Tres Bizarre: Clinton and Obama Hold Impromtu Press Conference – Obama Leaves Early To Attend Christmas Party With Michelle

Jim Young/Reuters

I missed this when it happened, but it should be on YouTube in short order. TCOTers like Cuffy were all a-Twitter about the stunningly bad optics of Obama leaving Clinton at the podium during their joint press conference about the tax deal. Obama was unable to say any parting words (besides, “I’m taking off”)…because Clinton wouldn’t stop talking.

Added: Video via The Daily Caller:

In terms of Washington political drama, Friday was an instant classic: 

The NYT Caucus Blog reports:

The president stood by Mr. Clinton’s side for several minutes as Mr. Clinton held court in front of the White House logo that often hovered behind him a decade ago.

But after Mr. Clinton began taking questions, the current president excused himself, saying that the first lady, Michelle, expected Mr. Obama’s presence at one of the many holiday parties that presidents host during the month of December.

“I’ve been keeping the first lady waiting,” Mr. Obama said, excusing himself.

“I don’t want to make her mad,” Mr. Clinton said. “Please go.”

And with that, Mr. Obama departed, leaving Mr. Clinton to continue his extended conversation with the media. The image on the television screen – of Mr. Clinton at the White House, behind the official podium – had a time-warp quality to it.

A Freeper described what happened, this way:

Watching Obama and clinton press conference live on CNN. Obama tries to nudge Clinton off stage, you can even see him lower his shoulder to push his way in front of podium but clinton would not move. Finally after standing around looking like a child who’s dad has to fix things, Obama pats clinton on the back and tries to save face by exiting the stage. clinton simply keeps on talking as if he is still president and a servant just left the room.


Did Obama just jump the shark?

See also:

Drew at AoSHQ: Barack Obama Resigns And Leaves Bill Clinton In Charge

Obama had Clinton over for a chat, then brought him to the briefing room. Then it got weird. Obama just…left and let Clinton have the mic for like, I don’t know, 20 30 minutes or so.

RCP has video: Obama Ditches Tax Cut Presser After Bill Clinton Takes Control

Business Insider: WATCH: Obama Walks Out On Presser With Bill Clinton! ‘I’m Going To Take Off’

It was a terrible visual to begin with — I’m not a wussy, here’s Bill Clinton to tell you why! — that just got so. much. worse.

The White House press corps was “summoned at a moment’s notice” to the briefing room for the news conference. And not long after the two presidents appeared together at 4:23pmET, it became AAB — all about Bill (or Bubba, take your pick).

Allahpundit at Hot Air: Great news: Bill Clinton apparently now president again

The depressing truth: Given the alternative, it really would be great news.

I can’t do justice to what you’re about to see. The spectacle of the president bugging out of his own press conference to go to a Christmas party is weird enough, but having Clinton back at the White House podium fielding questions on the hottest domestic issue of the day shoots past deja vu and lands firmly in “am I hallucinating?” territory. (The good news: It turned Twitter into an hour-long snark free-for-all, with Michael Goldfarb taking first prize.)


The Caucus Blog: The Surprise Trip to the Briefing Room


stephenkruiser on Twitter:
Next week’s POTUS presser: Zombie FDR with real working wheel chair!
…And here come the snarky photoshops:
Slublog at AoSHQ: Give Obama a Break

Not nice, guys. Not nice!
Drudge front page image  screenshot by Bryan Preston for prosterity:

Linked by Michelle Malkin, and Pundette, thanks!

12 thoughts on “Tres Bizarre: Clinton and Obama Hold Impromtu Press Conference – Obama Leaves Early To Attend Christmas Party With Michelle

  1. Pingback: Yo Ho Ho & a Bottle of Rum: $55 Billion in Extra Goodies Crammed into Bush-Era Tax Rate Extension Bill by Reid & Democrats « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  2. Not much outrage, just head scratching. Replacing a commie incompetent with an impeached disgrace isn’t all that newsworthy.

    Obama may have sent an unintended message.


  3. When Bill made his comment about Obama being the kind of guy that used to bring the coffee, I never thought Bill was referring to Obama’s race. I always thought Bill meant that Obama was about at the level of a young go-fer who intended to get into high-level politics by making himself useful to powerful politicos.

    But every day, in every way, Obama seems to be saying, “I’m here to party. The rest of you think you’re so smart–you do the work.”

    Who’s pulling the strings?


  4. I got the impression that Clinton was actually trying to make Obama look weak. Did you notice how Clinton didn’t budge, when Obama closed in to say he had to go? Clinton was like, “I’m not going anywhere, buster, you go ahead and leave if you want to”.

    The rumor is they can’t stand each other. I know if I were Clinton, I wouldn’t have forgiven Obama for his race card excesses during the primary, either.


  5. ‘I got the impression that Clinton was actually trying to make Obama look weak. Did you notice how Clinton didn’t budge, when Obama closed in to say he had to go? Clinton was like, “I’m not going anywhere, buster, you go ahead and leave if you want to”.

    The rumor is they can’t stand each other. I know if I were Clinton, I wouldn’t have forgiven Obama for his race card excesses during the primary, either.’

    Deb, I agree with you, the Clintons have not forgotten what the Obama campaign did to Shillary; they are not forgiving people. Bill is forever making backhanded ‘compliments’ about Barry. He has got to be loving this.


  6. Pingback: “I’d love to be President… « My Constructed Reality

  7. The photos on Drudge are great. Obama looks “severely annoyed” in the left-hand photo. “Im outta here” in the right-hand.

    Give Clinton a mike, a camera, and an audience, and he’s in hog heaven.

    But still, since Clinton once claimed the moniker “the first black President”, he should be real tight with the second.


  8. Pingback: Bizarre: Obama Avoids Tough Questions at Tax Cuts Press Conference by Ditching It for Christmas Party, Has Bill Clinton Take Control (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  9. Pingback: » Tres Bizarre: Clinton and Obama Hold Impromtu Press Conference … Sleep Deprivation Test

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