Video: Look America In The Eye

Something that jumped out at a lot of people in the debate between Romney and Obama, was the fact that the President wouldn’t deign to look at Romney when he was speaking, or when Romney was speaking to him.  Whether it was a sign of arrogance,  contempt,  weakness, or whatever – it made a very bad impression.

Tony Katz of All Patriot Media made a video to drive home that point:

Do you trust a man who won’t look you in the eye? Would you vote for a man who won’t look you in the eye? What say you, America?

Another hot new video at Gateway Pundit – this one will make you LOL: Hah-Hah… Crowder & Loesch Shine in OBAMA’S CHANGES! (Official Music Video)

Todd Akin Up by Four in Latest Poll

Hey, this is very good news for those of us who want the Republicans to win back the Senate. McCaskill remains very unpopular in Missouri, and Akin’s ridonculous verbal diarrhea from a couple months ago seems to have faded from memory.

In a survey of 1000 likely voters statewide in Missouri, Wentzel Strategies found 49% support for Todd Akin and 45% for McCaskill.

The Wenzel Strategies survey of likely voters statewide in Missouri shows that, in the race for U.S. Senate representing Missouri, Republican challenger Todd Akin holds a small advantage over Democratic incumbent Claire McCaskill. Akin wins 49% support, compared to 45% who back McCaskill. Another 7% are yet undecided.

Akin wins 84% support among Republicans, while McCaskill wins 82% support among Democrats. Akin leads among independents by a 50% to 41% margin, which is the key to his overall edge in this race. In the battle for cross-party support, Akin wins 15% support from Democrats, while McCaskill wins 9% support among Republicans.

The survey includes a partisan sample of 38% Democrat, 37% Republican, and 25% independent voters.
Akin is seen favorably by 45% of voters, while 49% hold an unfavorable opinion of him. McCaskill’s favorability rating has deteriorated in the face of a new report involving disbursement of federal grant funds to companies linked directly to her husband. While 44% hold a favorable opinion of her, 52% hold an unfavorable opinion of her – including 43% who said their opinion of her is “very unfavorable”.

Among independents, 58% said they have an unfavorable opinion of McCaskill, including 48% of independents who said their opinion of the incumbent was “very unfavorable.”
The gender gap in this race is dramatic, in that Akin has an advantage of 16 points among men, leading by a 55% to 39% margin. Among women, McCaskill leads by 7 points, 50% to 43%. However, among independent women, Akin leads by a 49% to 42% margin, with 9% undecided. Among independent men, Akin leads, 50% to 40%.
The race for President in the state of Missouri remains in the hands of Republican challenger Mitt Romney, who holds a 55% to 41% edge over Democrat Barack Obama. Romney has enjoyed a significant lead in the state for some time, in part on the basis of his strong favorability rating. Almost six in 10 respondents – 59% – said they hold a favorable opinion of Romney, while 39% hold an unfavorable view of him.

The truth is, Akin is a staunch conservative whose voting record in Congress is something all Missouri Republicans can be proud of.

Dana Loesch made some good points on her blog in support of Akin:

If you find Akin’s six second, apologized-for remark more offensive than the thought of a Democrat senate controlling SCOTUS nominations, more offensive than Claire McCaskill’s refusal as a senator to pass a budget in over a thousand days, more insensitive than McCaskill’s sell-out of your body’s sovereignty to an unelected HHS board, more irresponsible than McCaskill’s vote to shutter coal plants across Missouri and cost thousands of union and non-union coal jobs, then you need to ask yourself on which side you stand.

We don’t have the luxury of waiting until another election. SCOTUS nominations are coming now. Remember how outraged you were over the Supreme Court vote on Obamacare. Imagine losing even more to progressive nominations that will hear everything from Internet freedom to Second Amendment rights. Are you willing to gamble your freedoms? I’m not.

I’ll admit – nobody wanted this man to step down, more than I did, because his remarks put the Senate in jeopardy  – but now it’s time for all Missouri Republicans to get behind Akin so we can win back the Senate – or we’ll have to endure at least a couple more years of Dingy Harry’s ignominious reign as Senate Majority Leader. You can contribute to Akin’s campaign, here.


Another well known Missourian, Jack Cashill, wrote of his support for Akin at The American Thinker:

A few weeks ago, I was asked to emcee a fund-raising dinner for Rep. Todd Akin, who is rather famously running for U.S. Senate in Missouri, the state in which I live.  Although I did not hesitate to accept the invite, I found myself resisting the urge to promote the event, and my involvement in it.

