Deranged Tea Partier Lefty Opens Fire On School Board Meeting

Hot Air has the disturbing CNN video:

As it turns out, while CNN warns of “graphic images,” the only actual gunshot wound occurs off screen, as the gunman missed hitting anyone but got killed by a security guard — which did occur on camera. Glenn Davis says that the “graphic images” warning was more about “gluing eyeballs,” but considering the fact that the clip shows a man getting killed by a gunshot, it seems like a reasonable and fair warning to give, even if it’s not particularly gory.

Captain Ed asks: “How long will it take before this gets painted as the result of the Tea Party movement?”

After all, the media meme for the past year has been that the dangerous tea party movement is going to boil over into a violent frenzy at any moment. Last summer, Chris Matthews crammed a years worth of scary anti-tea party cliches into his one hour special on MSNBC.

This is what Matthews did throughout the special: splice together clips of militias firing weapons with Tea Party protesters in order to create a mental association between the groups. That there is no evidence whatsoever linking Tea Parties to militia groups, nor incidents of violence occurring at rallies, did not dissuade the former Jimmy Carter staffer. Matthews simply chose the unseemly route of trying to associate the numerous characters in his special without any evidence to back up his claims. 

Unfortunately for the left, the tea party movement refused to cooperate, and  never spilled over into violence, although left-wing violence continued apace, with some lefties actually calling for violence and revolution on MSNBC , (yes, the very same network so concerned about tea party violence).
The school board shooting is the latest example of leftwing violence, as  Gawker discovered, reading Duke’s Facebook page :

What else is in the profile? Duke’s “Favorite Quotes” section contains a number of links to political websites—mostly pretty out-there 9/11-truther-here-comes-the-new-world-order stuff, but also the mainstream liberal Media Matters and, of course, a Wikileaks mirror. (Expect these sites to be the ball in the exciting “Clay Duke Was a Dangerous Liberal” vs. “Clay Duke Was a Nutcase Conservative” game we’ll all get to watch over the next few days.) His “Religious Views” are “Humanism” and his “Political Views” are “Freedom Fighter.” Duke’s “About Me” section also contains lines from a poem—”Masque of Anarchy” by Percy Shelley:

Rise like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number.
Shake your chains to earth like dew.
Which in sleep has fallen on you.
Ye are many – they are few.

Ironically, Shelley’s poem is a touchstone of nonviolent resistance.

Yeah, I’m not seeing a lot there to suggest a “Clay Duke Was a Nutcase Conservative” game, not that lefty blogs won’t try it.

And is Media Matters really considered mainstream? Now that’s truly scary.


Another example of left-wing violence occurred over the weekend:

Weasel Zippers: Chicago: Leftist Tries to Burn Down Pub During Tea Party Christmas Event, Leaves “F*ck The Tea Party” Written on Toilet…

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!


One thought on “Deranged Tea Partier Lefty Opens Fire On School Board Meeting

  1. Pingback: “V for Vendetta”: Gunman Clay Duke Holds School Board Members Hostage in Florida, News Cameras Capture Whole Event, Duke Reported Dead (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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