Sunday Quick Links

Cartoon via Townhall.


A possible bigfoot was spotted in Washington, and an enormously large and grotesque mystery creature washed ashore near NYC’s Brooklyn Bridge, last week.

And “in case you missed it”, Anthony Weiner’s weiner *allegedly* made a “brief” appearance on Twitter late Friday night.

What a gorgeous way to kick off Monster Summer II, eh?

And no, your blog hostess is not late to this story. I happened to be on Twitter right after the thing emerged, but I chose to demurely avert my eyes:

@NiceDeb Nice Deb:@redrivergrl @GennetteNicole ///tell me someone made a copy of that before it was taken down…
NiceDeb Nice Deb: @redrivergrl @GennetteNicole Oh, I see you did. LOL. #tcot (I don’t blog about crap like this)

See? ND takes the high road. Not that I won’t link to people who don’t. I mean, really.….seriously, people……What?

White House Dossier: Obama Campaign’s Bin Laden Strategy is Clear:

The president, whose original strategy of coddling dictators has failed to gain results and who was seen early in his presidency bowing to every satrap in sight, will brandish his killing of Bin Laden as proof that he is strong on national security and foreign policy.

As if this single act could erase the rest of it. It’s like complimenting someone on their sweater before you punch them in the face.

He’s cutting the defense budget during time of war, has been inconsistent and indecisive on the Arab uprisings, can’t defeat Qaddafi and his band of camels and Amazon warriors, is undermining Israel – our key military ally in the region, has signalled to the Taliban that we’re desperate to get out of Afghanistan, and is trying to hand of U.S. world leadership to Europe, which effectively disarmed itself years ago.

But he killed Bin Laden.

Keep reading.

Weasel Zippers: Sarah Palin Rolls Into D.C. On Motocycle During Rolling Thunder Ride:

Sarah Palin took to the streets of Washington D.C. today during the Rolling Thunder ride.

Pix and videos at link.

Newsbusters: Pornographer Larry Flynt Calls Palin’s Down Syndrome Son ‘Brain Dead Vegetable’

Not that Palins’ really care what one of the creepiest perverts the left has to offer, thinks about Trig.

One more that I include because I so love crossword puzzles: AoSHQ: Obama-Themed Crossword Puzzle

Tom Blumer at Pajamas Media: Herman Cain: Barack Obama Is Not a Patriot (H/T Retired Geezer):

What do you say about a person who repeatedly commits acts that are against the best interests of his country and its people, is repeatedly told that he is doing so (e.g., in the November 2009 and November 2010 elections, as scores of those who largely agree with his actions were cast aside in favor of those who do not), and doesn’t change his behavior? A reasonable person can conclude that the person involved doesn’t merely commit a lot of unpatriotic acts. A reasonable person can conclude that the person is not a patriot. As with lying and stealing, determining why that person is not a patriot (e.g., antagonism, profound ignorance, being controlled by other forces, etc.) doesn’t matter.

As Rush said, Barack Obama is the sum of his choices, and there have been enough of them for reasonable people to arrive at the belief that Barack Obama is not a patriot.

Therefore, Herman Cain, when asked whether the president is a patriot, acted as a reasonable person when he said, “No.”

Ace: Washington Post Breaks Embargo, Spinning, But Noting the 545InSeattle Time-Chime

With no end in sight for the weiner jokes.

Oh you’ll like this….Weasel Zippers: Netanyahu Quotes Expert Who Said He ‘Beat Obama Like A Red-Headed Step-Child:

U.S. foreign affairs expert Walter Russell Mead, Editor-at-Large of The American Interest and former Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations:

Mead’s post about Netanyahu’s face-off with President Barack Obama in Washington last week was ecstatic.

“Three times [Obama] has gone up against Netanyahu,” wrote Mead; “three times he has ingloriously failed.”

“This last defeat — Netanyahu’s deadly, devastating speech to Congress in which he eviscerated President Obama’s foreign policy to prolonged and repeated standing ovations by members of both parties — may have been the single most stunning and effective public rebuke to an American President a foreign leader has ever delivered.

More good stuff at link…

Gateway Pundit:
Classy. Obama Sits in Front Row and Chews Gum at Joplin Memorial Service (Video)

Yes, really.

Moonbattery: Obama’s Body Language Screams Hatred

Tonya Reiman provides body language analysis on The O’Reilly Factor.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, and The Other McCain and Pirate’s Cove thanks!

6 thoughts on “Sunday Quick Links

  1. Pingback: MSM Starting to Cover ‘WeinerGate’ UPDATE: More Details Now Emerging UPDATE: Weiner DM’d a Porn Star? : The Other McCain

  2. Pingback: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

  3. Pingback: A Tale of Two Sex Scandals « Nice Deb

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