The reason was simple enough.  I worried about the reaction of my moderate to liberal friends and family.  After scolding myself for my indecision, I went ahead and posted the details of the fundraiser on Facebook with this explanation:

I am emceeing a fund raiser for Rep. Todd Akin. Yes, that Todd Akin. Granted, Todd is a little sketchy on how babies are made, but his enemies are well versed in how they’re destroyed, and now they want you to pay for the carnage. 55 million and counting since Roe v. Wade.  Wanna fight? Happy to oblige.

Keep reading at the link.

Monday Ketch-up: BenghaziGate’s Gonna Haunt Obama all the Way to the Election

The Monday Ketch-up is news and views you may have missed over the weekend with a little of today’s breaking stories thrown in. Typically, I do these in the morning... not so much, today.

RS McCain: Libya Cover-Up: Hillary Clinton Throws Obama Under His Own Benghazi Bus:

The Benghazi blame game has been going on for more than a month since the Sept. 11 attack in Libya that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Last week there were signals that Team Obama was trying to make Hillary Clinton’s State Department the scapegoat, but anybody who knows the Clintons could have predicted she wasn’t going to take the fall. Today, Hillary struck back:

A confusing array of contradictions concerning the murders of four Americans, one of which was a U.S. ambassador, was made worse by Vice President Joe Biden’s remarks during the debate with Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan Thursday evening.
Today the confusion only worsened yet again when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters that her agency was not the source of misinformation concerning the attacks, charging instead that the White House was the source of the false mantra that the murders were spurred by an anti-Muslim film made in the  United States.
Clinton told reporters that when Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, made her rounds on every Sunday morning news show to claim the film motivated the attacks, the information had been fed to her by the White House and not the intelligence community in the State Department or the CIA.
Not only does Clinton’s statement contradict early White House accounts but directly contradicts statements made by Vice President Biden during the debate.

Walid Shoebat: Darrell Issa going after Benghazi like he did Fast and Furious:

Despite these obstructions, Attorney General Eric Holder was found to be in criminal and civil contempt of Congress for not honoring a subpoena; Barack Obama asserted Executive Privilege to prevent their release as well. Both were major victories for justice if not outright defeats of injustice.

As the Fast and Furious investigation continues to work itself out, The Oversight Committee is delving into what happened at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. Like in Fast and Furious, Obama administration policies have led to dead bodies. In Benghazi, those bodies include U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

As was the case in Fast and Furious, Issa wants answers and Cummings wants to accuse Issa of playing politics. The problem for Cummings is that by accusing others of playing politics with dead bodies, he could be engaging in a bit of projection. It is Cummings who risks playing politics with his unmitigated defense of everything Democrat.

Both Issa and Cummings appeared separately on CBS’ Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer. First up is Issa, who is doing a great public service in demanding answers.

This interview is well worth listening to – especially Issa’s response to the “but, but, but – didn’t Republicans cut security funds?” question:

Continue at Shoebat’s site for the Cummings interview….

This scandal isn’t going away. In fact, it’s going to haunt Obama all the way to election day.

Meanwhile, on the Republican side, a burgeoning scandal is threatening to derail the Romney/Ryan campaign, see Twitchy for all the sordid details: Paul Ryan’s shocking Dish-gate scandal? The lapdog media are on it!

Is this crap going to stop after Mitt is sworn in? Because I’m damn sick of it, too:

Resist Tyranny: TSA singles out radio host Dana Loesch for harassment:

After concluding that I wasn’t a terrorist hiding weapons in my vagina, the TSA agents allowed me to go. They also gave me information about pre-check, which they said would help me avoid such procedures.

Unfortunately, pre-check isn’t available in all airports and innocent Americans shouldn’t be subjected to a full FBI check simply to board a plane. Also, I doubt we would pass the test considering Janet Napolitano put conservatives like me (and many others) on the DHS domestic terror watch list back in April 2009.

They also did it to our vets.

You can watch the video here, or here.

Yeah, the same thing has been happening to me…. Did you know that if you wear a skirt at the airport that also justifies are vag check?

Why does it feel like these policies have been put in place to do nothing but humiliate and demoralize certain people? Why haven’t Romney or Ryan been asked about their position on this issue? I want it stopped, and common sense security procedures put in their place.

