Mark Levin: On Obama’s Habitual Use Of Executive Fiat – “Is That The Act Of A Dictator?”

Mark Levin is asking the right question. Members of Congress should be asking the same thing and standing up to this out of control Despot. Obama keeps trying to get away with more and more. It’s almost like he’s daring people to stop him.

Congress refused to pass the Dream Act, so  before Obama left for Martha’s Vineyard, he quietly signed an executive order that does the same thing Congress refused to do…

Mark Levin asks: Is That The Act Of A Dictator?

Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act under Bill Clinton. Obama decided he didn’t think it was legal, so he refuses to defend it…

 Is That The Act Of A Dictator?

S&P downgrades the credit of the United States, and Obama’s Justice Dept launches an investigation into S&P

 Is That The Act Of A Dictator?

The President of the United States has directed his Dept. of HHS to work overtime to build a bureaucratic foundation and infrastructure for ObamaCare before the Supreme Court has had a chance to rule on the constitutionality of certain aspects of it…

 Is That The Act Of A Dictator?

Congress refused to pass a Cap and Trade bill early  in his presidency, his EPA in essence is now doing the same thing….

 Is That The Act Of A Dictator?

See also:

Christian Science Monitor: Obama deportation policy could be ‘nightmare’ for law enforcement:

The Obama administration says its new deportation policy will focus only on the worst criminals, not college kids and maids. But that could make the jobs of law enforcement – from local cops to federal agents – much more complicated.

Newsmax: Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer: Obama Acts Like He’s Above Law on Immigration 

Republicans are attacking President Barack Obama for acting like a “king that is above the law” in deciding to pick and choose which illegal aliens to deport.

“The Obama administration cannot get its amnesty schemes through Congress, so now it has resorted to implementing its plans via executive fiat,” said Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer.

“We need to remind President Obama that we elected a president that serves beneath the law and did not anoint a king that is above the law.”

Joining her criticisms were two other border-state Republicans, Reps. Michael McCaul and Lamar Smith of Texas.

“It’s just the latest attempt by this president to bypass the intended legislative process when he does not get his way,” McCaul said.

Smith said, “The Obama administration should enforce immigration laws, not look for ways to ignore them.”

And Florida Rep. Allen West jumped into the fray, too, calling for a House investigation into the guidelines. In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, he accused Obama of “shredding the Constitution” with the new guidelines. “It is a form of amnesty and it does go against our Constitution and it very much concerns me because now we are rewarding people for an illegal activity,” he said.

“Think about the strain that is going to come on the types of services and things that we have to provide,” West added, saying aliens are getting a free pass.

Oh, FYI –Obama’s passing treaties now by E/O, too..

The opening statement in nearly all executive orders states: “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America…,” This sentence establishes his authority to; in essence, create regulations on how to carry out the laws on the books as well as to direct the operation of the executive department.

A year earlier, 2009, President Obama directed the creation of the “Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force ” who was tasked to come up with a recommendation for how to best manage the ocean resources and waterway usages. Their final report read quite similarly to the, surprise — surprise, Law of the Sea Treaty mandates.

Upon receiving the final recommendations of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force President Obama signed into law Executive Order 13547 and instituted a run around of the requirement to have all treaties ratified by the Senate and creating law outside of the legislature.

Under Section 2 – Policy – paragraph b (ii) – (iii) he is establishing the initial connection to ‘international law’ by stating his ‘policy’ is to be promoted by:
(ii) cooperating and exercising leadership at the international level;
(iii) pursuing the United States’ accession to the Law of the Sea Convention…

The Law of the Sea Convention is the body that is task with management of the program under the UN’s Law of the Sea treaty, which has not been ratified by our Senate, for the purpose of establishing control of the world’s seas.

Hat tip: Brian B
Linked by Theo Spark, thanks!

4 thoughts on “Mark Levin: On Obama’s Habitual Use Of Executive Fiat – “Is That The Act Of A Dictator?”

  1. No surprises here. Obama has always viewed himself as above the law — after all, he’s “the smartest man ever to be elected president,” so why should his brilliant plans be impeded by mere laws? — so in keeping with his desire to be seen as the reincarnation of FDR, who invented the notion that an Executive Order applies not merely to persons in the executive Branch but to all Americans, he’s decided to put himself in the “active agent” position in the following two bits of advice Roosevelt’s contemporaries offered him:

    “Even the iron hand of a national dictator is preferable to a paralytic stroke.” (Kansas governor Alf Landon, 1933)
    “If this nation ever needed a Mussolini, it needs one now.” (Pennsylvania Senator David Reed, 1933)

    Incidentally, both the men quoted above were Republicans. Stretches the mind, doesn’t it?


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  3. Gosh, that’s a pretty strong accusation there, ND. Maybe we should look to a real situation where a dictatorship was truly established and see how it compares to what Obhammud is doing.

    Like in Venezuela.

    Oh, forget that one! Brother Hugo was doing the exact same thing, most of the press and all of the peasants were praising him for his bravery, and “Voila!”, there was this de facto dictatorship!

    I’m telling you, folks, this maniac is doing such dangerous things that the country may never be able to repair the damage he’s done without swinging to a “French Revolution”- style of retribution, something no one with a lick of sense wants (which automatically leaves out the libs/leftists.)


  4. As usual, NiceDeb, the effort you put into your page is mindboggling and all worth it… Where to begin — outstanding in so many levels… Thank you…


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