The Pool Beckons…

People keep emailing me great stuff, though, so here’s a quick blog round-up:

Check out this awesome new video by Duane Lester: 11 Reasons To (not) Vote Democrat, This November

It’s a start. I could have come up with a few more, but why should Pelosi get all the attention?

Have you voted for your 10 Buck Friday candidate *cough* Jacob Turk *cough*, yet?

America is an Obamanation brings teh photoshop funny: What if Obama were a Simpsons character? Doh!

JP Attitude: Obama the athlete:

Barack Obama is almost entirely a creature of myth, and one of those myths is that he’s athletic. This shouldn’t matter, but for some reason it irritates the crap out of me.

One more comment from lovestruck journalists about his jump shot or his golf game and I’m gonna pop a vein.

It says something about Team Obama that they go to incredible lengths to support this fiction. Remember that film clip of a young Obama playing high school basketball? It’s gone. Removed from the Internet and public eyes. I clearly remember watching the video on YouTube and thinking to myself, “Good God, the man is not a player at all. And he’s certainly not an athlete.”

Read it all.

The Blog Professor: Al Gore’s accuser’s friends: “suck it up; otherwise, the world’s going to be destroyed from GLOBAL WARMING!”

Liberalism=mental disorder…but we already knew that. Joe Biden Wins Sham Wow Auditions

Recovery Summer? Are you kidding me? They’ve got some kick-ass signs though.

John Hawkins interviews Zev Chavets about Rush Limbaugh’s personal life….and Rush’s blind spot.

John Boehner: Obama Admin. Continues ‘Stimulus’ Push Despite G-20 Rebuke (Who’s the bitter clinger, now????) Wall Street Bailouts + Higher Taxes + Bloated Government = Zero Jobs

Marc Thiessen, WaPo: President Obama’s detrimental deadlines and New levels of presidential disrespect?

Have we ever before witnessed so many cases of amnesia in the MSM?

Error Theory: Kagan lied to Supreme Court in 9/11 case, should be disbarred

Help The American Concervative Union track ACORN.

iOWNTHEWORLD: Boehner – Obama’s Lies

Ace posts a brutal video by on Obama’s (non)response to the oil spill.

Dick Morris column at The Hill: Obama’s big oil spill bungle

Something to consider:

PrestoPundit (12/2008): WHO IS BARACK OBAMA? LET ME TELL YOU:

3.  A constant refrain in Obama’s life
is his skill at being a chameleon, putting up a false front and telling
made up stories, to ingratiate himself with others.

4. Obama’s relatives on his mother’s side come out of a natural resource extraction business, the oil business in Kansas.  And when Obama came of consciousness his step-father also worked in an extraction business.  Oil again.  Early in his life Obama, growing in Third World Indonesia with something of a Third World Indonesian’s world view, Obama seems to have equated capitalism and the inequality of capitalism with the wealth disparity created by unequal control of the wealth from oil. We know that Obama’s mother was hostile toward Americans in the business of oil, and both his grandmother and grandfather seemed hostile to or alienated from the values of oil patch Kansas.  If oil = capitalism, we get a better sense of Obama’s life long commitment to socialism and sharing the wealth.

Irish Central: Barack Obama is anti-British says grandmother

Granny Sarah explains why Barry hates the Brits.

The Foundry has been on the ObamaCare beat:

White House Misses Deadline for Creating High-Risk Pools

Repeal ObamaCare: Yes We Can

Sen. Hatch Calls for Repeal of Obamacare Mandates

Price Transparency in Health Care: Will it Bend the Cost Curve?

Welcome to the Real World: Grim Prospects for Young Adults under Obamacare


Dr. Rubinstein: Obama “Is a Menace…To Israel And To Western Europe”

Dr. Richard L. Rubinstein, an esteemed educator and writer, has Obama’s number, calling him “a menace”, and “the most radical President America has ever had”.  He has no doubt that Obama would be happy to see the destruction of Israel.

That reminded me of what  Cardinal James Francis Stafford, head of the Apostolic Penitentiary of the Holy See, had to say shortly after Obama was elected President:

Criticizing Obama as “aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic,” he went on to speak about a decline in respect for human life and the need for Catholics to return to the values of marriage and human dignity.

Commenting on the results of the recent presidential election, Cardinal Stafford said on Election Day “America suffered a cultural earthquake.” The cardinal argued that President-elect Obama had campaigned on an “extremist anti-life platform” and predicted that the near future would be a time of trial.

He’s everything we feared he would be, and then some.


Related reading:

Eileen F. Toplansky at The American Thinker: Obama’s Wonderland Is No Fairy Tale

Surely, “it would be so nice if something made sense for a change,” said Alice, but in Obamaworld, if one wants to deliberately undermine this country, everything he does leans in that direction. As the Duchess exclaimed, “the moral of that is — the more there is of mine, the less there is of yours.” The next generation of Americans is already burdened with the financial debacle of a $15-trillion debt with no end in sight as the federal government becomes as bloated as Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Obama’s economic plan has not improved the country, but when “four times five is twelve, and four times six is thirteen,” math takes on a wholly new and original meaning as this president confiscates money without “due process of law.”