Just a reminder from 11/2010: How The Obama Administration’s National Security Failures Led To “Grope and Change”.


Big Journalism: Politico Hires Anti-Romney Journo Fired from Yahoo!:

In the world of journalism, no bad deed goes unrewarded. Take the case of former Washington bureau chief for Yahoo! News, David Chalian. You may recall that he was fired after he was heard saying during the Republican National Convention that Republicans were “happy to have a party with black people drowning.” He may have been fired from Yahoo! for this ignorant statement, but now he’s been hired by Politico.


Life News: “War on Women” Rhetoric Failing, Romney Gains With Women Voters:

The “War on Women” rhetoric from Planned Parenthood and President Barack Obama is failing, as new polling data show Mitt Romney is gaining with women voters as he challenges the pro-abortion president.

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee released new polling numbers to LifeNews today from key battleground states which show the women’s vote is down to the wire in the presidential race.


“While Democrats traditionally win the woman vote, this poll is a clear indication that Mitt Romney is closing the gender gap,” Nance said. “The survey results reflect what we’ve been saying for months; women are not monolithic voters, women are concerned about the economy, jobs, and foreign policy and not simply who is handing out free birth control.”

“Those on the Left claim there is a Republican ‘war on women,’ but clearly women are not buying it,” Nance said.  “Women of this country are looking for a leader who will lead us out of our current economic turmoil and keep us safe abroad.  Women are looking for leadership that we currently don’t have.”

But, but, but – Mitt Romney wants to outlaw vaginas!!!11!


Peter Ferrera, Forbes: Obama’s Real Unemployment Rate Is 14.7%, And A Recession’s On The Way:

The BLS reported 12.1 million still unemployed in September, another 8.6 million employed part-time for economic reasons, and another 2.5 million marginally attached to the labor force.  The latter “were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the [September] survey,” even though they “wanted and were available for work,” according to the BLS.

All of these are counted in the U6 unemployment rate as also reported by the BLS.  Because the primary change during the month was that 582,000 on net shifted from unemployed to employed part time for economic reasons, this U6 unemployment rate remained unchanged last month at 14.7%.  The total suffering this U6 unemployment was 23.2 million.

Moreover, even this doesn’t nearly fully account for the 8.2 million Americans who have given up hope during the Obama term of office, and dropped out of the work force altogether.  When you are considered out of the work force, you are no longer counted as unemployed, even though you still do not have a job, and you still want and are available for work.

The U6 unemployment rate counts only 2.5 million of those 8.2 million who have given up hope and dropped out during the Obama years.  The ShadowStats website, which counts the long term discouraged workers the government doesn’t count, reports the total rate for the unemployed and underemployed (part time for economic reasons) as 22.8%.

Gateway Pundit: With Gas Prices at Record Levels Obama Cuts Off Drilling in Half of Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve:

The Wall Street Journal reported, via FOX Nation:

President Obama is campaigning as a champion of the oil and gas boom he’s had nothing to do with, and even as his regulators try to stifle it. The latest example is the Interior Department’s little-noticed August decision to close off from drilling nearly half of the 23.5 million acre National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska.

The area is called the National Petroleum Reserve because in 1976 Congress designated it as a strategic oil and natural gas stockpile to meet the “energy needs of the nation.” Alaska favors exploration in nearly the entire reserve. The feds had been reviewing four potential development plans, and the state of Alaska had strongly objected to the most restrictive of the four. Sure enough, that was the plan Interior chose.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar says his plan “will help the industry bring energy safely to market from this remote location, while also protecting wildlife and subsistence rights of Alaska Natives.” He added that the proposal will expand “safe and responsible oil and gas development, and builds on our efforts to help companies develop the infrastructure that’s needed to bring supplies online.”

RS McCain: False-Flag Troll, IRL:


I can pretty much guarantee that this man photographed at a Romney rally in Lancaster, Ohio, is not in fact a Republican, but rather is a plant sent out by the Democrats as a dirty trick.

  • Clue #1: Wearing a “Romney/Ryan” sticker on the back of his T-shirt. Nobody does this. Nobody.
  • Clue #2: It’s kind of chilly in Ohio this time of year, and the guy’s wearing only a T-shirt, while those around him are wearing coats.

My guess is that this guy also wore a coat when he entered the rally, then stationed himself toward the back of the crowd (in front of the riser where the press photographers are stationed) and then removed his coat to expose the T-shirt, with the explicit purpose of having it photographed.

