Federal Judge Rules ObamaCare Mandate Unconstitutional

Breaking news from CNN: a federal judge in Virginia has rejected ObamaCare as unconstitutional:

A federal judge in Virginia has ruled parts of the sweeping health care reform effort led by President Obama to be unconstitutional. This is the first federal court to strike down the law, contradicting other recent rulings the law was permissible. The key issue of contention was the “individual mandate” requirement that most Americans purchase health insurance by 2014.

Decision PDF, here.

What does it mean? Here’s a round-up of the best legal minds in the right-wing blogosphere:

Ace corrects a mistake he made last week, concerning the severability clause, apparently a widespread misconception:

I said that without a severability clause, the act would fall if any section of it was found unconstitutional.

Turns out that’s not right; courts will still try to keep as much of law with an unconstitutional section as possible. I guess the whole act would fall only if the bill was found to be so dependent on this section as to render it senseless without it.

At the Volokh Conspiracy, Randy Barnett was recently thinking about the issue. He thought the whole act would fall. I guess this judge sees it different.

Via Ed Morrissey at Hot Air:

Update V: Hudson hits the nail on the head with this:

Hudson rejected the government’s argument that it has the power under the Constitution to require individuals to buy health insurance, a provision that was set to take effect in 2014.

“Of course, the same reasoning could apply to transportation, housing or nutritional decisions,” Hudson wrote. “This broad definition of the economic activity subject to congressional regulation lacks logical limitation” and is unsupported by previous legal cases around the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.

Legal Insurrection:

As to why the Judge did not throw out the entire law, the Judge stated that there is a presumption of serverability, and the congressional record was sufficiently muddled as to whether Congress would have passed the legislation without the mandate.  Interestingly, the Judge noted that the law was about more than healthcare and was rushed to a vote on Christmas eve (emphasis mine):

Having found a portion of the Act to be invalid, the Section 1501 requirement to maintain minimum essential health care coverage, the Court’s next task is to determine whether this Section is severable from the balance of the enactment. Predictably, the Secretary counsels severability, and the Commonwealth urges wholesale invalidation.  The Commonwealth’s position flows in part from the Secretary’s frequent contention that Section 1501 is the linchpin of the entire health care regimen underlying the ACA.  However, the bill embraces far more than health care reform. It is laden with provisions and riders patently extraneous to health care-over 400 in all…. [at p. 38]

The final element of the analysis is difficult to apply in this case given the haste with which the final version of the 2,700 page bill was rushed to the floor for a Christmas Eve vote. It would be virtually impossible within the present record to determine whether Congress would have passed this bill, encompassing a wide variety of topics related and unrelated to heath care, without Section 1501. [at p. 39]


The main impact of today’s ruling, and any similar future rulings, likely will be to keep the issue of repeal alive. Scott Rasmussen finds that support for repeal has risen to 60 percent, with only 34 percent opposing repeal.

Michelle Malkin takes us on a trip down recent memory lane:

Hey, remember when conservatives objected to the Obamacare federal individual mandate on constitutional grounds and the liberal establishment laughed.

Flashback October 2009 – Pelosi scoffs at constitutional concerns:

Yeah, we were serious.

See Michelle for more flashbacks.


Just One Minute: The Hits Keep Coming – ObamaCare Mandate Loses In Virginia Court

The funniest reaction I have noticed is from Josh Marshall:

A year ago, no one took seriously the idea that a federal health care mandate was unconstitutional.

No one?  It’s not exactly one year to the day, but on Dec 9, 2009 the Heritage Foundation hosted an event with just that topic

The NYTs echoed the same nonsense:

But the ruling was nonetheless striking given that only nine months ago, prominent law professors were dismissing the constitutional claims as just north of frivolous.

The left tried very hard to dismiss the question as the product of right-wing fringe lunacy. Now, what are they going to do?

Abe Greenwald at Commentary Contentions:

But today’s ruling, coming when it did, is important beyond its implications for the fate of the health-care overhaul. For it is one more data point in a seemingly endless narrative of administration setbacks. Every failure is now a compounded failure. Furthermore, this is yet another setback about which Obama can do precious little. After a term of ferocious activism, this administration is stuck watching its own deficiencies play out along with the rest of us.

Bill Clinton couldn’t be reached for comment.

Linked by Michelle Malkin, and Pundette, thanks!


This Is Exactly Why I Don’t Want Sarah To Run

This sweet moment of Bristol Palin straightening out her mom’s hair in Haiti, was captured by an AP photographer, upon her arrival, Saturday. Since Bristol’s face was obscured by her elbow, the left-wing media was able to falsely identify her as Palin’s personal hairdresser, thus labeling Palin a “primadonna” who brings her hairdresser with her on a humanitarian trip to Haiti.

This wasn’t an innocent mistake on the part of AP. The photographer knew that the woman in the picture was Palin’s daughter, yet the AP ran a caption implying otherwise. It  was a media hit job. Just one of the many, Palin’s particular life circumstances would afford, if she were to run for President.

Why is Palin different from any of the other candidates, you ask?

She just is, okay? If you haven’t figured that out yet, maybe this explanation from “David Kahane”, September 2, 2008, can help you understand:

We hate you because you remind the other side of their wives, their girlfriends, their daughters, and make them want to fight for you against our sneers and our smears. We hate you because you’re smart and accomplished and didn’t make your bones on the back of Monica Lewinsky. We hate you because you’ve made us forget that our last two candidates for vice president were Joe Lieberman and John Edwards, whoever they were.

We hate you because you’re smart and beautiful and we wish we had women like you on our side.

We hate you.

Although Kahane is is actually Michael Walsh, a conservative writer who adopted the pseudonym, David Kahane  to help conservatives understand the ways of the hard left, (something Walsh, a man from the left coast, who’s often does work in Hollywood, knows something about), the kind of hatred he described here and here is real, it’s scary, and it isn’t going anywhere.  If anything, it’s only grown more unhinged since the Fall of 2008.

It’s true that the left will work itself into a frothy lather over whomever our nominee in 2012 turns out to be. But  it will be harder for them to discredit other Republicans  – it will take more effort, because in many cases some degrees of respect for the candidates will be present. With Sarah, it’s all too easy. The left is already in complete agreement in their unhinged hatred for the “Thrilla from Wasilla”. They are as sure that she’s evil and stupid, as they are that global warming is going to kill us all in fifty years if we don’t lower our living standards, and redistribute our wealth to poorer nations. It’s science. If you don’t loathe Sarah Palin, you’re anti-science,  evil, and stupid, too.

Am I being a little defeatist in saying that we can’t fight such a burning hot hatred and contempt for a candidate? We could if we had a fair and objective media. But we don’t, as the AP caption, above exemplifies. Things are what they are. Conservatives need to face facts.

I’m sorry, but through no fault of her own, a Sarah Palin bid for the Presidency  is a non-starter.

Comic Relief Update:

Mike Hendrix provides some yuks by channeling liberals over at Cold Fury:


Linked by Pirate’s Cove, Michelle Malkin, thanks!
