Sunday, and lasts until Friday. The winning candidate gets the ten dollar money bombs. Last week’s winner was Michele Bachmann. Congratulations, Michele!

RightKlik encapsulates the concept, here:

1. Nominations for deserving candidates are submitted on Sundays. (I’m curating nominations tomorrow at RK, but any interested bloggers could also host nomination posts).
2. Conservatives vote on the top 10 nominees through the week (Online polling is shared by multiple blogs for cumulative votes).
3. On Friday, the candidate who is #1 in the weekly online poll gets hit with $10 money bombs (money goes DIRECTLY from the donors to the candidate).
4. Participants put the words “Ten Buck Fridays” in the online donation form so that recipients know what’s happening!
TBF seems to appeal to conservatives, perhaps because it is decentralized and harnesses the power of the free market of ideas.
There are only 19 weeks left until the ultimate Tea Party on November 2, 2010. Make every week count!

RightKlik will have this week’s nominees–with links to their websites.

UPDATE: The new poll is up. You can vote, here.

Participating websites:


Did I Read That Right?!

After all, Ed Morrissey isn’t known for hyperbole:

Hillary: Let the babies starve until we fund abortions

Alternate headline: Holding Starving Babies Hostage:

In their National Review column, Halpine and Pfundstein report that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wants that aid held hostage in order to push an abortion agenda:

On the agenda at the G8 summit in Canada is promoting maternal and infant health in the poorest parts of the globe.  The high rates of maternal and infant mortality in many countries are an impediment to democracy and social development, to say nothing of a human tragedy for these communities. Commitments of resources from the G8 countries to address these problems should be welcomed and commended. Why, then, is the Obama delegation threatening to derail these agreements? …

Given this, one would expect there to be universal support for Canada’s leadership in taking on these problems and working to meet these critical needs.  But the Obama administration is obstructing this positive consensus.  Hillary Clinton, when asked about Canada’s G8 plan to address infant and maternal health in the developing world, said the following: “You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health. And reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe abortion.” …

“You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health.”

No funds for ze behbies, without funds for ze abortions, capiche?

That’s the Chicago way, right?

“If we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.”

No border security for law abiding citizens without amnesty for illegals, capiche?


Disgusting, but not at all surprising.


Raw Audio Of Al Gore’s Accuser’s Testimony

I’ve shied away from this story, because I thought the alleged victim’s story lacked credibility. She didn’t  press charges at the time,  (she expressed why during her testimony), and waited several years to sell her story to a tabloid.

But her testimony from January 2009  is compelling, and sounds convincing, to me, (despite the “Vice-Presidential fan fiction” nature in parts of it) The alleged incident took place in October, 2006:

Part One:

Continue reading

2010 Kansas City 4th of July Tea Party Reminder

Please Note: This year’s tea party will be held on the 3rd.

KC Tea Party: “Proud To Be An American”, July 3rd, 2010

July 4th, 2009

Via: Political Chips, the Kansas City area’s premiere tea party organization:

Time: July 3, 2010 from 9am to 11am
Location: 127th and State Line, Correction: 135th and State Line
Event Type: celebration
Organized By: Political Chips

Let’s continue where we left off last year by lining both sides of State Line on July 3rd beginning at 9:00 a.m. Bring your patriotic signs, banners, and flags. Join us for a great time while honoring our Vets, Troops, and the greatest Country in the world.

You can find more free tea party sign artwork, here.


4th Of July Poke Cake Recipe


Video: Elena Kagan And The Other Barak

This AUL video features Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, praising “the world’s most radical advocate for an agenda-driven judiciary,”  former Israeli Supreme Court justice, Aharon Barak, who is well known for his belief that judges may impose their own personal agenda upon others by changing the law:

Here’s Jeff Sessions on the Senate floor, commenting on Kagan’s lack of legal experience, her leftist political views, and most disturbingly, who her judicial heroes are:

See Americans United For Life (AUL) for more  on Kagan.

Hat tip: Juanell