. . . aaanndd, Clue #3: No name? A press photographer is going to take a picture like this and make no effort to ID the guy? Nuh-uh.

Not buying that the Dem campaign office in Denver was shot in by a tea party extremist, either. Democrats have a long and proud history of “faking the hate.” Our B.S. meters should be tweaking whenever we see stories along these lines. Especially since an Alinsky radical currently leads the party.


Seton Motley, Human Events: Obama Style: Russia Looking to Bribe Ukraine:

When President Barack Obama wants to entice you to support him – or reward you for doing so – he bribes you.  Often with our money.

The United Auto Workers Union (UAW) has long been a loyal Democrat apparatchik.  So President Obama gives them $26.5 billion of our money – disguised as an “auto industry bailout.”

The President – as the Government Candidate – wants to broaden his Government-Dependent base.  So he illegally guts the welfare work requirement, expands food stamp recipients from thirty-two to forty-seven millionlards up the Social Security disability rolls and hands out free Obama Phones like there’s no tomorrow.

But when President Obama no longer has any use for you – well, things can get ugly.  For you.

See Wright, Reverend Jeremiah.  Or the President’s “white grandmother.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin is himself a pioneer of this Obama Model.

Unlike President Obama, Putin isn’t a national masochist.  So he has an additional commodity with which to grease palms – domestic energy.

Russia Offers Ukraine Cheap Gas If Kyiv Joins Customs Union

(Ukrainian Prime Minister Nikolai) Azarov said on October 9 that Russia had “put forward conditions: join the Customs Union and tomorrow you will receive gas for $160 (per 1,000 cubic meters).”

 Ukraine is currently paying some $420 per 1,000 cubic meters and the country has imported less Russian gas in 2012 due to disputes over the price.

That’s the carrot.  Because the stick hasn’t for Putin been working fast enough.  Russia wants control of Ukraine’s natural gas pipelines – badly.


Michelle Malkin: A reminder about the last plant-infested, CNN-run town hall debate

Don’t forget: Stand Up For Religious Freedom Nationwide Rallies Sat. October 20

Find one to go to, near you.

Revealing Politics: Intellectually Dishonest and Hypocritical Obama Supporters Answer “Who Are The Obstructionists?” (Video)

Obama supporters leaving an Obama event at Ohio State University, were asked by Revealing Politics’ Caleb Bonham  what they thought of the so-called “obstructionist” politics of the Republicans.

Many of the Obama supporters blamed Republicans and denounced obstructionist tactics. The most ardent activists called for Republicans to cross the isle and help enact Obama’s economic and social policies.

However, when the tables were turned, the interviewees were not so quick to advocate bipartisanship if it meant Democrats helping Republicans enact Mitt Romney’s economic and social policies. In fact, many of those interviewed advocated for obstructionism. Go figure.

The mind-blowing hypocrisy that is caught on tape is just too delicious for words….



Buzz Bissinger Decribes the Blizzard of Unhinged Angst and Vitriol that Came His Way After He Endorsed Romney

When the lifelong Democrat and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist became the most recent public figure to jump off the careening Obama bandwagon and endorse Mitt Romney in a Daily Beast article, last week,  considerable angst and gnashing of teeth ensued on the left. He spoke with Howard Kurtz on CNN’s Reliable Sources about the reaction to his endorsement, which he says was about “6 to 1,”  hateful, profanity-laced insults.

“Giant dumba$$”, “idiot”, “f*cking moron”, “whiny little sh*t”, “complete waste of skin”, and  “a f*cking rich guy” are just a small sample of the insults hurled his way in the wake of his endorsement.

Via The Blaze, he explained:

“I would say between the Daily Beast comments, Twitter comments, Facebook comments– roughly…4,000 comments– I ran about 6-1 against.  And it wasn’t just, you know, ‘I disagree with you.’  It was the f-word, it was ‘you’re a baby killer.’

“It was even friends, [but] among friends it wasn’t as vitriolic. There was this sense of, ‘How dare you, you’re traitor.  You’re a writer.  You’re a journalist. How can you possibly come out in favor of this man?’”

“…You could feel the anguish, you could feel the sense of perhaps traitorship.  I am a lifelong Democrat…”

I imagine Piers Morgan is experiencing something very similar now that he’s publicly endorsed Mitt Romney: Piers Morgan: “Mitt Romney might just save America”