Brutal New Ad Compares Obama’s “Not Optimal” Remarks to Remarks By Other Presidents (Video)

And when I say brutal, I mean this ad figuratively kicks Obama right in the nuts….

Via American Future Fund:

Ace suggests that the mother of the slain Consulate staffer, who said my son is “not very optimal. He is also very dead,” should be featured in her own Romney Ryan ad:

I Know… this is politicizing it, but Obama already did with his two weeks of obfuscation, spin, and lies.

Romney could/should ask Pat Smith to cut a commercial in which she says that the only way she’ll find out what happened to her son is when the man denying her the information is voted out of office.






It would seem that the only things President Obama thinks about is politics and his own personal pleasure. That much is clear from Obama’s latest appearance on The Daily Show, during which he described the Benghazi attack — which resulted in the slaughter of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three American personnel by Al Qaeda in Libya — as “not optimal”.

Bryan Preston, PJ Tatler: Prime Suspect in Benghazi Attack Turns Up, Chillin’ with a Strawberry Frappe:

The New York Times found the guy hanging out wearing a red fez in a luxury hotel in Benghazi. Maybe the FBI had a man behind the potted plant in the corner.

Witnesses and the authorities have called Ahmed Abu Khattala one of the ringleaders of the Sept. 11 attack on the American diplomatic mission here. But just days after President Obama reasserted his vow to bring those responsible to justice, Mr. Abu Khattala spent two leisurely hours on Thursday evening at a crowded luxury hotel, sipping a strawberry frappe on a patio and scoffing at the threats coming from the American and Libyan governments.

Libya’s fledgling national army is a “national chicken,” Mr. Abu Khattala said, using an Arabic rhyme. Asked who should take responsibility for apprehending the mission’s attackers, he smirked at the idea that the weak Libyan government could possibly do it. And he accused the leaders of the United States of “playing with the emotions of the American people” and “using the consulate attack just to gather votes for their elections.”

If Khattala isn’t careful, he might find himself on the receiving end of an “October Surprise” in the form of a US drone. Actually, I think it’s just a matter of time.

And by time, I mean the next couple of weeks – as in – right before the election.

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!

4 thoughts on “Brutal New Ad Compares Obama’s “Not Optimal” Remarks to Remarks By Other Presidents (Video)

  1. Pingback: #OccupyResoluteDesk Looks ‘Not Optimal’ By Comparison : The Other McCain

  2. Pingback: What Obama Can Not Understand: It is not about him. - BitsBlog

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  4. Pingback: Brutal New Ad Compares Obama’s “Not Optimal” Remarks to Remarks By Real Presidents (Video) | Letting Freedom Ring

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