Jennifer Rubin, Commentary, Obama’s Human Rights Problem:

Because the U.S. is so flawed, so guilty of serial misdeeds, we are in Obama’s eyes (and the left-wing academic mindset from which he derives his views) disqualified from pronouncing on others’ behavior and obligated to let them pronounce on ours and our allies. Hence, we bear witness to (and do not challenge) the Human Right Council thugocracies as they condemn countries with infinitely better human rights records (especially Israel). But we temper our words and offer our hand in conciliation (and in some cases open our wallets) to the human rights oppressors. We allow Iran to join the UN Commission on the Status of Women to opine on others’ gender discrimination but avert our eyes from the brutality endured by Muslim women and girls.

There is, of course, a practical, albeit misguided, reason for Obama’s human rights record. He imagines he will incur the goodwill of the world’s despots by soft-peddling criticism of their treatment of their own people. But it is no longer possible to ignore the more fundamental problem: Obama believes his mission is to atone for America’s sins, not set the example for the world as the leader of that “shining city on the hill.” If one doubts the essential goodness of America and is unwilling to hold others to a standard of conduct that reflects our own values, you will wind up with a human rights policy that looks like Obama’s.


Whistleblower Details Lawlessness and Hostility Toward Equal Enforcement Of The Law In Obama Justice Dept.

They said that if we elected Obama,  “the One”, “The Lightworker”, the  “post racial” candidate,  racial divisions would be healed in this country. If Obama had truly been “post racial”, or colorblind, he could have indeed contributed significantly toward that goal. But that’s not what’s happened and that’s not really what the left desires. Racial divisions are actually encouraged and used as a sledgehammer to further their goal of tearing down an economic structure that favors people who work hard and play by the rules, so they can  replace it with their decrepit and immoral system of  “redistributive change”, which insists not on equal opportunities, but on equal outcomes.

This type of “equality” calls for some people  to have more rights than others. Those other people, (the lighter hued ones),  have benefited from hundreds of years of privilege, at the expense of others, so now it’s payback time. Literally.  They will actually say that….as J. Christian Adams, the whistleblower recounts in his oped in The Washington Times: Inside the Black Panther case.

Some of my co-workers argued that the law should not be used against black wrongdoers because of the long history of slavery and segregation. Less charitable individuals called it “payback time.” Incredibly, after the case was dismissed, instructions were given that no more cases against racial minorities like the Black Panther case would be brought by the Voting Section.

These are people who would probably shine, working for liberal think tanks, as  token Marxist professors,  blogging for Daily Kos, or being your friendly neighborhood Walmart greeters…..but in a sane world,  they would have no business working for the United States Department of Justice. Yet, there they are…in the Obama DOJ, their unconstitutional ideas for reparative justice, are just what the doctor ordered.

On the day President Obama was elected, armed men wearing the black berets and jackboots of the New Black Panther Party were stationed at the entrance to a polling place in Philadelphia. They brandished a weapon and intimidated voters and poll watchers. After the election, the Justice Department brought a voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party and those armed thugs. I and other Justice attorneys diligently pursued the case and obtained an entry of default after the defendants ignored the charges. Before a final judgment could be entered in May 2009, our superiors ordered us to dismiss the case.

The New Black Panther case was the simplest and most obvious violation of federal law I saw in my Justice Department career. Because of the corrupt nature of the dismissal, statements falsely characterizing the case and, most of all, indefensible orders for the career attorneys not to comply with lawful subpoenas investigating the dismissal, this month I resigned my position as a Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney.

What happens when all the good men at the DOJ are gone?

Based on my firsthand experiences, I believe the dismissal of the Black Panther case was motivated by a lawless hostility toward equal enforcement of the law. Others still within the department share my assessment. The department abetted wrongdoers and abandoned law-abiding citizens victimized by the New Black Panthers. The dismissal raises serious questions about the department’s enforcement neutrality in upcoming midterm elections and the subsequent 2012 presidential election.

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has opened an investigation into the dismissal and the DOJ’s skewed enforcement priorities. Attorneys who brought the case are under subpoena to testify, but the department ordered us to ignore the subpoena, lawlessly placing us in an unacceptable legal limbo.

The assistant attorney general for civil rights, Tom Perez, has testified repeatedly that the “facts and law” did not support this case. That claim is false. If the actions in Philadelphia do not constitute voter intimidation, it is hard to imagine what would, short of an actual outbreak of violence at the polls. Let’s all hope this administration has not invited that outcome through the corrupt dismissal.

Most corrupt of all, the lawyers who ordered the dismissal – Loretta King, the Obama-appointed acting head of the Civil Rights Division, and Steve Rosenbaum – did not even read the internal Justice Department memorandums supporting the case and investigation. Just as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. admitted that he did not read the Arizona immigration law before he condemned it, Mr. Rosenbaum admitted that he had not bothered to read the most important department documents detailing the investigative facts and applicable law in the New Black Panther case. Christopher Coates, the former Voting Section chief, was so outraged at this dereliction of responsibility that he actually threw the memos at Mr. Rosenbaum in the meeting where they were discussing the dismissal of the case. The department subsequently removed all of Mr. Coates’ responsibilities and sent him to South Carolina.

Read the whole thing.

See also:

PJTV: Rocking the Vote: Did DOJ Try to Whitewash Black Panther Intimidation Case?

J. Christian Adams: You Deserve To Know — Unequal Law Enforcement Reigns at Obama’s DOJ (PJM Exclusive)
